Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski will be a “no” vote on the nomination of Pete Hegseth for the Secretary of Defense. She said his drinking, infidelity, and the accusations against him were factors in her decision:
“Since Mr. Hegseth’s nomination last November, I have met with him and carefully reviewed his writings, various reports, and other pertinent materials. I closely followed his hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee and gathered substantial feedback from organizations, veterans, and Alaskans. After thorough evaluation, I must conclude that I cannot in good conscience support his nomination for Secretary of Defense. I did not make this decision lightly; I take my constitutional responsibility to provide advice and consent with the utmost seriousness,” she said.
Murkowski voted to back 12 Biden nominees for his cabinet.
“I commend Pete Hegseth’s service to our nation, including leading troops in combat and advocating for our veterans. However, these accomplishments do not alleviate my significant concerns regarding his nomination. Managing the Department of Defense requires vast experience and expertise as the department is one of the most complex and powerful organizations in the world, and Mr. Hegseth’s prior roles in his career do not demonstrate to me that he is prepared for such immense responsibility. His leadership of two veteran organizations was marked with accusations of financial mismanagement and problems with the workplace culture he fostered,” she said.
Murkowski voted to confirm Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who oversaw the withdrawal and death of troops from Afghanistan and later disappeared for days, not telling anyone — even the White House — that he was in the hospital for a serious medical condition that required him to undergo surgery. He had not named a person to take over while he was unconscious.
“Although he has recently revised his statements on women in combat since being nominated, I remain concerned about the message that confirming Mr. Hegseth sends to women currently serving and those aspiring to join. Women have served our nation with distinction, overcoming immense obstacles to excel in combat and leadership roles, and they deserve to know that their leader honors and values their commitment to our nation,” Murkowski continued.
“While the allegations of sexual assault and excessive drinking do nothing to quiet my concerns, the past behaviors Mr. Hegseth has admitted to, including infidelity on multiple occasions, demonstrate a lack of judgment that is unbecoming of someone who would lead our armed forces. These behaviors starkly contrast the values and discipline expected of servicemembers. Men and women in uniform are held accountable for such actions, and they deserve leaders who uphold these same standards,” Murkowski said.
Murkowski voted to confirm Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, who led the reign of terror against Alaska’s economy during the past four years, halting every form of energy and resource development.
“Above all, I believe that character is the defining trait required of the Secretary of Defense, and must be prioritized without compromise. The leader of the Department of Defense must demonstrate and model the standards of behavior and character we expect of all servicemembers, and Mr. Hegseth’s nomination to the role poses significant concerns that I cannot overlook. Given the global security environment we’re operating in, it is critical that we confirm a Secretary of Defense, however, I regret that I am unable to support Mr. Hegseth.”
Yep. Even his ex wife was hiding from him in a closet. sounds kinda like the boy is out of control.
Is that why she’s threatening to sue MSNBC for defamation?
She denied any physical abuse and contacted NBC to inform them that their information was inaccurate and would be contacting her lawyer…so who’s she hiding in the closet from?
People like you who make false claims?
It came from her sister. Open your horizon.
No it didn’t it came from Pete’s brothers ex wife. My God you have no clue
Ok, you are right but only this time. Everyone has clammed up now. There’s still the rape and being a drunk among other allegations.
The cops were ready to file charges against the married woman who FALSLY accused him of rape.
Lisa is a complete traitor to our nation and to all of us Alaskans!
Dude if he raped someone, he would be in jail. That chick went to Pete’s room on her own free will, and cheated on her unsuspecting husband. Why didn’t the cops charge him? Duh
No means no.
Are you ignorant? That chick in California, lied to her husband, ignored his texts and pursued going to Pete’s room. She signed a NDA to save her marriage. That’s why there were no charges.
So, you were there? You heard her say no as Pete Hegseth forced himself on her?
And, obviously, charges were filed almost immediately, the suspect was arrested and charged right?
If Pete H had been nominated by anyone other than Trump you would be right here along side every other MRAK reader saying the unfounded allegations amount to nothing. But… nope… it is a Trump nominee, and your inability to let anything involving that man slide is rearing its ugly head.
I thought you said you avoided him, like you do sour milk. Funny way of avoiding him. I guess that is just another Greg fabrication. Well, the day ends in a Y so you are due one.
And a FALSE rape claim means it is a FALSE rape claim.
Is that the ex-wife that states there was no abuse in their relationship, the one who doesn’t speak of their marriage, or is this from the ex-sister-in-law twice removed?
I do love your lies …they are funny.
Not lies. Polygraph?
Go read some articles, it was Pete’s, Brothers ex wife greg. Not Samantha, Pete’s 2nd wife. She is the one
disposed by the FBI in Pete’s background check not his ex sister in law. Exactly why Samantha has contacted her lawyer over NBCs story of debauchery. Do you read or just eat the pages with words on them?
You’ve just been exposed as a liar on this thread.
No polygraph needed.
That’s a strong word. To lie, someone must knowingly defraud the true.
It is now ok to lie as the norm.
Like Joe said there are facts and then there is “Joe’s truth” about the facts.
The best way to herd sheep and that is to cry wolf.
You fit the bill.
You failed
Speaking of lies, your boy Trump lied again, saying that the United States was the only country that had birthright citizenship. When, in fact, the entire western hemisphere has birthright, citizenship and some countries have modified versions of it in europe.
Greg, you are repeating nonsense and lies once again. What you are claiming here is blatantly and egregiously false.
Suzanne, I think it is time to consider banning this troll. Constantly repeating obvious lies and falsehoods is legitimate cause for banning trolls.
Now, go get another clot shot booster, Greg.
His ex-wife actually said there was no physical abuse in their relationship.
It’s too bad Hegseth didn’t champion abortion as the “solution” to the 7 children he’s fathered.
If he had paid someone to kill and dispose of his kids instead, and spoken publicly about his support for a woman’s right to choose such horrors, Murkowski would be singing a different tune.
Right… Is that according to the letter that Hegseth’s ex-wife claimed is absolute BS? Some dem operative makes a claim, and everyone suffering from TDS believes it without question. Even when the claim is disputed by the victim.
Try reading beyond the headline for once.
Once again an uninformed comment from Greg. The affidavit was filed by Pete’s ex sister in law. It was brought to the senate from a DC law office. If you knew anything about this you would know Pete’s second wife has addressed this and contacted her attorneys. Samantha, Pete’s second wife never brought this allegation against Pete during his background check with the FBI. Again you are doing nothing but regurgitating MSM talking points. Pete’s getting in with or with out Lisa’s support as JD will cast the tie breaking vote. Game over
Greg, your response is indicative of someone who lacks understanding about many aspects of Hegeseth’s experience and moreover life in general. I’m sure however that you were cool with the barnyard group appointed by Biden, those crossdressers must have struck fear into the hearts of our nations enemies!
You guys are so predictable.
No greg, we make Informed, logical replies. You are the predictable one with your trolling, click bait comments.
Sooooo, what about the rape?
Just another unproven and unprovable sexual accusation so common with Senate confirmation hearings.
and with narcissistic behavioral patterns.
Look above I’m not re typing my response. No charge, equals nothing burger.
What rape?
You mean the one that has as much credibility and supportable evidence as the accusations against Kavanaugh? That one?
The rape that there wasn’t enough evidence to take to trial but doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen…. that rape.
Ohhh… so now guilty until proven innocent. Sounds pretty leftist to me. Would you hold the globalists you so adore to the same standard?
The rape that pete paid the woman off fifty thousand dollars.
You have a copy of the NDA? It clearly says what? That she needed to keep her mouth shut because he raped her?
Or could it be for… well… any billions of other reasons. But… headlines. That is what constitutes proof of guilt in your world.
How is there rape, when the victim was one pursuing the accused? Why didn’t he get charged and arrested? Case closed, Trump is your President and Pete’s your Secretary of Defense.
That was extinguished by the ex-wife. Keeping up with the news cycle can be soooo difficult.
It truly can be. There’s so much coming out of that side. New things developed by the minute.
That’s because your Daddy had to do something you never did, go to work.
Anything like Ashley hiding from your shower-hero #46?
I would offer some free advice to both Vern & Sully, tune her up like an X-Wife, but it wouldn’t do any good because Lisa is a ‘total’ lost cause and she’ll never improve from her true character.
He’s just about the most perfect candidate for a position in the most amoral administration in US history (yes, even more amoral that Biden). He paid $50,000 to a woman to make a sexual assault allegation go away. Why would he pay off a person for something he didn’t do? He also cheated on his wives, which is now par for the course in the MAGA Republican party. He’s also a raging alcoholic, by his own admission. All of this should prevent a person from receiving a security clearance.
Does MAGA have ANY moral foundation? As long as you’re loyal to Trump any sort of conduct is okay with MAGA. MAGA is destroying the reputation of Christians and this nation. It’s a disgrace.
Two words:
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton is a reprehensible and disgusting individual who betrayed his oath to this nation and lied on national TV. But you don’t beat them by joining them, you beat them by being better than them.
Actually, I stand corrected, I guess you do beat them by joining them. Congratulations, you voted for someone even more immoral than Bill Clinton. Good job, idiots.
You went on this rant about all those MAGA people that really only exist in your liberal publications and your brain.
Bill Clinton demonstrably lied under oath, had sex with at least one intern and others. I do not think there are any more depraved individuals that Bill and Hillary Clinton. Maybe Joe Biden comes close.
That you claim the moral high ground here is interesting after all the gender bending nastiness over the last 4 years (I mean come on naked chests on the White House lawn)!
Here is my thinking, if Pete Hegseth was such a despicable human even a cursory FBI background check would have eliminated him from contention. It appears however that these accusations have been investigated and dismissed. Innuendo and character assassinations do not make a criminal complaint or conviction. The democrat party always plays the “sex” card and it is getting tedious. I have watched the confirmation hearings and find him to be a straight talking individual clear on the goals/tasks set for our military.
BTW I do not appreciate being called an idiot. You have to employ insults your argument is lost….too bad!
Way more than two words.
Kennedy’s. John, Teddy, Robert even.
LBJ. Talk about a racist. That he signed the Civil Rights Act into law demonstrates it was not about helping the blacks, but returning them to servitude.
Obama. Promoting the gay/transgender agenda above all else.
Biden. Talk about a pedo, and sleeping with the babysitter, then marrying her after his wife died. Oh… and showering with his daughter. Plus did you hear what the SS said about him when he was VP?
I would take Trump’s supposed lack of morals over the fine upstanding Democrat’s every day of the week.
Any Good Christian believes in repentance. Isn’t that why we call ourselves Christian?
So Gregory, why do you choose to listen to only the parts of a story that are told in a manner that please you?
If you read only editorial/activist “journalism” by writers that you are comfortable with, when you parrot them all you will sound like is a child.
Of course, I expect that you probably believe that Elon Musk is a Nazi.
The Soviets and Mao had a quaint little term…useful idiots.
Greg you know what Senator Kennedy from Louisianna said when asked by a reporter about this letter? He said “I have seen that movie before during the Kavanaugh hearings….”
You should watch him question witnesses, cabinet members and appointees, you could learn a lot from him. Youtube is your friend!
Did you care about Biden raping that woman or molesting his 12 year old daughter?
Did you care about Clinton taking advantage of a 21 year old intern or the multiple women he sexually assaulted and raped?
What a sanctimonious blowhard.
Time for another Covid booster Greg, for the children and seniors, right?
I must admit that my first impression was that he is a despicable character who apparently cannot ever grow out of being 17 years old. And I can tell he is also a sissy because no one can make enemies like that, and in that quantity, but still be dead drunk like that so often without having his throat slit. I would guess that 90 percent of the fellows who are regular readers here would murder this fellow if he was their son-in-law,
But for me he redeemed himself when he talked about affirmative action and DEI being the reason we have lost big-time wars like Vietnam and Afghanistan. He even referred to 1947 when the US Army was integrated as being the tipping point. All of the WW vets I knew believed that the US would not have been able to win WWII had the armed forces been integrated. Hegseth is willing to speak truth to the woke powers that right now dominate America, Canada, western Europe, and Australia: Hardly anyone else in public life is willing to do that. For that one reason – a big one – I think this man should be Defense Secretary.
She smells (conspired) enough support in resistance to begin their games.
This isn’t news. It’s a day ending in Y.
She must love Trump deeply to be this mad at him.
I think Lisa is feathering her nest with the military industrial complex. Hopefully for her soon to be announced retirement job.
Until the GOP learns to control or expel its people, it will continue on the road to irrelevancy.
The GOP in Alaska is afraid of lisa, she has deep state pockets.
She should resign as the true disgrace she is to our nation and we the voting citizens of Alaska.
We sent a message loud n clear, WE ARE A TRUE RED REPUBLICAN STATE.
Get with the program Lisa, we truly despise you.
Afpgree, she must have the hots for Trump, there is no other reason for her animosity at this level, traitor.
I have known a lot of people who have reformed and redeemed themselves as they matured. There is great value in one so reformed and redeemed in that they are able to recognize similar failings in those they manage and perhaps better judge how characters are, or are not, genuinely matured. I see many others tend to hold people’s pasts against them. Being so strident and strictly judgmental can be very limiting and unwise.
I agree with you.
Society, by its laws provides judgement, a sentence and once served, the punishment is deemed completed.
If man judges his self, recognizes his faults or sins and makes life changes, shouldn’t it be recognized?
If we cannot accept change in each other, why should man correct his behavior if he is forever condemned?
Doesn’t the Lord forgive, giving us a chance at redemption?
But not Lisa.
I agree. None of those loudly proclaiming supposed righteous indignation have lead a perfect sin free life. Instead of asking pertinent job related questions in these hearing, these senators attempt to besmirch the nominee’s character. You get idiotic stuff like “I guess you would shot protestors in the leg” when the nominee simply stated that he will follow the law. It really isn’t about the individual per se, but to make life difficult for the president and because these nominees have a moral compass that is not malleable like theirs. This is an old playbook and the public is starting to get fatigued and frankly annoyed at the stall tactics here.
A special shout out to Senator Hirono, who seems to see ALL men as sexual predators and ask the same idiotic question as a gotcha. How this lady is qualified to be a senator nobody will every know. Oh and Bernie Sanders, who talks about the “oligarchy” of the very rich listing Musk and Bezos but conveniently forgets Soro’s and gets annoyed when the Scott Bessent points out that Biden gave him the presidential medal of freedom…..
Lisa is a traitor to the USA and Alaska. Any chance of getting her committed to the insane facilities?
Ben, you are wrong. Ever since she took office 22-years ago, Democrats have relied upon her consistent opposition to the Republican party. However, the voters have seen her conduct plain as day and decided they like it. They re-elected her four times; she is no traitor; she does what leftist voters in Alaska elect her for. Most Alaskan conservatives don’t understand the traitor is sitting across the dinner table from them. Lisa is a symptom. Many of us go to bed beside the problem. Weakness.
Yep, she had no problem voting for yes for Joey’s cabinet nominations. Maybe this will be the final straw that bounces her out in 2028 but I’m not holding my breath.
I believe character is the defining trait of a us senator also Lisa. You were elected by republicans and have fully turned your back on us.
Doug, your point would make sense if she were elected once and the voters realized they were deceived. However, she has been re-elected four times. She has obviously not turned her back on them if they keep re-electing her. Moreover, due to her longevity in office, it appears she is performing as Alaskans want. Hoe does your spouse vote?
Wayne, I have to disagree with you here.
Contemptible traitor Lisa Murkowski was NOT, in reality, re-elected four times. Her refusal to abide by the primary election results in 2010, and her subsequent unprecedented write-in campaign, was littered with fraud and irregularities, particularly from the Bush voters, who were allowed to spell her somewhat difficult name on their ballots however they felt, in violation of the law. And then, this last time it is very clear that she “won” only via the corrupt and opaque ranked-choice voting, which I do NOT believe that the majority of Alaskans truly voted for. That makes two elections, at least, that under any normal circumstances Lisa would have lost, and we all know that.
Jefferson, in this case I am pleased you have shown my point to be wrong. An election observer saw Murkowski’s name entered on hundreds of ballots with the same handwriting. I also heard of many other improprieties such as manipulating voters during the write-in process. Also, let’s not forget the contrived scandal regarding the security guard at the Joe Miller event. Thank you for your correction.
Wayne, that was a very thoughtful and gracious response, and I thank you deeply for it.
I don’t know of any republican who has ever voted for her. Come to think of it… I don’t know of anyONE who ever voted for her!
Pete is a good soldier, a good husband, a good father and a good leader, America loves people like him!
I’m not sure that you should be speaking for America.
His current wife is a peach too!
His staff will be endeared to him:
“Make a pot of coffee quick!”
“Get him a cold shower!”
These are not huge hurdles. I’ve seen it in the movies.
Translation: “I can’t make any money off him.”
Funny- I thought the same thing, reading her overlong, self serving press release. Hegseth must have admitted that he couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver massive “campaign contributions” to her coffers, from the major defense contractors.
Princess acts only when she and/or her globalist handlers can directly benefit.
Murkowski envisions a Benedict Arnold level nominee like Mark Milley.
Milley’s portrait was removed from Pentagon the other day . It was just put up and paint was barely dry . Joe Biden gave him a pardon on his way out the door . That stinks and this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg .
I found Hegseth to be honest , jovial , humble while being tortured the other day and even humorous at times . Shows great character .
That one Senator from Hawaii must have an IQ in the low 60’s to ask Hegseth those stupid questions .
Oh well Steve Bannon is quoted as saying “ the democrats are finished for a hundred years “? I’d like to believe that , however I think it’s the uni-party is over . Scurrying like rats from the proverbial sinking ship .
Honestly is this any surprise? She doesn’t like Trump and it’s widely known. Time for her to be voted out! TERM LIMITS Alaska!
Surprise! Said no one ever. She broke with Republicans to vote yes on 12 of Biden’s nominees. She enthusiastically voted to confirm the last SECDEF Lloyd Austin who oversaw the disastrous surrender in Afghanistan that saw 13 Marines blown up and billions in American hardware handed over to the Taliban and ISIS. Lisa has to go. She needs to be Cheneyed. The sooner the better. Such a disgrace.
Well … Dady’s Little Princess does a pretty good job justifying her flawed argument, offers no reasonable alternatives, has no respect for Trump to create ‘his’ Administrative Team and totally disrespects the overwhelming majority of the Alaskans (55%) that voted for Trump. Additionally, she wants us to willfully forget she unabashedly voted in-favor of all the freaks and traitors from Bidens Administration.
She is a complete disgrace (ie: Air Thief) and does not deserve the opportunity to represent Alaska and Alaskans, she will continue to be an ardent Anti-Trump’er, completely infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, with no awareness of the potential damage her actions bring about to Alaskans and Alaska.
One has to seriously ask whom does she really works for and/or represents? Obviously, her reckless decisions and mindset is not in the best interest of us. She’s emblematic of the unhinged – cringed – lunatic … “Karen the Kat Lady!”
The “sick” minded witch of the North is lecturing about character? Honesty? Who’s in denial? Women in combat? Lying? Assault of another human being? She said she takes her constitutional duties seriously and Mr. Hegseth does not? Wow! Noticed the photo of Murkie is on spot. There is an ugly Totem right behind her. Whoever carved that definitely had her in mind. It absolutely fits her image and her character. I think the artists have a talent for putting character to tool when they carve images for their patrons of personal art. My oh my Murkie is an angry woman. That goes with supporting persons like Biden, her buddy in crime.
She doesn’t regret her actions. She fully intends to stonewall President Trump at every chance she can.
She is an embarrassment!
Actually a halfway decent explanation of her downvote on Hegseth, except for the “allegations” part..allegations and truth aren’t alway riding the same pony. This latest ? lacks historical credibility as it pretty much flys in the face of her certain previous confirmation votes..consistency of application really isn’t her strength, alignment with left wing votes is a more consistent characteristic of Lisa..
You’re not wrong. She was waist deep in the KAvanaugh senate lynching, as well. She’s , once again, put her TDS in front of her responsibility to Alaska.
Well said
No surprise from our democrat Senator. She uses no consideration of the people’ opinion she is supposed to represent in her decision making process, just her own personal opinions. The good news is that the conservatives have enough majority in the Senate to hopefully neutralize her and Collins. Alaskans need to show her the door and elect a true conservative and someone that listens to their constituents and actually represents us.
Pleeeeaaassee vote her out!
I am shocked I tell you! Shocked that a Democrat votes against Trump’s appointee.
If Pete was gay or transgender, Murkowski would have no problem voting for him!
No surprise. She is one pony show. Did you expect it would be different?
Well, the real conservative lost to the RINO last election cycle for her senate seat, because the Dems voted for her. She cares more about their causes than conservative ones and caters to them. Still too many R’s, minority of them now, keep thinking she’s alright. Time to flog her people.
Not only is Hegseth not remotely qualified to be SECDEF, his nomination is an insult to the service members he claims to want to “lead.” It is also an insult to the highly qualified Trump supporters who he leaped over for the nomination. He’s a VetBro DEI hire.
What are the qualifications for Secretary of Defense? Please enumerate them. Perhaps google can help. I might recommend searching for “qualifications for a Presidential Appointee.” See what pops back at you.
It’s Lisa’s pathological TDS on display. This is her highest priority. Lisa is at her tediously self righteous best. She seems to have an aversion to strong men. Lisa had no problem confirming Biden’s clown show of a cabinet. After all, she explained, a president deserves to have a cabinet of his own choosing she explained. The good news is that her vote doesn’t matter in the scheme of things.
Alaska’s senior democrat has only one goal, that is to undermine our president. She voted for mentally insane O’Biden cabinet nominees. If Alaska’s GOP had a spine they would expell her.
Andrew, you point is sadly accurate and our state will likely pay a high price.
I am no fan of Lisa Murkowski. As a retired US Army officer and an 80% service disabled veteran, however, I know with certainty that Pete Hegseth is NOT the person to lead the US Department of Defense. He has insufficient experience, limited leadership within small group organizations only, minimal military ad civilian academic preparation, unresolved ethics complaints that are probably actual violations, and a very concerning past involving persons with whom he shared close and personal (read: intimate) relationships.
Citizens of the United States and those assigned to the DoD deserve much better than bad ol’ Pete.
Hey Dan Sullivan … you know I am correct about this.
That’s a strong word. To lie, someone must knowingly defraud the true.
Those are my concerns as well. The sexual assault allegations are a distraction. There is nothing in his history that shows me he has the knowledge and experience to successfully lead one of the most powerful organizations in the world.
General Patton would’ve been too much for you too.
None of our great military leaders ever drank too much or chased women, huh.
We need a good DEI candidate that doesn’t offend your high fallutin’ sensibilities – like Milkey, huh?
Let me guess, you wanted Jeb back in 2016 because Trump sends mean tweets.
Dear Lisa:
Political gender reassignment surgeons are standing by. You better get in there in a hurry before Trump writes an EO and outlaws them.
Lisa, please resign. Now!
Lisa haters, trump is cutting the wealthy tax rate from 35 to 21%. What say you alaska brainwashed? Lol… told ya!
Hey where is a link to an article that verifies your claim? That’s right there isn’t one.
Look it up or ask your big brother to.
where is your receipt to your claim? everything i came across refers to moving the country to a 15% flat tax. once again your paper bag is crumpled
When things don’t go lilgregs way or the left-wing-nuts they have a go to plan “B”!
Just make it up, throw in some made up numbers, scream, rant, rave so predictable!
Google is your friend. Don’t be so lazy.
Gregory, you left out the fact the tax rate for the poor can’t be reduced because its already 0%.
What are you talking about? It seems you don’t understand how tax brackets work.
There is no 0% tax bracket. There are 7 tax brackets. 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%.
Single filers tax brackets are as follows:
Income between 1$ and $11,600 are taxed at 10%.
Income between $11,601 and $63,100 is taxed at 12%.
$63,101-$100,525 is taxed at 22%
$100,526 and 191,950 at 24%
$191,951-$243,725 at 32%
$243,726-$609,350 at 35%
$609,351 and up at 37%
Now that doesn’t mean that a single person who earns $609,351 is pays 37% of their income to the IRS. Their first $11,600 is taxed at 10% then the income in each bracket is taxed at that rate. If that person who earned $609,351 only pays 37% on 1$
So a single person who is paid minimum wage (7.25 per hour) and works 40 hours a week for 52 weeks earns $15080 per year. They would pay/have withheld from their paychecks the following:
$11600 @ 10% = 1160
$3480 @ 12% = $417.60
totaling to $1517.60 in taxes paid.
And that calculation does not include the social security taxes or medicare taxes that are also withheld from their paychecks. That is only the Federal Income Tax
TLDR, anyone who has a w2 and earns a paycheck pays taxes, whether they are minimum wage or salaried at $1,000,000 per year
And keep in mind there are other filing statuses that change these calculations
Thank you for your correction. I was thinking in terms of earlier brackets and exemptions.
If the standard deductions and applicable credits exceed your income then you tax rate is zero. Simple as that. So people on SNAP, TANF, WIC, Section 8 housing, etc. etc. not only pay no tax but receive money from the IRS!
The man’s talking poverty.
Can’t get blood out of a turnip son.
Hold on. I guess I’m wrong. You would likely suggest we assess the poor with a negative tax rate. That is free money to them. After all, your Marxist ideology promotes the concept that giving people free stuff solves all their problems. Right?
You got your facts wrong. Try verifying your lies before posting.
Try this, our nation was failing under biden. He sexually assaulted his own daughter and pardoned rapists and murderers….. he allowed possibly 20 MILLION ILLEGAL aliens to walk into our nation to help destroy it, ALL WITH LISAS APPROVAL.
Was your life better 5 years ago? You bet it was. Money in your pocket and peace in the middle east. We didnt have chinese balloons floating over our nation to test our security either. ZERO wars with Trump, almost have ww3 happening with russia/china/korea vs ukrain under biden.
Facts matter.
Actually, my life is over half a million times better today.
Is he only cutting the top tax rate?
And, that is a serious question to you Greg. Is that the ONLY tax rate Trump is proposing a reduction to?
Told you so!!!!!
Lloyd Austin is laughing.
Drawing conclusions from accusations, not a high mental bar. And quite a subjective conscience. Spare me. She show misandrist characteristics
Lisa….. the gift that keeps giving.
Taking is more like it
It appears to be time for alaskans to come together and mount a recall and replacement of princess. Her office number goes straight to voice mail. That shows she has no concern for alaskans.
Can’t. Senator.
she can and will be primaried
Murkowski is like herpes. It never goes away no matter how painful and annoying it is.
Unfortunately, that won’t make a damned bit of difference. With the open primary, the leftists will come out in force to place Murkowski back at the top of the ticket once again. I need look no further than the results of the 2020 jungle primary. Check out the vast gulf between the two Republicans and any Democrat.
The first jungle primary was in 2022. My error.
McKinley, she has shown the same colors for the entire 22-yrs she’s held office. Yet the voters have re-elected her four times during that period; each time was essentially a failed recall petition. Why would we waste our time with the cost and effort of an interim recall petition when her conduct is unchanged since her start?
The NATIVE communities like that she promises them money.
Of course, she barely delivers, goes to show name recognition works and conservatives do not go out and vote. 35% voted in the last election? Wtf alaska
Lisa Murkowski she’s an embarrassment to all Alaskans just like that bishop Budde. Woke will never be accepted by us in Alaska and Lisa’s time is running out she will not be voted in for another term. This is her last up yours to Alaskans and it makes this moron feel like she has accomplished something. Pathetic !
Murkowski has no moral high ground; she has blood on her hands.
This (and most everything she does) was done out of her severe case of TDS.
In other words she doesn’t like Trump or republicans (or even Alaskans for that matter) so she is a no vote. Not like we didn’t know that was coming.
Lisa had no trouble accepting a senate seat from her father, yet she judges others’ character?
“Although he has recently revised his statements on women in combat since being nominated, I remain concerned about the message that confirming Mr. Hegseth sends to women currently serving and those aspiring to join. Women have served our nation with distinction, overcoming immense obstacles to excel in combat and leadership roles, and they deserve to know that their leader honors and values their commitment to our nation,”
Name one, just one female who has “excelled” in a direct, ground combat in our nation’s history. Just one. Running firefights, stacking bodies, splitting a guys head with an e-tool, etc.? Just name one.
Oh, and when you say “excelled” you specifically saying they do it better than most of the guys do. Start naming them off Murkowski.
Dash, let’s give women credit where credit is due. The act of reproducing our population is the wellspring of our nation. Name one, just one, man who has given birth to an American citizen. The main purpose of our military is to protect this all-important function of women. There is no higher calling for any woman. Any woman of child-bearing age would be wasting her precious time spending it in the military. Most that do will regret it.
Aoc of the north.
Is that the Princess, or Gollum?
Dear President Trump,
As an Alaskan consituent, I sincerely apologize for the words and actions of the Princess. She does NOT represent me, my interests, perception and does NOT have my approval or support in what she decided to do.
I do not think this is a surprise! This is who she is. Senator Murkowski is a democrat through and through. She has always been a liar.
JD will break the tie if need be and the old crone can go to……………
What sleezy slimy trick is Lisa going to come up with when the next election comes around? First it was the write-in bracelets and then ranked choice voting. The vote about ranked choice voting ballot measure this last election sure does have a fishy smell to it. We gotta deep 6 this ranked choice voting. It’s about the only way we’re going to get rid of Lisa Murkie.
We need to vote ‘No’ on Sleaza when she comes up for reelection. Now is the time to find a ruthless, conservative/libertarian, cutthroat, Alaska-first candidate to replace her.
We had one with Joe Miller. But Noooo. The feckless Republican party failed to elect him.
Well, will Nick!!! Step up and run against her next. Time?? Or will he be paid off not to?
Senator Murkowski is a member of the subcommittee on Defense of the Senate Appropriations Committee. She spends much more time being entertained and coddled by legions of splendidly uniformed Generals and Admirals, and the finest lobbyists from Raytheon and BoozAllenHamilton than she does backward and uninformed Alaskans. The Military-Industrial complex greatly fears Pete Hegseth because he threatens to view warfighting from the perspective of the folks getting shot at and dying rather than the reptiles making billions off wars. Senator Murkowski is simply responding to the wishes of the folks that make her feel the most important. (Coincidentally, it is worth noting that the Senator never served in uniform and doesn’t know much about war.) Eventually, the Senator’s actions are going to cause considerable harm to Alaskans.
Some more context: When a Senator like Murkowski gets hard-over on support for Ukraine and over $100 BILLION is appropriated for that effort with limited accountability, a whole lotta strange stuff starts to happen. A jumble or cut-off of that obscene cash tsunami will motivate people.
Lisa you really should read these comments maybe you might get a clue To shut up and go away
frieswitdat, Princess Lisa knows she is uniformly detested by conservatives and non-uniparty Republicans. Sometimes I wonder if she gets perverse pleasure out of giving the single finger salute to voters.
In a just world, Lisa Murkowski would be spending the rest of her sad and scowling life in federal prison for her innumerable treasonous actions against Alaskan and against the American people.
Oh, and by the way, Lisa, I am not only PROUD of Trump having pardoned the January 6th, 2021 protestors, I am proud of THEM for what they did as well! I only wish their protest against the blatantly stolen 2020 presidential election had gone further.
Of course you are. You will be leading the charge of the light brigade I hope
Jefferson I agree totally as for our cling on Greg he is a lost soul in another world.
Murkowski is as inept a legislator as I have ever seen. She thinks her job is to pass judgment but her JOB is to allow the president to appoint people to the job that will best work toward his goals, which are to make the US stronger and to allow the department of defense to concentrate on DEFENSE and to operate within the laws of the United States, not e ran based on someone’s feeling.
Lisa is neither following her conscience nor any sense of morality beyond what a dedicated politician will do to secure a career.
She knows very well how specious the accusations are, and she knows very well that accusations, especially hearsay and disputed are NOT evidence… even in a domestic matter.
She is simply trying to grab every single Alaskan Democrat’s vote. Doing so is critical to her career.
Can someone tell me the meaning of the wall hanging behind Murkowski is? It looks just like the old dried up nasty Lisa (also shown in the picture).
I believe the mask represents the Tlingit god of nepotism, Lisa’s patron deity.
How are the signatures coming along for the next initiative to dump RCV? Alaska is such a backwards state. Can’t wait to dump Murkowski in the 2028 Republican Primary.
She is a nothing burger. There are three free republican votes. Collins, Murkowski have no power. This Senate pickup of seats this last fall stopped these women in their tracks. Who cares now what she thinks
Sadly, I expected no better from comrades Murkowski and/or Collins.
She has been a total deception to the Alaskan people. Please pay attention Alaska!
She doesn’t work for us! Check out who she works for. ‘
How about turning in your R murkowski. You’re a Liberal D actually a radical Lib D. You sicken me.
What Alaskans did you ask? I did not get asked, just sayin’
He who is without sin, throw the first stone. Mr. Hegseth deployed numerous times as a war fighter. Acting out trauma is common. He’s is spiritually renewed now in Christ and has changed-not perfect, like all of us, but a work in progress. Vote him in!!
He’s not quite good enough. If only he got more tattoos then he would be so much better.
It’s great that he is turning a new leaf. That doesn’t make him qualified to lead the DOD.
Perhaps, but he needs a little bit more work than the rest of us.
Did anyone expect less from Murkowski and Collins?
Lisa is the most brave republican. She is a true Alaskan.
Murkowski is only doing a disservice to Alaskans. She’ll get nothing passed in the Senate as a Republican. And for the past few decades she’s only been a useful idiot for the Democrats.
She says and does what she is told by her handlers…
She voted to impeach Trump and voted for Biden and all of his staff her judgement is now questioned.
How was Lisa qualified to be a US Senator when her Daddy appointed her?
Yeah. What I thought. Crickets.
when will Alaskans finally get rid of this terrible senator? she hates Trump and will do anything to hurt him and his vision for America. I wish i could vote in Alaska!
There are three basic groups of people, Producers, non-producers and destroyers. Lisa Murkowski falls into the latter two groups. She always has and she always will.
Murkowski exemplifies the the definition of ‘infidelity’, that being her neglection of responsibility to the citizens of Alaska. ‘Forsaken’ we are.
Yeah, baby!
Tom Tillis might sink Hegseth’s battleship
Fingers crossed old Mitch votes “no” too
Were Kamala to have won, sometime not long after that, her administration would have gone after semi automatic rifles. When they did, Old Stinky would have put on a big show about it, and in the end, written a screed just like the one above explaining how she agonized over it and why it was that she just had to vote in favor of eliminating private ownership of semi automatic rifles.
Take a moment, and thank Almighty God for all that He has done here. Praise Him.
We shall overcome.
This is what you get for your Rank Choice nonsense.
A RINO working for the Democrat Party.
Thanks Lisa for voting your conscience
She was elected by Alaskans not the Alaska republican party for several elections and has followed her mentor The late Ted Stevens
The horrible and sociopathic Princess Lisa, RINO Queen of Nepotism and Corruption, has no conscience. She is a liar, a criminal, a traitor and a monster.
She’s just trying to fill Liz Cheney’s shoes.
The Dems have been known for decades for their REO Speedwagon of Lies, with the Dems it’s always how they heard it from a freind. Who heard it from a freind , who heard it from another freind B.S!!!All of these continuos onslaughts of lies and complete exaggerations the Dems use Willy Nilly against all Republicans and Trump should tell any normal mind these people are sick in the head and evil , they spit out and regurgitate this stuff over and over, and it’s clear it’s all with the intent to destroy people , only the complete idiots can not see what’s been going on for nearly 10’yesrs now, and Lisa Markowski is part of the machine herself, she’s a complete psychopath !!