On Wednesday, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski released a statement that once again criticizes President Donald Trump for doing what he said he would do. She says that efficiency in government is good but it needs to be done with proper channels and procedures, not the way it’s being handled by the Trump Administration.
“Efficiency in government should be a goal for every administration, agency, and federal employee. But how we achieve it also matters. By circumventing proper channels and procedures, and creating the potential to compromise the sensitive data of Americans, we create a tremendous amount of unnecessary anxiety. That is wrong. Good governance is based on trust, not fear,” she said on X/Twitter.
Murkowski has been in office since 2002. During the past four years of the Biden Administration, as government workforce grew by 6% in four years, Murkowski never criticized Biden for it, nor did she mention government efficiency. In fact, she’s never been publicly concerned about government efficiency or reduction of tax burdens on Americans until Wednesday.
Instead, Murkowski was virtue signaling that she sides with protesters who took to the streets Wednesday to protest Trump and Elon Musk, who is heading up his Department of Government Efficiency initiative — DOGE.
These are the same protestors who are saying they “never voted for Elon Musk,” and yet it’s apparent they never voted for Trump either, like Murkowski never voted for Trump.
When President Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline permit in 2021, he killed an estimated 11,000 jobs.
Where were the leftist protesters in 2021, objecting to the destruction of private sector energy jobs?
Murkowski said little if anything about Biden’s actions on Keystone.
When the Biden Administration fired 8,000 men and women from the Armed Forces because they refused to take the Covid shot in 2021, where were the leftist protesters, objecting to the release of military members who didn’t want to be part of a medical experiment?
Murkowski said nothing about the wholesale removal of America’s most patriotic warriors.
But on Feb. 5, Murkowski popped up a sniping message on social media that said government efficiency has to be done the right way, not the Trump way.
She didn’t offer what the right way would be, however, although she surely must have some ideas after serving in the Senate for 23 years.
Our government is completely out of control for a few more minutes. Lisa looks like she is about to suck an O ring. Wouldn’t that be terrible??
Nepotism Lisa, you’ve had 22 years to reduce the size of government.
You’ve done nothing. Zero.
Get out of the way – we have a non-politician who is actually going to get something done.
The ones who are screaming the loudest…Have the most to lose!
Lisa has used the same solution she’s used the past 23 years: spew sound bites.
We need to show the princes crook they one way out.
She is guilty of all this spending by voting yes.
Come on Alaska let’s get rid of the princes.
Wait until DOGE releases the Soros funding of your campaign, Lisa. Sixteen -Thirty mean anything to you? Enjoy Gitmo
You can see the true terror in every single public figure who speaks out against this. They will have to now scrub toilets.. in prison. I am soo happy I got to vote for a leader for the first time in my life.
I’m also noticing a few actual Republican elected officials are not shouting and screaming.. but remaining awfully quiet.
Everyone… welcome to next week’s narrative:
“Efficiency in government should be a goal for every administration, agency, and federal employee. But how we achieve it also matters. By circumventing proper channels and procedures, and creating the potential to compromise the sensitive data of Americans, we create a tremendous amount of unnecessary anxiety. That is wrong. Good governance is based on trust, not fear,”
Expect your local leftist to be parroting those words, starting by Monday, if not immediately.
Too late, it’s all about to come out. Trump is pushing them all into the light. He’s done more in 17 days than any other President.
We need to have a nation wide vote on whether to investigate these government agency’s and employees by the taxpayers.
If we vote to unmask these agency’s then the judges need to stand down.
Mark wake up; that’s what Nov 5th was about … among other illegalities
Yes, I know about the vote November 5. What I’m advocating is, let’s have just a simple vote. Should we audit the federal government and our tax dollars in every department, including the Fed or not? This should be an easy yes question for every taxpayer in America to find out where their money is going.
Again, we already had a vote on this issue. It’s time to let the leader lead.
Those words are as vapid and tone deaf as their source. I guess that makes them perfect.
This evisceration of USAID is an existential threat to some people’s “careers”, and they have to come out and say something.
Sorry… I missed it.
How is your statement relevant to what I wrote?
My comment was obviously snark intended to point out that the leftists all talk from the same playbook. This week, everyone is outraged because Musk is “unelected.” Next week it will be… what? My guess is above.
And, you turn this into… some comment about a bunch of government paper pushers losing their jobs? Bummer… welcome to the real world. If they had any experience outside of government, they would not see this as an existential threat. It would be just another day in the office.
Brother, my comment was about Old Stinky. I apologize that was not clear.
It got put in the wrong place.
Apologize if my response was off base.
The establishment Republicans are worried that their activities will be exposed. She is worried about the deep state and not the best for the taxpayers and republic.
Lisa gave up being a Republican under Obama. She’s been one of them since his reign of mediocrity.
Through channels?….we have been waiting for them to fix themselves for eons…the same as the Immigration problem and Border Control.. those same topics come up year after year. and when Biden took office and killed off 1000s of jobs, they told us we would get green jobs and to suck it up, figure out which side we were going to be on because they were going to take away our civil rights. (per circle back Psaki).Oh, and welcome to the New Democrat World Order. I like the Trump Way…. you can run your mouth year after year about doing something or just do it – He just did it and they don’t like it. which is why nothing ever changed. They act like someone just arrested their dealer
It might be efficient to reduce our Senate representation by one, but then, that’s only wishful thinking.
If Lisa is complaining we must be doing all the right things, and pressing all the right buttons.
She needs to go now, immediate RECALL!!! She embodies the distrust of all Americans in the Guv’ment largess. Everything she expresses is counterproductive and yet, she continues aimlessly forward, never listening to her constituents and/or Americans, whom have clearly elected by a landside, for change. It’s long past time we have a change in our Senator too! She is nothing short of an empty suite, complete air-thief, who offers no meaningful significance – value.
Get right on that recall Rob B. It’s got potential, right?
Unfortunately it appears the recall of US Senators and Representatives is not permitted. Unless they resign or pass on to meet St Peter we’re stuck with them unless they expelled by their legislative body; something I see as unlikely in Princesses’ case.
You are correct Simon.
We need Alaskans to pull their heads out of the tundra and repeal RCV, and then lyin’ Lisa*.
*Remember in 2010 when she said she would respect the voters’ wishes and back the winner of the primary?
Lisa needs to be prosecuted for her crimes just as they all do for any thefts of funds or favors/ possible Treason.
We can hope she’s part of one of the malicious USAID fiascos & we’ll see her in Pam Bondi’s court. She seems into landscape namings but dense as a rock on everything else.
Kimberly; I love your enthusiasm, but we need to remind ourselves that one of our founding fathers principals was that everyone is innocent UNTIL proven guilty.
Given that Lisa is screaming in terror for her livelyhood being exposed.. she will be found guilty. We need the evidence first. The Dems are desperately trying to get in the offices and erase it all.
Agreed. Since there is no way to recall her, repeal the 17th amendment. Make senators hled accountable to their voters and when they go rogue, they can be recalled and fired.
Let’s wait and see if her name is on the USAID list.
We know Liz Cheney and her daddy were on it. Figure Murkowski was in on the grift too along with Mittens Romney.
Unfortunately for Alaskans, Lisa’s learning curve is long and very slow. She has been in the Senate for over 22 years and she is just now realizing that government is too big? I knew all about that in my first year in office in 1981. I guess Lisa needs to protect her Democrat friends who work in government. She just likes to keep people employed. She certainly kept the Bar examiners employed for years…….on my dime.
Frankie, she also seems to be unable to comprehend that the president is chief executive. No wonder we hear it took her how many times to pass the bar exam?
Oh of course she did. She’s a democrat playing to her base. She, we, Trump all know Trump could not care less about her opinion.
If Princess loses access to the pork, the left will dump her like a bad date.
Simply amazing that this odious woman has no shame.
Murkowski and Sullivan are both complicit in this crime against ALL United States citizens. You can’t honestly tell me that they didn’t know what was going on. They have both been in DC long enough to know.
High time for Alaskans to end the careers of both Murkowski/Sullivan and send them packing!
Tim: Packing quite a bundle of unfocused outrage there. Any basis for your sentiments?
“Unfocused rage”, stalwart establishment defender Geldhof?
I’d say his righteous outrage is well-focused and directly on target.
But, being a lawyer, you are almost automatically part of the arrogant sneering class.
We’ll Jeff, I’ve infrequently been characterized as a defender of the establishment but being as you hide behind an anonymous label that makes ascertaining who you are and what you do impossible, why don’t you enlighten everyone and explain the basis for your conclusion.
Start with a review of legal cases I’ve actually appeared in that protect the Alaska Constitution and the rights of Alaskan citizens.
Let’s see if you can actually engage in some rational analysis or should we just conclude your yet another anonymous guy living in a world of your own construction who is posting outsized opinions disconnected from reality.
And the arrogant and disingenuous Geldhof bloviates again!
Joe, virtually EVERY comment that I have ever seen from you in this forum has been attachttacking those who were rightfully decrying or highlighting the crimes and corruption of the status-quo power structure — a power structure which you have invariably defended, either implicitly or explicitly. Being a lawyer, and therefore a part of that arrogant, corrupt and self-serving power structure, it could hardly be otherwise.
And by the way, Joe, you instantly lose the argument, ANY argument, as well as the moral and intellectual high ground the moment that you arrogantly attack anonymity as something shameful, instead of it being a foundational part of the right to privacy that every American SHOULD enjoy.
Jeff: How’s it feel to be coward who can’t answer basic questions put to him in a rational manner?
yeah, Joe: how does it feel not answering a single question with relevance and honesty?
Why the continued deflection and name calling, Joe?
You apparently have not been paying attention. Read up about DOGE uncovering massive waste and grift in USAID payments.
I’ll bet she was in on the grift.. Lisa doesn’t appreciate a constitutional republic, she prefers banana republic.
She needs to go. Her TDS is hurting her constituents.
Randy it is good to know that you are still alive and kicking. I think that a large portion of Lisa’s constituents agree with her. They are on the opposite side of the political spectrum than we are. They depend on the swamp operating as usual, as does Lisa.
Lisa’s constituents happen to be left-wing Democrats. They love her because she is a traitorous Republican. They vote for her.
ps…….the same reason we Republicans LOVE Bobbie Kennedy Jr.
She really is a terrible legislator. I hear she’s amazing to her staff but that just makes it so much more frustrating that she is so petty & juvenile when it comes to her job. It’s about dang time someone started kicking butt & taking names when it comes to decreasing a ridiculously gluttonous & too massive to even imagine government that is in direct opposition to the US Constitution by its very existence! The Federal Government was NEVER supposed to be the big brother welfare state that it’s become for over 1/3 of Alaskans (in some form- including all the “jobs” programs infested by the work part-time get paid full-time & then whine about it bureaucrats). To even take that position given the FACTS flowing out about USAID is inane & demonstrates a level of incompetence worthy of a no confidence vote. She’s just GOT to go!
This “I never voted for Musk” faux outrage is stupid. Under Grandpa Bloodstains I never voted for the cast of mutants he had surrounding him.
Why? I voted for Trump and Trump lost. Quoting Obama (God help me) elections have consequences.
One of the big ones being POTUS gets to pick his team.
Very true. Elections have consequences. And Lisa keeps getting elected – easily. So what do we do?? Are there any smart, politically savvy opponents to dethrone her?
Gut the gutless AK GOP.
Then recruit actual conservatives.
I’m seriously going to throw my hat in the ring.
I think quite a few of us regulars here should do the same.
How about we get rid of her as a start. Then we know we are on the right path.
Past governance was based on fear, not trust, and I, on behalf of my constituents, resent the work that has been done to expose that, and if I am to have an indefinite future here, this malarkey needs to be stopped. USAID was perfect. I forgot to mention that. I have been here 23 years now, and it has always been perfect. So much so that I have never taken exception to any of its activities, and I certainly don’t now.
signed O.S.
I hope she knows where to stuff that!
She is nothing but a tax and spend Deep State minion.
Let’s all take a look at Murkowski’s own spreadsheet on finances … bet we would find something that might not belong there or better … contributions from big pharma or kickbacks from some of the USAID money that seems to be floating around, easy pickins for anyone leaning to the left … just saying, because Lord only knows where all that money has gone to …
Ukraine money?
Murkowski is always murky and suffering TDS.
“Proper channels and procedures.” Yes, the exact words of an entrenched career politician. Lisa received a lot of money during the Biden Admin from which we can assume some type of skim or kickbacks were taken. She knows the gig could be up soon.
Murkowski has been in office since 2002. In fact, she’s never been publicly concerned about government efficiency or reduction of tax burdens on Americans until Wednesday.
Pretty well sums up The Princess career
I just wish she would do us all a favor and just go away.
Being the good Catholic, abortion supporting scallywag that she is.
Wonder IF any of the money Biden skimmed off drops down to Lisas level?
I believe she left the Catholic church and now Lutheran or Presbyterian.
Lutheran you say?
They’re getting a nice bite of that USAID grift.
al johnson, as a baptized, confirmed, and member of the Missouri Synod Lutheran church (conservative), I hope Princess took her godless beliefs elsewhere. Then again she may have found her way to the equally godless Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).
Oh it drops down alright.
No, Princess you are simply scared feckless that you and your minions will be purged…. We really don’t care what Lisa thinks about anything. She’s only about HERSELF! Another disgusting swamp creature!
Murkowski is a liabilty. She needs to go.
Sen. Murkowski,
I have sat on several Alaska formed committees, task force groups, some of which I was appointed to by the legislature or a business/industry group to find ways to cut government costs, to even privatize services. I see no difference in this effort of investigation or recommendations by DOGE.
Please change your news channel for a different perspective. You can’t react so negatively to every suggestion and issue.
How many times did you vote in favor of a budget that funded some of the frivolous USAID grants that have been discovered by DOGE? Did you or did you not, know what you were voting for?
Creating jobs has never been Trumps strategy. Just look at the results of his first term. Why can’t he do another one of his executive orders only this time order all supermarket chains to return grocery prices to what they were in 2019. Make it enforceable all the way down to the food producers. If not deport any objectors. Show them who is in charge once again.
Sebastian; seriously, why do you have a problem with this simple word:
rel·e·vant ˈre-lə-vənt
Synonyms of relevant
A : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand
B : affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion
relevant testimony
c: having social relevance
You’re asking too much from him.
I know it’s pointless to hold Sebastian or any Democrat accountable, but I’m going to continue to do so and be the example instead of sinking to his level.
Are you still on grocery prices? Didn’t you hear, this weeks source of outrage is “No one voted for Musk.”
Next week’s will be “This is not the right way to make the government efficient!”
Please try to keep up.
No, next week it will be “Is it true CBMTTek is a bot?”
Ohhh… good one.
But… how is that going to get on the talking points memo? If it is not on at least 50% of the MSM news outlets, it is not the new outrage.
Tell you what. I will Venmo you $100 if you can help me make that happen.
The left is still using the “Nazi” thing…ugh
Sebastian, your girl Lisa says that good government is based upon Trust and not Fear, which is weird because she also voted to add 87,000 IRS agents to the Government Payrolls. In your opinion did her vote to add these agents constitute “Job Creation”? Huh…
Two thirds of Americans could use fewer groceries. That would make RFK’s job a lot easier.
Natural Alaskan,
Ha,ha hahahahahahahah Now there is a focus point that would prove invaluable. Good post!!!
Leftists prefer tyranny over freedom, even when they try to insult others their love for tyranny at all costs shines through.
That is because they believe they will be they ones in charge.
Governments job is not regulate private sector businesses. Government restructuring is a must after the last 4 years of uncontrolled money printing and spending. That’s the key to your grocery prices coming down. Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers until the Wuhan surprise was released on the planet.
And you would immediately bleat ” FASCISM!!!!!!!!!!” Like all th rest of the leftist flock. If he ordered private businesses to drop prices like that , it would be actual fascism of the type your ilk complain so absurdly about. Government control over private bu.. Is the definition of fascism
She makes me sick. So tired of this crap. Anyone want a bridge to nowhere, er Gravina Island. There is nothing that she doesn’t want US, the taxpayers to pay for. She makes me sick.
Sorry, while the Princess is not a fan favorite, the Bridge to Nowhere was on Palin’s watch.
The bridge was Frank the Bank’s boondoggle.
Joe, not quite. It was Nancy’s boondoggle, not mine. Nancy owned land on the other side of the bridge to nowhere. But I’ll take the blame for Nancy. But not for my miserable daughter.
I was hoping to get a road built out to my property so I could sell off some of those beautiful trees for lumber. We need to do more clear cutting and harvest the forest. Just looking at the trees is a waste of resources. If Lisa sides with the environmentalists on this issue then she can kiss my old Murkowski *ss, and whistle for her entitlements from my estate. I won’t leave her a twig.
Nancy, Nice to hear from you. It would appear that you haven’t visited your property from years past on the purchase. THERE ARE NO COMMERCIAL TREES ON IT!. its all muskeg, but you knew that, right?
The Ketchikan Airport Ferry has more passenger trips than the entire Alaska Marine Highway combined. They’re all going “nowhere”? The only “boondoggle” are the new ramps that aren’t functional. How’s about an article on that, Suzi?
This is what the Princess would rather have.
“Our government was instead run by unelected bureaucrats who ruthlessly weaponized state power against their political enemies, engineered mass illegal voting in our elections, installed a draconian censorship regime, instituted a colossal system of state-sponsored racial discrimination, orchestrated a vast border invasion to try to permanently alter the balance of power, trafficked half a million children across the border, allowed criminals to freely terrorize our citizens, and raided the treasury to fund a political army of marxist radicals in a bid for permanent control over US institutions.”
Who does Lisa represent other then herself and her donors?
She looks terrible, time to retire Lisa. Join Liz Cheney, and live a quiet and simple life.
Yep Jonathan, until I saw that picture of Lisa, I used to think that Madelyn Albright was the ugliest female in politics.
If you leave out Jamie Allred, I’d agree with you.
Yeah, Madelyn Albright with her Witches Hats, would be a nice fit for Lisa.
Lisa Murkowski: The (scowling) face that sank 1000 ships.
Who is surprised that this democrat does not want DOGE to stop the funding of her fellow democrats? She is a self serving RINO and baby killer! She would have been gone if it was not for the funding by Mitch Chinas Bytch McConnel and the RINOs. She is mad likely because her part in this will likely surface and she fears that. She should resign and go to Florida with her grifting dad. Take your Carbon Capture UN scamming Brother with you! You could have a TV show called Grift kings.
While I have heard that she indeed, has a residents in Florida, her parents reside between Fairbanks and Wrangell.
She’s part of the swamp.
The scowl on the old crones face says it all. Now that Trump is exposing the corruption and grift it will be interesting to see where the $$$ trail leads, isn’t that right Lisa? Say Hi to Pam Bondi for me…………
What a hideous, disgusting, hypocritical swamp creature that woman is.
I loathe her with every fiber of my being.
I can’t wait to see just how much D.O.G.E. finds that lined her pockets with so called efficiency and good governance…
Well, there you have it: Lisa Murkowski, deep-stater and champion of big government. To heck with Alaskans and taxpayers in general. I’m sure she’ll barf up her favorite catch phrase, “good public policy.” This usually means more taxes, more intrusion in our lives and more regulation. She’s not reading the room. Alaskans and Americans want less government. Less taxes. Less deficit spending and less national debt. Alaskans, in particular, want and need less Lisa.
Lisa does not matter anymore. She and Collins and semi awake McConnell’s vote doesn’t mean anything. Senate Republican wins last November were just as important as President Trump’s victory
Agree about the 2024 senate wins. We would have had even more had the vote fraud in some states been dealt with better by the RNC (ie NV and AZ).
Gonna be difficult to replace the swamp creatures with honest Alaskans. I would suspect the motives of anyone who wants to leave Alaska to live in DC. I would rather vomit.
How about ZOOM meetings? Instead of per diam flying back & forth, each congressional member would be supplied w/a congressional-use only phone number where all government business MUST be conducted via the gov. phone; there’d be a permanent record too; voters could call in & get copies of meetings etc. Transparency all around!
Senator Murkowski is simply telling the Executive Branch that they are overstepping the Legislative Branch’s authority and the Judicial Branch will eventually rule on who can step on whom. To date Trump has complied with Federal Judge orders
I think that is her opinion, not any kind of legal reality.
President Trump has issued… what over 200 Executive Orders since he was sworn in. So far, two… three have been challenged legally.
If the President was actually overstepping the Legislative branch’s authority, there would he dozens of lawsuits and judges across the nation would be stopping the EOs.
OH Frank, Trump is not overstepping anything.
Remember that she and her family are from a dirty little town who had a mayor who’s election speech year after year was”this is a dirty little town and I am going to keep it a dirty little town “
Wait until DOGE lists how much Lisa has been getting outside her salary.
“Good governance is based on trust, not fear…,” she said.
She’s right about this at any rate, and I don’t trust her.
She needs to retire for the best of her family and the country.
It makes me wonder how much money she is receiving from USAID.
Lisa is bringing the receipts about how terrifically not bright she is. Three times to pass the Bar exam, really? She is also providing conclusive evidence of how much of an ‘establishment’ swamp creature she really is. Lisa shares the same thought patterns as Mitch McConnell does which is pathological TDS i.e.If we could get rid of that Orange Man, life would be so much better for us inside the Beltway. Alaska will be much better off when she is out of the Senate.
If Trump did things Lisa’s way, it would probably entail creating a special oversight committee to review any legislation, which would increase the size of the government. It would be wonderful if she would take the time to study the issues before issuing a sound bite. I could care less about the President’s personality, etc. He is getting the job done. Once the swamp is drained, maybe we won’t have to use a credit card so we can pay our taxes before the IRS starts harassing us. It’s funny how, if your name is Biden, you don’t have to worry about trivial things like taxes.
Lisa is just another Deep Stater that’s trying to hang on to her Gravy Train Grift. There is no doubt a lot of her compadres are in the same situation. They are uneasy about DOGE uncovering more of their scam. DOGE is already uncovering the ways money has been moved around to the Grift Machine known as the US Government through USAID and paid for by you. Enjoy the show – it’s going to be a wild ride and The WICKED WITCH OF THE NORTH and her cohorts aren’t the only ones that will likely get exposed.
What a sad joke she has become.
Glad everyone is coming wide awake. I’m enjoying watching the rage build. If WE had invested the money into our own country that these scumbags have squandered imagine what the country would look like??? Until 7 days ago I had no idea about USAID, they have been keeping this quiet and off the radar. Ever wonder why our country is in such disrepair??? Well now we know. Let’s fix the problem.
With every passing month, Princess Lisa comes more and more to resemble a scowling billiken.
I should post the picture of us standing next to each other from 20 years ago. She has the “Deer caught in the headlights” look.
May the flea’s of a thousand camels infest her pits..
Which “pits” exactly? I’m thinking lower pit… but that’s me.
Talk about “circumventing proper channels and procedures” ! USAID has been doing that for decades, with their efforts to turn the world into Rainbowistan.
If you want to sit in that same seat after the next election you best be getting your sh*t together, Murkowski. Tolerance for your contrarian nonsense is waining rapidly and pretending you know a better way after 23 years of demonstrating that you don’t is not going to cut it.
Here’s your only path moving forward…
Knock off the antagonistic maverick dissenter nonsense and embrace the group you were elected to support. Anything less and you lose your seat at the table. This is not a difficult concept and it would be a good idea to adopt change quickly. No last minute hope and a prayer for you.
Not that she cares, but Princess Lisa’s legacy will be
1) Daddy gave her the senate seat,
2) she was beaten one too many times with the ugly stick,
3) multiple failed attempts to pass the bar exam (wonder where she numbered in her graduating class?)
4) lost 2 primaries and cheated with a write in campaign and RCV (which she probably got funded with USAID $$$ to her buddies),
5)President Trump broke her.
Murkowski looks like she’s about to blow a head gasket! She, along with her fellow Uniparty criminals, are about to become an endangered species in American politics.
She is the poster child for abolishing the 17th amendment. States need a way to recall and fire their sitting senators. Make them responsible to their state voters
Agree 100%
Wait until everyone finds out that it was USAID money that has been used over and over to fund the migrant trains through Mexico. It takes a lot of money for the food, water and transportation to get here.
You ‘all been funding this racketeering. This is what happens when you feed the monster. Just where did you think 40 trillion went?
I think Lisa is afraid that DOGE will expose her not my personal information.
“By circumventing proper channels and procedures and creating the potential to compromise the sensitive data of Americans, we create a tremendous amount of unnecessary anxiety. That is wrong. Good governance is based on trust, not fear,” she said on X/Twitter.”
“Proper channels” is an interesting concept. When the Grace Commission during Reagan’s terms reported the waste and inefficiencies of government, the only thing the “proper channels” did was eliminated the report. Big Government Lisa would like those same “proper channels” to be responsible for the mess we have now, probably because they would do the same thing now as they did in the 80’s.
The fact is that such agencies as USAID have deep roots in the Democrat Party, of which Murkowski is far more invested in than the Republican Party. If you need money for your campaign, USAID can provide a grant for something like a Libyan Lesbian organization and launder that money into a campaign donation.
Now, I am not saying that Murkowski is necessarily corrupt, but if not, she is unbelievably gullible. If there are “proper channels”, they don’t work (just as many government employees). Government employment is oversized and inefficient. Unfortunately, the days when the scalpel was useful are long gone. Trump is right to pull out the chain saw.
Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, said, “that government which governs best is that government which governs the most.” No, wait….
Lisa will attempt to block everything that trump does. This is very obvious. When do I sign an impeachment petition? We need to remove her from office NOW! She is making Alaskans look like idiots and she may be the swing vote on some trump policies. Let’s remove her immediately!!!
Crocodile tears from the princess. She could really care less because she knows the Alaska lemmings will keep voting her back into office thanks to RCV. Maybe Alaskans will finally wake up and bounce her out in 2028…not holding my breath.
Gee, Senator contrarian RINO, What are you nervous about? I don’t recall you complaining that John Kerry, an UNELECTED BUREAUCRAT was running around the world for Joe Biden, pushing the NEW GREEN SCAM, to Alaska’s detriment, and blowing millions doing it!
Makes me need to ask: #WhatsInYOURWallet
Great comment, and so true!
Murkowski and Peltola – two of the worst people to ever represent Alaska. They both have done more to support the Democratic party and its agenda then to represent Alaska and what Alaskans want done. Anyone who hires either one of these idiots after they get out of office will surely lose points with conservative businesses and people.
Proper channels and procedures is code for slow walk and don’t really make any cuts, make excuses not to make cuts, if any cuts are made, will be miniscule, years down the road, or just transfer the spending to another bureaucratic entity. Benefits the spendaholic princess. The main worry for the princess is that her taxpayer funded credit card with unlimited spending may now have a spending limit on it- can’t have that.
It’s funny how, in 23 years to date, our beloved Princess Lisa was never once able to find or use these so-called “proper channels” to cut the egregious waste and abuse of government funds — OUR funds — that Musk and Trump have been recently exposing.
Something tells me that she never tried very hard, if at all.
Worth noting is Rep Massie’s X post that Congress will likely fully fund USAID in March when they vote for the omnibus spending bill. Lisa will be one that votes with the Dems to fund it. ?
Our Madam Senator continues to “vote her conscience“ rather than the will of the people of Alaska. It would appear that every accusation by left leaning politicians is a confession.
That’s worth repeating. Every Accusation is a Confession!!
She’s more “madam” than senator
Pathetic RINO! Where was this venom when her Dem masters were running roughshod over the Constitution? #WhatsInHerWallet
The hunters have just become the hunted. Isn’t it great??
Lisa needs to go as does her fellow Liar and Cheat Kelly Merrick!!!
Hmmm ? follow the Money?
The lights have been turned on and the cockroaches are scrambling.
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