Three weeks away: School start dates around the state


It’s back-to-school time, with the first start date in Alaska just 20 days away. Here are some of the start dates from around the state:

  • Aug. 10 – Kotzebue, other Northwest Arctic Borough communities, including Ambler, Shungnak.
  • Aug. 11 – Bethel
  • Aug. 17 – Juneau
  • Aug. 17 – Anchorage
  • Aug. 17 – Kenai
  • Aug. 18 – Mat-Su
  • Aug. 18 – Fairbanks
  • Aug. 18 – Skagway
  • Aug. 18 – Haines
  • Aug. 18 – Dillingham
  • Aug. 23 – Sitka
  • Aug. 25 – Copper River School District
  • Aug. 25 – Nome
  • Aug. 26 – Ketchikan


  1. Mask up kids.

    You’re the least likely group to be effected by Covid, but the hysterical bedwetters in your local school boards know better.

  2. Schools get paid by the number of children in their seats for the first couple weeks of school. Don’t send your children to school until October. Let’s defund them and hit them where it hurts.

    • Dawn, actually the student count period for State funding is the first 3 weeks of October. Parents, keep your kids out of school during those weeks. That is the ONLY power you have over your children’s education. The K12 Education Industry understands money. Take your kids on field trips; start education pods with other parents, focusing/sharing your skills on certain subjects; use on-line materials; and go to for really helpful subject matter and tutorial help. You own your kids. You owe your kids.

  3. Kids and teachers are going to be wearing diapers on their faces this fall across the state. I hope I am wrong.

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