The U.S. Surgeon General on Friday issued an advisory and recommended new advisory warnings on alcohol.
Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s warning said there’s a direct link between alcohol consumption and increased cancer risk, and that alcohol use is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the U.S., after tobacco and obesity. It’s a preventable cause for seven types of cancer.
“Alcohol is a well-established, preventable cause of cancer responsible for about 100,000 cases of cancer and 20,000 cancer deaths annually in the United States – greater than the 13,500 alcohol-associated traffic crash fatalities per year in the U.S. – yet the majority of Americans are unaware of this risk,” Murthy said. “This Advisory lays out steps we can all take to increase awareness of alcohol’s cancer risk and minimize harm.”
The recommendation can be read below:
I’ll drink to that!
For a change, WTD, I fully agree with you! A bipartisan agreement.LOL
We all have to die of something, so we might as well be happy. Plus, who’s going the keep the Wine House open? ?
Isn’t this the same group that every other year tells us a drink a day is good for us?
Hey…you have to die from something.
I don’t trust claims like these. Granted, alcoholic beverages aren’t good for you but to post a blanket statement that it causes 120,000 deaths per year is just guessing. Let’s see the studies, the control groups, and the variables.
Don’t trust the government as they are proven liars.
How odd, you’d think half of Russia and most of Alaska would be cancer’d out by now.
To Peoples Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy may we say in a loving way so our post doesn’t get deleted: “Be quiet, you shot your wad during Covid. Now you’ve nothing to say worth hearing except ‘I resign’. Your China flu policies and lies killed Americans, wrecked their lives and livelihoods more than any cancer could. Forget cancer. Your mob, America’s cancerous public health industry, are all in for government-sanctioned child mutilation, infanticide, and concealing the apparent senility of a sitting President. Your lot are all about doing whatever it takes to get more power and grant money and maybe a Nobel Prize or two to preserve the illusion of your professional legitimacy. So, be quiet, in 17 days we’ll see the back of you and that can’t come soon enough.
And yes, it’ll be fun to find out who in your mob massively shorted alcohol stocks on their way out, coincidentally just before spreading –The Word– that alcohol is officially a deadly carcinogen.”
Well if it’s not deadly, what’s all the fuss?
Wait a second! If a really important federal official, the Peoples Surgeon General no less, declares alcohol to be a deadly carcinogen, shouldn’t the next step be an emergency federal ban on alcohol production, importation, and consumption like they did with DDT, lead-based paints, mercury, asbestos because the stuff kills people?
Why hasn’t that happened yet, Peoples Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy?
May I compliment you, Sir or Madam, on both the depth of your bitterness and on your excellent grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I especially like the inventiveness shown by creating a verb contraction using the word “cancer”.
Aside from those high points, everything else you wrote is rubbish. You deride public health efforts whilst benefiting from them in ways that you don’t even realize. Maybe you would come to a fuller appreciation by moving somewhere that doesn’t enjoy such blessings. We can only hope that you will, and soon.
And one more thing Dear M; if you ever roll into People’s Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s ER after a night of heavy drinking followed by a bad car crash, rest assured that he would do everything in his power to save your pathetic little life.
And I take back what I said about your excellent punctuation. “People’s” should have an apostrophe, as it is a plural possessive noun. Please try a little harder, or at least use Grammarly.
Some of us do not write correctly.
For example I have
Dyslexia and spell check doesn’t do the job very well.
We all know you’re the perfect example of what not to be.
News flash, I would rather read the truth than the slop you come up with.
Such an intelligent fellow, yourself.
We’re devastated! Lost our EP Award just for showing proper stewardship for the declining population of non-renewable apostrophes? Perhaps reinstatement is possible if we promise henceforth to use our fair share of apostrophes, yes?
Thanks to the Almighty, we were never forced to suffer the tender mercies of Dr. Mengele’s or Dr. Murthy’s ER’s, Experimental Regimens, as we’re sure you meant.
Nothing iatromisic, … simply virulent dislike of, contempt for doctors masquerading as authority figures, using authority to facilitate destruction of lives, livelihoods, entire economies, all in pursuit of more power, more money.
While another MRAK writer achieved AOC* status, don’t be discouraged, you’re nearly there.
We certify that no apostrophes were harmed during this writing.
*Alaska’s Official Curmudgeon
WTD, the good surgeon general probably has not practiced actual medicine as you describe above in many many years. He, just like “Mr. Science” Dr. Fauci, is an administrator and from his bio appears to have been more interested in founding organizations (like Doctors for Obama 2008) and politics than medicine.
So for myself, if I happen to end up in the ER at some point in my life, I would rather have a real ER doc that this guy (or Mr. Science).
You of course are welcome to have him save YOUR life and no I do not quantify its quality. I leave that up to you to judge for yourself.
I further strongly object to your assumption that Morrigan drinks and drives, especially after your first comment on this page is:
“I’ll drink to that”.
Yeah…. Couldn’t be the loads of bizarre chemicals in our food (approved by the FDA of course). No, the brilliant “doctors” in our federal government have finally come up with the brilliant discovery that this 2000 plus year old substance is carcinogenic. I would love to hear RFK jr’s take on this. I wouldn’t trust Murthy or any of those clowns to apply a band-aid to my finger. They are beyond incompetent. They are dangerous.
Its very likely the beer, wine and liquor are adulterated with chemical additives.
Wait, alcohol is bad for you…since when?
Is water still wet?
Steve, government scientists are working as we speak to correct the dangerous deficiencies found in water.
Does the Covid shot present absolute risk of cancer too? Let’s light up a new study and get the facts out there.
I read that and had the same reaction as most commenters here.
So I went to the National Cancer Institute (part of the all-beloved NIH) and under the headline: “What is the evidence that alcohol causes cancer” the first sentence reads: “There is a strong scientific consensus that alcohol drinking can cause several types of cancer….”
Consensus??? Again???
There is no question that imbibing anything to excess is bad for you, but this sounds more like more fear mongering. Correlation is not causation.
Translation: Surgeon General told to issue a warning blaming alcohol usage for the rise in cancer rates. Heard behind closed doors was “Do something now! Cancers (deaths and otherwise) are skyrocketing in those who took or were forced to take the experimental, no long term human studies, mRNA Covid shots.”
The warning then should go on all processed carbohydrates that overly consumed, can lead to metabolic disorder, leading to increased cancer risk. Alcohol raises glycogen levels and can affect the liver and pancreas ability to stabilize blood sugar. The junk food cxxp our population eats way too much of is causing an increase in a whole host of preventable ailments – diabetes, heart disease, inflammation, vascular disease, obesity, and cancer. Alcohol is only one simple-carb source of many.
Don’t substantially disagree with the warning on flour and sugar, though there is some cleanup to do before mandating the warnings. First on the list would be the fraudulent food pyramid sold by the feds since the mid 1960s, the pyramid that demands grains and other carbs as the foundation for good nutrition. Yeah, processed foods are poison, but so then are flour and sugar. Worse, it is the feds who’ve been pushing that poison for over 60 years. Cheers –
How about the fact that the poorest of Americans drink $40B of Coke products bought at Walmart and then another $30B in diabetes drugs from their pharmacies ! Can’t make it up . 60% of type 2 diabetes can be cured with proper diet in two weeks according to Doctor at Cleveland clinic . Maybe the Surgeon General should put warning labels on all Coca-Cola products. Yes and include the Orange juice they recommend to their patients that’s full of high fructose corn syrup .
I fear bears and government and not necessarily in that order
Forgive me for my observation skills but am I the only one who finds it comical that Peltola’s office has a “free beer” sign?
Being alive is a cancer risk
It’s nearly impossible to believe anything coming from any federal agency at the moment.
That’s great you have figured out what a few of us has the government lies and has a tract record to prove it.
Why the sheep keep voting for liars and thieves is troublesome.
It has been known for decades that alcohol is a risk factor for many illnesses, but those facts tend to be suppressed. People jumped on the bandwagon when a study showed an association between alcohol and decreased cardiovascular risk of one type, simply because they wanted to drink. They failed to study all the facts, which would have showed that every drink of alcohol kills brain cells, for example, and that it was likely not the alcohol but other elements in the beverages that provided the benefit. It is much more beneficial to drink grape juice.
haven’t people been drinking beer, wine, whiskey for a long long time?
No comment on marijuana… but alcohol is carcinogenic. LOL
If this was the case, Nancy and Hillary would’ve been dead years ago.
How did the old food pyramid, cane sugar, butter, and fat bad turn out.
I am old enough to remember “Dr.” Fauci rolling out the AIDS epidemic in the early 80s telling us it was going to infect as many heterosexuals as homosexuals. That was as obvious a lie then as it is now. Even drinking too much water can harm or kill if consumed to excess. WARNING!: Taking advise from the U.S Surgeon General may cause brain damage and, or severe decline in IQ.! Even in small doses.
We can soon expect warning labels on butter
You clearly missed the ’70 and all the “eat margarine, butter is evil” hype!
What happened to all those studies that told us for decades that moderate drinking actually EXTENDS our lifespan by 2 years.
According to this new research, moderate drinking shortens your life by 2 DAYS. But then again, it also extends your life by 2 YEARS.
Huh? Who is paying for this “research?”
It also causes pregnancy.
And they are still pushing mRna “vaccines” that never prevented transmission of the disease. Credibility is gone.
Exactly! My husband was diagnosed with cancer last February. First thing cancer doctor at MD Anderson cancer center told him was,”Sugar feeds cancer and that means no more alcohol of any kind!” He included processed foods!!!
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