Texas Senate acquits state attorney general on all impeachment charges



The Texas Senate acquitted Attorney General Ken Paxton Saturday of all charges levied against him by the House in an impeachment trial that lasted 10 days.

A conviction on any article would have resulted in Paxton being removed from office and being barred from serving in any public office in Texas again. 

The senators voted on 16 out of 20 article filed; four were held in abeyance. A vote of 21 was needed to sustain each article of impeachment and convict Paxton of the charge. No article received more than 14 votes to convict. Senators also voted to dismiss the remaining four articles held in abeyance.

Sixteen Republican senators who voted to acquit Paxton on all articles were Sens. Paul Bettencourt, Brian Birdwell, Donna Campbell, Brandon Creighton, Pete Flores, Joan Huffman, Bryan Hughes, Bob Hall, Phil King, Lois Kolkhorst, Mays Middleton, Tan Parker, Charles Perry, Charles Schwertner, Kevin Sparks and Drew Springer.

Two Republicans who consistently voted with Democrats to convict Paxton were Sens. Kelly Hancock of Richland Hills and Robert Nichols of Jacksonville.

Paxton was not in attendance. 

Article 1 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in an acquittal. Hancock and Nichols voted with all Democrats to convict. 

Article 2 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal. Hancock and Nichols voted with all Democrats to convict.

Article 3 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal. Hancock and Nichols voted with all Democrats to convict.

Article 4 failed by a vote of 28-2, with all Republicans and 11 Democrats voting to acquit. 

Article 5 failed by a vote of 17-13, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock voting with Democrats. 

Article 6 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats. 

Article 7 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict. 

Article 8 failed by a vote of 22-8, resulting in acquittal, with Nichols joining Democrats to convict. Seven Democrats joined nearly all Republicans to acquit. 

Article 9 failed by a vote of 18-12, with all Republicans voting to acquit. 

Article 10 – a key charge that Paxton committed bribery, failed by a vote of 16-14. Republican Sens. Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict. 

Article 15 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict.

Article 16 failed, by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict.

Article 17 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict.

Article 18 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict.

Article 19 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict.

Article 20 failed by a vote of 16-14, resulting in acquittal, with Hancock and Nichols voting with Democrats to convict.


    • He’s a criminal who’ll be found guilty in federal court and hopefully sent to a supermax prison to serve his justly deserved sentence.

      • Cman you got the crime and punishment right but as usual you don’t understand who the guilty person is. I give you a hint it’s FJB your senile old boy.

  1. Now the its up to the Republican leadership in Texas to make sure that Hancock and Nichols have no committee seats and spending in their districts get scrutinized. Important that they are unable to sabotage legislation and let their constituents know that ‘arts center’ funding for their neighborhood is on hold. Will they do it? Of course not. But re-electing these types of politicians needs to come with a cost if anything is going to change.

  2. Thankfully they have time for phony impeachment hearings at a real cost to the taxpayers.
    It’s not like they have anything else more important to deal with.
    All the illegal migrants bypassing the border patrol without being processed will take care of itself.
    Their dysfunctional school districts being flooded with migrants dont need any attention.
    If districts are failing all they have to do is fire the administration and make recommendations to Anchorage school board to hire them. Problem solved.

  3. Because he is Republican, Republicans defend him. You all would have a baby on the sidewalk if he was a democrat. Republicans would have no platform if hypocrisy was removed.

  4. This was red on red fratricide, led by the Bush-friendly RINOs. Paxton had the temerity to defeat a Bush for Texas Attorney General last election. Bushies don’t take defeats that well and orchestrated the impeachment. It was modeled after the second Trump impeachment Feb 2021, the one Lisa voted for. Paxton was not allowed to defend himself or even interrogate witnesses. The impeachment was slammed thru at the last minute in the House. Fun part of the cross examining was a pair of anti-Paxton whistle blowers who wouldn’t say who was paying their lawyers for them. Cheers –

  5. An interesting side note to this acquittal is the fact that this political show trial was orchestrated with money & political influence of the ultimate RINO Commander in Chief, George W Bush!

    • You mean, by the globalist HANDLERS of George Bush Jr.

      The Shrub could not think his way out of a paper bag, much like the current globalist puppet installed in the White House. They are both Uniparty patsies, nothing more.

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