Linda Boyle: Will Sen. Murkowski vote against Making America Healthy Again?



President Donald Trump has chosen Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to run the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

RFK Jr. strongly believes we need to increase our focus on prevention of chronic diseases, we must decrease harmful additives to our food, improve vaccine safety, clean up our environment of toxic chemicals, and get better control of Big Pharma.  

Here is what he believes: 

Fight the Chronic Disease Epidemic

We are a highly developed country that values innovation in medicine and the curing of disease. Yet, according to the Healthy System Tracker, Disability Adjusted Life Years, the U.S. has the highest rate of disease burden among comparable countries, and the gap is growing. Life expectancy is dropping.                          

RFK Jr. plans to reorient federal health agencies to focus on chronic diseases and “rid them of Big Pharma’s influence.” In other words, we need to look at the underlying causes of diseases and replace prescription drugs with much healthier lifestyles, where possible. 

That will require some individual behavior modification from all of us. It will be your choice — exercise, eat healthier, don’t smoke, less alcohol — or pop a pill.

Processed foods 

It was amazing to me to see the number of chemicals and additives we have in our processed foods that are banned in many other countries.  

In the 1990s, red dye #3 was banned from cosmetics because of the potential risk for cancer. But it took the federal government until January of 2025 to ban it from our food with the drop-dead date of 2027. RFK Jr. has been fighting for this for 35 years.

Ironically, this dye is found in some milk shakes they give the cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. Thank God we are finally going to do what most of Europe did years ago.

Click on this link to see the food additives either prohibited or restricted in Europe but still allowed in the U.S.


RFK Jr. has been an ardent supporter of more stringent testing with vaccine production so we can be assured that vaccines are safe and effective. He also wants the government to provide more vaccine information so people can make better decisions on their health and their children’s health.

His desire to get more stringent vaccine testing has led to Big Pharma saying, “he’s an anti-vaxxer.”

RFK Jr. has repeatedly said he is not an anti-vaxxer, but it seems he cannot get away from the negative press on this issue. The gaslighting will continue through his confirmation hearings.

Kennedy told NPR in early November that “we’re not going to take vaccines away from anybody.” He just wants them to be safe and effective.

Remember, the study to approve the jab against the Omicron strain of Covid was only performed on eight mice. We know that sample size is much too small for valid results. I would have preferred a more robust evaluation before being told this jab was good to go.

Prescription drugs 

RFK Jr. is opposed to the cozy relationship between Big Pharma and the FDA; retired FDA directors are known to simply move over to be on the boards of these big drug companies. 

RFK Jr. also opposes the TV advertisements for the newest drugs, ads being delivered to the public daily. Have you noticed how many new ads for drugs are being shown recently? I know from experience it drives health providers nuts when a patient wants the newest and greatest drug when something less costly is just as effective.  

The environment   

RKF Jr. is labeled an environmental zealot. He wants to clean up toxic chemicals from our air, water, and soil.  And he wants to ensure “that research into pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, additives, and environmental chemicals is scientifically unbiased.”

I personally welcome his approach to making us a healthier nation. He has been meeting with senators to answer questions so that he can be confirmed as DHHS Secretary.  

Sen. Dan Sullivan met with him and was pleased with the dialogue. He will support his confirmation. 

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has not publicly stated if she will support RFK Jr.’s confirmation. She did say she met with him and she reiterated what he said were his views on vaccines. However, Murkowski then stated, “she would use Kennedy’s confirmation hearing to question him more before deciding how to vote.” 

Take action

Do you believe it’s time to Make America Healthy Again?

Do you believe it’s time to break the cozy relationship between the federal government and Big Pharma?

Do you believe your children and grandchildren deserve healthier foods?

Then you can help support the confirmation of RFK Jr. to be our next secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services.

You can make a big difference. It’s time, Alaskans, for your voices to be heard. Phone calls seem to have a greater impact than emails. 

Here are Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s contacts: 

510 L Street
Suite 600 
Anchorage, AK 99501 
Phone: (907) 271-3735 
Fax: (877) 857-0322

522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202)-224-6665
Fax: (202)-224-5301

Call, write, email her so she knows what you think. We need RFK Jr. at the helm. We need to get our country healthy again. 

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance/Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.  


  1. Lisa is a raging Progressive. Her belief system begins with human sacrifice. That means success must be traded for failure. It is against her faith to help success become healthier. That is an apostasy to Lisa. And it does little to help the public sector unions make payroll. You won’t understand.

    • My thought entirely. Remember-not too long ago, Princess vowed publicly to “lead the resistance against President Trump” in the Senate. All she needs to know is that Trump wants this man appointed. Her “no” vote against him is guaranteed. No matter that her vote is also a vote against Mr. Kennedy’s determination to improve the health of our citizens, which will result in a healthier, more robust society.

  2. Well, She just made her effort to sink Pete Hegseth for Sec. Of Defense today, so it is not a bet
    “Princess” as Biden, striking out at any and all opportunity to destroy America (Alaska) for personal
    revenge of what? is the obvious take a way. Sad and Tragic for her as her personal political history
    will read as sour grapes among her peers. Cheers, Johnson

  3. Haven’t heard RFK Jr. speak about the AI steered mRNA debacle aspect of Project Stargate.

    Listened to Megyn Kelly’s interview/discussion with Nicole Shanahan yesterday, which is a very worthwhile listen, and Nicole called for a moratorium on mRNA vaccines. She is right about that. She also mentioned that failure to do so has great potential to lead to an extinction event.

    On that basis, my guess would be that Old Stinky would vote to confirm RFK if only he would profess to a love for Dr. Fauci, and pledge to support mRNA vaccines.

    • North, thank you for suggesting the Megyn Kelly/ Nicole Shanahan interview. Watching the video of Larry Ellison gushing about a Chinese type surveillance state was just plain creepy. But his touting the mRNA vaccines claiming they will cure cancer was also equally disturbing.

      • Hat tip.

        Those two ladies were a little uneasy with each other at times, but both decent human beings regardless. Americans.
        Shanahan is very intelligent and an excellent communicator. Kind of almost like her.

        Yeah, Ellison is creepy as can be, and Altman may very well have him outdone. Quite the scene.

  4. The author has it all wrong…send your comments to the majority leader Senator Thune and ask that Murkowski be censored Believe that the power of government is in the people. It takes a while but it does work. Murkowski is a problem to the State of Alaska and the Senate.

  5. She will fall on her own sword shortly. She is going against the wishes of the majority of Alaskans and the country. In November WE voted by a large margin to change course.

  6. It is really depressing to hear all the drug commercials on TV and Radio. I think it is making America sick by just listening to them so much. Get rid of all of the drug commercials and make us all happy again.

  7. I hope she votes against Kennedy. He’s an absolute liberal. He went to Venezula and supported Maduro. Trump might feel obligated to him but that doesn’t mean Republicans have to abdanon their values to support political appointees who aren’t fiscally or socially conservative, not even mentioning his environmental positions. He won’t bring about freedom in healthcare, and if he actually has good ideas about healthcare then we can inact those particular policies. Trump’s own political obligations aren’t Alaska’s, or even the nation’s.


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