Traveling to Alaska? You’ll need a COVID-19 test


Those flying into the state of Alaska will need to get a COVID-19 test and have those results in hand before boarding their Alaska-bound jet.

If they don’t have their test results with them from tests taken in the previous 72 hours, there will be testers at the major airports to administer the swab tests. These tests will be administered in Anchorage, Juneau, Sitka, Fairbanks, Ketchikan and to some extent Petersburg and Wrangell.

Those who don’t want to take the airport COVID-19 test will be asked to self-isolate for two weeks after they arrive.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy said that officials are trying to minimize the impact on people’s lives, and to try to avoid destroying the economy, but that flying is a part of the Alaskan way of life. The new testing rules begin Friday and replace the mandatory 14-day quarantine that has been in effect.

Travelers buying tickets online will be advised by airlines about Alaska’s testing requirements, and will also be advised during check in. They’ll be directed to an official State of Alaska travel website for more details.

The state will also have a social media campaign to get the word out about the testing program, which will be conducted by contractors.

Travelers must be:

  • Tested within 72 hours to five days prior to departure:
  • May enter Alaska upon showing negative PCR test result for COVID-19
  • May not enter Alaska if they tested positive
  • Tested on arrival:
  • – Upon arrival in Alaska may be tested for COVID-19 and register with the testing site
  • – Must maintain quarantine at their own expense until test results are known
  • – If positive for COVID-19, must isolate for duration of illness at their own expense

Critical infrastructure workforce:

  • Must abide by their company’s community protective plan on file with the state
  • None of the above (no prior test result, decline testing, and not a critical infrastructure worker)
  • Must undergo 14-day quarantine at their own expense

Travelers will be asked to minimize in-person interactions for an additional 7-14 days after arrival and will be offered a follow-up test. Travelers must complete and sign the Alaska Travel Declaration form and present a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival.

Travelers are strongly encouraged to wear masks, practice social distancing and good hygiene, be respectful of the health of Alaskans, and to stay home if they are sick or at risk for COVID-19.


  1. This is a tourism industry deal killer. And tourism is about all that is left in Alaska. It will prove very challenging for those from other states to get a test and results within 72 hrs of departing for Alaska. Many states will not test unless you are having symptoms. So if no test before arrival then you can wait around for a test st the airport and then in a few days get the result. If negative then within several days you will have to get another. Who is going to want to do this?
    What is the Governor thinking? Alaska has very very few cases and the risk is very very low. This mandate will bankrupt many businesses for very little corresponding benefit.

    • Will be flying into Anchorage in August this year. I can get tested here in the States, but would like it to be simple to test the 2nd time there also. Where does one get tested in Alaska? I’m staying just 30 minutes outside Denali Park.

  2. Now our RINO Governor is regulating interstate commerce and violating people’s 4th Amendment rights. Trashing the 1st Amendment wasn’t enough for our overgrown Dictator. Where will this tyranny end?

    • Will be flying into Anchorage in August this year. I can get tested here in the States, but would like to be simple to test the 2nd time there also. Where does one get tested in Alaska? I’m staying just 30 minutes outside Denali Park.

  3. Great to hear. Are the tests looking for symptomatic as well as antibody immune conditions? Are these immunity tests going to be made available to Alaskans too, so we can understand whether our immune system has been empowered to recognize and eliminate on its own?

    Good on the State to be creative to find ways to open its doors.

  4. I will refuse any Comrade Dunleavy COVID19 test and do the 14 day quarantine instead. Comrade Dun cannot just let Alaskans go. Dun and Zink will keep their thumbs on us.

  5. My wife and I planned our 6th trip to Alaska back in January, then Covid-19 happened. Today, June 4th we were to start our trip, but instead we were forced to make other plans. Last Saturday we pulled the plug. Airline reservations, rentals had to cancelled along with fishing trip & tours. We had an appointment to also get our land surveyed up in Willow that had to be postponed.
    I feel for the individuals/businesses that tourism is essential towards their survival. One such business did not have the funds to refund us at the time. We took the leap of faith and accepted their offer to hold our trip till a later date. Will they be able to survive and remain in business until that time arrives?
    We will not be dictated to that we are required to be Covid-19 tested.
    Stay strong Alaska!

    • Sorry for this, we thought we were electing a strong conservative as Governor but are left with a frightened RINO who has ceded all authority to a career medical apparatchik.

  6. This is crazy! We just got flight reservations thinking it would be better than RVing home through Canada this year. Canada has imposed strict measures and screening:like you have only 24 hours to transit the Yukon, no stopping except for self serve fuel, etc.

  7. And what about those who need to travel the Alcan Highway? Canada basically has a “no exposure” travel policy in place, what about Alaska testing??

  8. A close reading of the Governor’s amendment to Mandate 10 shows additional burdens that make it even more problematic that visitors will
    want to come to Alaska.
    Any pre travel Testing will not be enough by itself. All
    Who arrive and have been pre tested with a negative result will also be given a test voucher and will be required to be tested in Alaska between 7 and 14 days of their initial arrival.
    Who will put up with this?
    The Governor says these are recommendations but the actual written document says they are required. If one does not want to comply with these testing requirements they can opt for the 14 day quarantine requirement which the Governor admits is not being enforced. These mandates and amendments will be ignored by many. His mandates and refusal to enforce them are making law breakers of many Alaskans returning to the State. And it is because they are too restrictive and chill travel when Alaska most needs the economic injection tourism provides. This unnecessary action has the real potential to cripple Alaska businesses and its people for a long time if not permanently.

  9. For five years I’ve been planning a motorcycle trip to Fairbanks and Skagway to ride the White Pass & Yukon RR where my father worked during WWII. I’m in my 70’s now and this year was probably my last chance to make the trip.

    Now I hear this.


  10. Papers, please! Tell me, when exactly did this country become the USSR? What legal right is there to stop an American citizen from going to any state he or she pleases?

  11. There are no quarantine police like in Hawaii. These are guidelines meant to stop a large outbreak. Anyone can come and handle it like they please and no one will know or care.

  12. I’m not sure why we are so reticent to say it, but if you don’t live in Alaska for the winter or the usual six +/- months that make up winter…then you aren’t an Alaskan. Sure, maybe you used to could be an Alaskan, maybe your dad was one…who knows. But if you don’t live here but for the summer months then you ain’t Alaskan. Do your quarantine like the rest of the visitors, you aren’t anything special and we don’t want you to bring your diseases back “home” with you.

  13. Look STEVE-O, because I spend 6 months out side during winter, does not mean I’m not an Alaskan. I Lived here 40 years, lived in Nome 32 years, I own and Pay taxes on a home in Nome, and I return every Spring and leave every fall when the Snow hits the ground.

    As far as I am concerned you sir do not represent the Alaskan Spirit so missing in Alaska the past 20 or so years since you liberals started moving here. Please move back to California or where ever in the hell you came , Because you are not a true Alaskan, and I don’t care if you were born here or not.

  14. Tested within 72 hours to five days prior to departure:

    Please clarify. Is is within 72 hours or 5 days. You do know that it is almost impossible to have test results in 72 hours. This is sad.

  15. *Tested within 72 hours to five days prior to departure*

    Please clarify. Is is within 72 hours or 5 days. You do know that it is almost impossible to have test results in 72 hours. This is sad.

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