Team Bronson hits Eagle River this weekend for epic door-knocking and fundraiser


The Bronson for Mayor campaign is welcoming what it hopes will be dozens of volunteers who want to get out the vote in Eagle River on Saturday.

Ballots for the mayoral runoff between Dave Bronson and Forrest Dunbar have already started arriving in mailboxes, said Brice Wilbanks, Bronson campaign manager.

Volunteers will meet at the Bronson campaign offices, 1407 W 31st Ave, Suite 100, at 10 am, or at Eagle River Walmart at 12:30 pm, where Assemblywoman Jamie Allard has a goal of reaching 1,000 homes.

Bronson is having an evening fundraiser at the Matanuska Brewing Company in Eagle River from 6-8 pm Saturday at 11901 Old Glenn Highway.

More information is at

On Sunday, the campaign has a fundraiser at 8001 Petersburg Street in Anchorage, at McKenna Brothers shop, and the campaign said, from 4-8 pm.


  1. Dave Bronson is a yes vote again. Door knockers are not welcome at this residence for any reason for home security. Dave Bronson has my complete support, and I do not need to confirm it with a stranger at the door. I sincerely hope the door-knocking effort is fruitful. Just do not intrude on this residence. Respectfully.

  2. Team Bronson’s welcome at our place, any time.
    Let’s talk about Dave’s plans to:
    commission an outside forensic audit of city finances and management practices, identify funded positions versus filled positions; return “slush funds” to taxpayers, terminate executive employees and consultants hired during Berkowitz and Quinn administrations;
    veto upcoming sales-tax ordinances;
    sponsor ordinances to repeal alcohol and fuel taxes, stop collecting them, refuse to enforce plastic-bag ban;
    propose payment-in-lieu-of-taxes for non-profit organizations headquartered in Anchorage;
    restructure building-code permit and building-code enforcement processes to make them less expensive, less adversarial, less vulnerable to habitual, spurious complaints;
    remove and replace municipal code enforcers hired under Berkowitz and Quinn regimes;
    verify annually that city voter rolls are accurate and current, generate strategy for limiting effects of vote fraud. i.e. fake ballots, postal fraud, nursing-home resident coercion, voter impersonation, bribery of voters;
    sponsor an ordinance to outlaw ballot harvesting, issue an Executive Order banning ballot harvesting until such time as the ordinance passes;
    sponsor an ordinance to: repeal mail-in voting, remove mail-in vote machinery, restore traditional polling-place balloting;
    sponsor an ordinance to withdraw Anchorage from the Alaska Municipal League, withdraw Anchorage’s share of money from the $600M+ Alaska Municipal League Investment Pool, return it to taxpayers;
    divest the Municipality from buying or administering housing for homeless, restore and sell city property occupied by homeless camps;
    cancel all China flu “mandates”, cancel “emergency powers”, demand factual, verifiable China-flu reporting statistics, rebate property taxes paid for in-school services which school-district officials did not provide during their China flu shut downs;
    share post-Eaglexit vision for Anchorage, what policies and practices will be changed to persuade other groups not to secede, what will be changed to lessen the risk of another 1980’s-style exodus;
    veto budgets which clearly “rubber stamp” school-district and public-employee union demands;
    veto ordinances which undermine Anchorage Police Department arrest and enforcement processes;
    refuse to attend, direct executives not to attend, Assembly meetings conducted in violation of Alaska’s Open Meetings Act (AS 44.62.310-.312);
    sponsor an ordinance to require regular, verifiable reports on cost and progress of repairs to the Port of Anchorage;
    strictly enforce residential private-property rights;
    schedule weekly call-in radio “fireside chats” on the state of the city;
    use Art Chance’s “Red on Blue: Establishing Republican Governance” as the essential operating manual for city government executives.
    After which, we’ll be happy to donate.

  3. Sad that the annual contribution limit is only $500 per year and not per election cycle. Especially when battling “dark” money which comes from who knows where and certainly gets contributions of more than this ridiculously low amount. We Alaskans are in dire need of a PAC that will do the same for the candidates that stand up for our values.

  4. When you and your team can schedule door-to-door work in east Anchorage, please arrange to visit us in the Hunt Avenue and Hunt Circle area off Turpin. Forrest Dunbar refused to help us with a significant neighborhood problem a few years ago. It comes as no surprised that there are no Dunbar signs in our area. Generally speaking, we can’t stand him (or his sidekick).


    On the topic of voting for Bronson, I did it today!

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