Superintendent Deena Bishop to retire


Anchorage School Superintendent Deena Bishop announced today she will retire from the school district effective June 30, 2022.

She wrote to staff in the district: “I am reaching out today, as I want you to hear from me first, that I have made the decision to finish my six-year tenure in ASD effective June 30, 2022. (Soon this might make the news.)”

She continued, “It truly has been a fantastic opportunity for me and a highlight of my educational career to work with the amazing people in ASD. Thank you all for welcoming me into your schools, classrooms, and offices! My best days have been spent in schools where I have said often, the “gimba” happens. Schools should be a district’s gimba as that is where the real work and value are added to our mission with children.

“Over the years, we have faced unexpected obstacles and tough decisions. A quote attributed to Theodore Roosevelt articulates our journey – ‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.’ Whether the conditions have presented us with good things or trying conditions, ASD, I am so proud of the work you have accomplished. We have moved through both the best and most taxing of times!,” she wrote.

I have truly loved watching student learning happen, listening to our outstanding musicians, cheering for our teams, observing your lessons, and hearing about the successes and quick wins you have shared in the work,” Bishop wrote.

Bishop was the superintendent of the Mat-Su Borough School District from 2011-2016, when she was named Anchorage superintendent. After college, she taught in the Copper River School District, taught middle school for the Mat-Su Borough School District in 1993, and was assistant principal of Colony High School. She became assistant superintendent of instruction in 2007 for the Mat-Su Borough School District. This year she applied to become the chancellor of University of Alaska Anchorage, a job that was subsequently awarded to former Gov. Sean Parnell by Interim University of Alaska President Pat Pitney.

“I look forward to finishing this school year strong and working with the School Board to transition a new superintendent. Thank you again for all you have done and continue to do for the young people in our community,” she wrote.


  1. Good riddance – now take a shower and shave your armpits! And take your school bonds with you while you’re at it. You’ll probably be able to afford them with the salary you’ve been paid!

    • So, you know she came from the Valley…. right? So she’s not an “Anchorage liberal.” also, her salary, for running an organization with thousands of employees and untold physical assets….. is less than I make as a self-employed consultant supervising…. no one.

      • Good for you – you must have a whopper of a consulting business. Brawndo is good. It has electrolytes and maybe some gimba too.

  2. Deena Bishop is one of the greatest women I have known. You should have witnessed her as a teacher!! Her students became Verbal Rockettes ( precision verbal performers) the year I taught with her. Her students learned much about themselves ( just ordinary people) but Deena awakened talents in those kids that were just awesome to watch.

    I believe Deena is one of the most capable leaders in Alaska. Have you noticed? She seems selfless. That smile….she maintained that through all difficulties.

    With a tearful snuffle, I am sorry to lose her leadership in education. But never fear, after a vacation of sorts, SHE WILL BE BACK. I suspect that she never before TOOK a vacation. Enjoy your free time Deena.

    Alaska needs great people. Deena, congratulations on a great career so far.

  3. LOOK at that shiny rock on that finger … WOW!!!
    Missing from her announcement was the laundry list of accomplishments and exceptional performance over her tenure in providing World Class education. Wait(???), maybe there isn’t any accomplishments and.or exceptional performance.
    LOOK at the shiny rock on that finger … WOW!!!

  4. She could cement her legacy with a bold move to unmask our kids immediately.

    She must know the harm that they are imposing on our babies with this heartless and evil farce.

  5. Miss bishop
    You are another one
    There is a long train of people like you that have been given powerful very well paid positions that initially have good intentions but fall prey to the pressure and in the end prove to be self serving and spineless.
    You probably never considered the fact that students were watching you cower before the school board. Looks like peer pressure and bullying still happens in the older “mature grownups “ as well. Yup they never grow out of it.
    Happy retirement miss bishop and yes I hope you never forget the “legacy “ you left in the minds of those who observed you

  6. “I have truly loved watching student learning happen….” With all due respect Mrs. Bishop the achievement and testing numbers say otherwise. Our students didn’t learn the things they need to succeed and we spent a ton of taxpayer funds on that failure.

  7. Who would want to be the ASD superintendent? Even if they hired someone competent, the school board would never let that person do their job. Anchorage needs to wake up and give the boot to their school board members!

    • Just like the Anchorage city assembly. Who would want to be mayor when you have to work with that? But what other choice do we have but to quit trying to fight the evil taking over the leadership of this nation, and that isn’t an option. Eventually we will get someone with a spine and not corruptible.

  8. Fighting “covid” and its bureaucracy and federal pressure to criminalize those not on the woke train to perdition would be so toxic who would want the bottleneck?

  9. The Legacy of Deena Bishop will be another ‘Doctor’ who Coerced bullied and intimidated Anchorage parents to unknowingly allowing their children to be injected with the Bioweapon.. This happened while she was completely aware! Hence her timely resignation nearly to the minute to the CDC approval of the Pfizer jab for 5-11 on Tuesday. Come on!

    Next will be captivity. Full subjugation and bondage! Wake up Anchorage!

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