Among the sweeping changes coming from the Trump Administration, the State Department on Monday announced a “One Flag Policy,” which prohibits U.S. embassies and outposts at home and abroad from flying any other flag than the U.S. flag and the Prison of War/Missing In Action and Wrongful Detainee flags.
No raising of the LGBTQ, gay pride, trans pride flags, or Black Lives Matter flags, which flew above government buildings, including the White House, during the Biden era.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio, confirmed by the Senate Monday, was quick to act on reversing the Biden policy after his swearing in on Tuesday.
“Starting immediately, only the United States of America flag is authorized to be flown or displayed at U.S. facilities, both domestic and abroad, and featured in U.S. government content. The flag of the United States of America united all Americans under the universal principles of justice, liberty, and democracy. These values, which are the bedrock of our great country, are shared by all American citizens, past and present,” the Rubio order says.
“The U.S. flag is a powerful symbol of pride and it is fitting and respectful that only the U.S. flag be flown or displayed at U.S. facilities, both domestically and abroad,” according to the policy letter.
The Dems are free to fly pro-Democrat-agenda political flags when they’re in power, but the Repubs aren’t allowed to fly pro-Republican-agenda flags when they’re in power. SMH
The only “pro-Republican” “agenda” flag is the Stars and stripes.
I’m for flying the skull-n-crossbones with the red, white, and blue–why not fly the stars and strips along with the bleached bones. They add an apocalyptic chill in the air where they fly!
Dunleavy needs to do exact same thing
Win! And never again must those unwholesome and/or divisive ‘identity’ flags be officially displayed on U.S. government property. Congress, act now!
I’m down with that.
Thank You President Trump!
The insanity is finally over!
“greg” will be so sad, drink some black coffee greg.
God bless America!!!
So now Trump can’t order them to fly any MAGA flags, I guess. Excellent.
Sorry, but I don’t remember Trump ever doing such a thing. Please provide examples.
Correct, and they shouldn’t.
No need to worry about Trump.
He clearly has no puppet strings attached, has all his common sense intact and no reason to cater to the penis playing pianist Ukrainian leader.
Nor would he ever. Idiotic comment.
Wrap yourself in your rainbow flag and move to Iran. I’m sure they will welcome you!
What MAGA flags? I’ve never seen any, nor have I heard of President Trump flying any. Do you have any proof, or are you just talking out your (peach)?
The only official “Maga” flag is the Stars and stripes.
Dog, don’t you get sick and tired of being wrong all the time?
Beautiful. A#1 the American flag. ??
To bad this doesn’t reach down to any and all levels of government that accepts Federal Dollars… Like the gay parade Anchorage City Council Bench, or schools.
No special interest group should have their flags flying on government property.
What an embarrassment for our country to allow such a display!!! I Pray every day that we can get back to some semblance of normality and dignity! May we never ever again forget who we are. ??
More common sense implemented early. Hopefully, this becomes predominately infectious and expected of our elected leaders. Keep up the great work!!!
P.S. – Lisa, get onboard the Train!
“One Flag Policy”
The hair sniffer had no use for that first ‘L’.
It’s ridiculous this had to be made policy. But it seems too much leeway is a dangerous thing in the swamp
Only one God. Only one flag beneath it! Ty President Trump!!!????
This should apply to all education institutions that receive federal funds as well. No classrooms should have any of these other flags.
Forkner must be so disappointed
When is Forkern not disappointed? He lives and breathes disappointment in every day life.
I hope this applies to display of foreign flags in congress as well.
Can I get a copy of the policy? I work at a federal agency that has flown the Pride flag in June. I want to make sure the leadership knows of the new policy to prevent that from happening again.
This policy applies to State Department buildings. There may be other orders pertaining to other agencies. – sd