Sen. Giessel throws cold water on Trump’s historic Alaska orders: ‘We aren’t a colony to be pillaged’

Sen. Giessel

Sen. Cathy Giessel of Anchorage, once considered a pro-energy, pro-mining, small-government Republican, had some words for President Donald Trump’s after his executive order opening back up Alaska’s economic building blocks of energy, mining, and timber.

In response to a question from a reporter about the Trump announcement, Giessel didn’t have one good word to say:

“I think it’s important for us to think about the fact that we’re not a colony to be pillaged,” she said during a Senate Majority press availability on Tuesday.

“And by throwing open all of the regulations related to resource development, we could  be jeopardizing our lands and waters,” she said. Giessel then advocated for state control, apparently forgetting that the federal government owns 61% of Alaska and still exerts regulatory control over the rest of it.

Her words were shocking in light of the fact she is the chair of Senate Natural Resources Committee, where energy legislation must pass.

Having grown up in Fairbanks, where mining is still part of the economy, Giessel was once strongly pro-mining. But her new alliance with the Democrats has changed her and neither she, nor any of the others in the Democrat-controlled majority press conference, would speak toward the promising future Alaska may have as Trump has put the emphasis on the Alaska LNG project, to energize the Railbelt and markets beyond.


  1. The state is where any control should come from. We were completely locked up by the Biden regime and now we have been ‘set free’. I think Giessel has imbibed on too much leftist koolaid. ‘Unlocking’ the chains wrapped around our state by the federal Biden puppet cartel is not opening the door to pillaging and plundering. It is returning our rightful autonomy and allowing us to develop our resources in the safe manner we had been developing them.

    • Giessel is a RINO.
      She’s “fronted” as a Republican – but her “feelings” and actions are the middle of the road wishy washy B S. That has this country in the state it is in.
      Drill, Baby, Drill.
      Mine, Baby, Mine.

  2. Remember when Cathy used to be someone we trusted and supported❓️
    It is HARD to remember that far back…but I do!

  3. Shut up, Giessel. When Alaskans needed you most you’ve been a chameleon with an odd drive to unethically force an inappropriate retirement program upon the State .

    Several of us look forward to a good pillaging… and we look forward to less of you.

  4. If we don’t get real Republicans to represent us in Juneau the State of Alaska will continue to decline. Alaska is a vast warehouse that should provide us with unimaginable riches but instead Liberals are leading us to the poorhouse.

    • Tom; Alaska’s primary resource is commercial fishing which will in the future be worth more than oil and gas combined as long as we conserve fish habitat.
      Example; Trump shut down pebble and recognizes Greenland as the the next resource frontier. Alaska has always been a reserve and park by national politics on both sides, democrat and republican alike..
      Summarize; Dunleavy’s letter of resource clarification to the feds has gone unanswered.

      • 3rd; Unless America does something about the Japanese Trawlers, our fishing industry will deplete.

        Plus, internally, we Alaskans need to get the Fish and Game department on track to manage fish AND game. The past 15 years, they have been managing Fish, while ignoring Game.

      • Our fishing industry has been shut down. Murkowski took Biden’s millions and paid fishermen to not work and leave their vessels at the dock. Hard to have a fishing industry when we’re mired in lawsuits from organizations down south and foreign fishing vessels are plying our waters.

      • fish primary resource???? I suggest that you closely examine gross state product data. How many times would the value created by fish have to be increased to replace oil and gas????? Not even close.

  5. Ha ha. What a joke she is. This will be her last political foray.

    Cathy we are privlaged with oil gas and metals the country needs . No other state has the resources we have.

  6. DEAR Sen. Cathy Giessel of Anchorage: BUG OFF
    Please consider retreating to the confines of your politically distorted ban of
    clowns and stay quiet for rest of the session.

  7. How will she have any PFD money to pillage, unless the oil flows???? Other than( of course) taxing the trap out of EVERYONE ,( democrats favored groups,excepted, naturally)!!

  8. I listened to her rant which showed her total disdain for President Trump. Her real goal, however, is to get Defined Benefits for her spouse who works in the State of AK DOT.

  9. Some of us need a working income! Our nation also needs to be using our own resources instead of from other unfriendly nations!!

  10. She is a snake- got her district redrawn to get back in. She is our version of Biden. Just a snake- terrible for Alaska!

  11. Politics brings out the worst in some people, particularly those people who have no other core values than holding onto a political office. And so it is with Senator Giessel. For us voters, every election of public officials is mostly a Whack-A-Mole game, wherein we must do our very best to knock down the malfeasants, the incompetents, the forever-careerists, and the moronic ‘wokes’ who have popped up for reelection. We no sooner whack down one wretched politician when another one pops up. This is a maddening facet of our precious democracy, but we must get better at choosing candidates for public office. I worry that, for the most part, people will elect the sort of politicians that they deserve.

  12. All President Trump has to do is declare it a matter of national security for the nation and all the socialists soros can buy won’t be able to do anything about it.

  13. What a weasel she is, just another Dianne Feinstein with blonde hair! Alaskans flood her committee meetings with ” let’s just do it ” there is no excuses anymore. Development of OUR resources is a MUST NOW , period, Liberty Ed

  14. Giessel and Murkowski…. two old hags that need to go retire. Oh wait they aren’t wanted at home either. Yikes.

  15. I wonder exactly when she started getting money from George Soros? She started her hard Left turn several years ago when she was my State Representative in South Anchorage. I called her out then. She is obviously bought and paid for.

  16. Senator Giessel needs mental health care. I base that on the above-reported information and reports from people I know that deal with her in Juneau. I cannot imagine the conflicts running through her mind.

    • Wow!

      Cathy seems to have sold her soul, and is now led by inner demons instead of the Holy Spirit, Who would lead her into truth if she let Him — if He’s even in her.

      She seems to take pride in leading an open rebellion against truth and what’s right. She’s lost her moral compass. For many years now, she’s born a lot of bad fruit. What happened?

      I’m so disappointed with her husband, Rich. How can he enable what she’s doing to us? He used to be an overseer in our church. Jesus would not enable the behavior she’s been demonstrating. She is an overlord, not a humble leader serving the people.

      It’s as if someone hurt her in time past, whom she refuses to *forgive*. So she’s bound in chains, and she’s taking it out on all of us. She needs inner healing, admit what she’s done to us and publicly repent.

      Rich, please help her do this. Please obey the Holy Spirit and do what’s right no matter what.

      She’s destroying the state and our country. Time is running out!


      • Our ways of looking at this may be different (or they may be about the same) but we end up in the same place. To repeat a bit: The inner torture, the wrestling with demons and trying to reconcile her current views with her past must be enormously difficult. The Senator has turned herself inside out in order to hold power. It will not end well.

  17. Resource extraction IS Alaska’s economy. Without it we are one of, if not the poorest state in the union. This is rich going from a politician who should and does know that. Who really treats Alaska as a colony. I contend a bunch of ignorant Democrat politicians in the south who hamstring our economy and autonomy with every action they take. Deb Haaland is the latest in a series.

  18. Cathy knows about pillage, her rapacious leadership relative to the PFD proves that.

    I swear, this woman must have an IQ off minus 40.

  19. I knew the Giessels personally. Saw them every week. Our kids went to school with their kids. Went to the pool together. I have no idea what has happened to Cathy. She has lost her mind. I imagine the the conversations around her dinner table have to be glacial. I dare say that she’s become even more out there than The Lisa.

    • Small world, my brother grew up with 1 of her sons. My dad knew her husband. I went to same church as her. I am so confused how she has gotten so far off track from the 90s Giessel we knew.

      • Same. First met her when she was knocking on doors campaigning in south Anchorage. She was saying all the right things. Even volunteered with her campaign for a bit. In hindsight shameful to have supported such an odious woman. Fool me once…

      • People drink the cocktail called life and throw the dice as to how it will change them combined with people choosing to change themselves. Some change for the better and some change for the worse. Politics typically does not change people for the better and the longer they play with that fire the greater the probability of the inevitable negative outcome on their minds, hearts, and souls. Why we need term limits. First for the elected’s own good but then ultimately for ours. Kind of like radiation exposure: you can only take so much before it poisons you.

  20. I’m surprised to see/read this from it would appear ‘a very questionable statement from our elected back to a political position that requires her constituents’ support. No one I’ve talked to sees her abrupt statement as representative of those who voted for her again.

  21. Alaska’s Ruling Class feel threatened? Good! Old cow lost on the busy highway, gets run over, oh well, stuff happens… Figuratively speaking, of course.
    Would it be rude to request The Giessel stop talking, go back to what it does best, RINO’ing and Getting Money?
    The Giessel really cares if “pillaging” causes a torrent of money and power to rain on the Holy City of Juneau in general and The Giessel in particular?
    Waitaminnit! The Giessel’s “jeopardizing our lands and waters” doesn’t matter even a tiny bit when demolishing dams and building casinos, but “resource development”… suddenly a thing for The Giessel and its Democrat bunkmates, what’s that about?
    Okay… President Trump energizes Alaska –and Alaska’s GOP– literally and figuratively, maybe The Giessel feels threatened?
    Next thing you know, Alaska’s back into full-speed resource development, plus every wonderful thing else President Trump is making happen, bypassing our useless, corrupt, anachronistic, obsolete, parasitic state government if necessary, too fast for The Giessel to stop, some Outsider figures out what makes Alaska’s easily corruptible election system tick, and poof! just like that, The Giessel’s out of a job.
    Damn, Cathy, you need the number for 911?
    Newly energized Alaska GOP goes on RINO safari, now RINO’s an endangerd species? Couldn’t happen here, but what if it did, Cathy?
    So, Baba Yaga, just do what you do best, pass a law and a tax right away against resource development (plus casinos and dams) and thank your bloody lucky stars that Alaska’s easily corruptible election system insulates you from voters for whom the north end of your southbound self would be ever such a grand sight.

    • Great point about the casinos. Every single time I go near a town in the Lower 48 with an Indian casino it gets sketchy. The criminal element thrives around casinos. These sicko politicians live hollow lives and seek to bring the rest of us down to their level.

      • Big concern also is the criminal element who might see this little backwater casino as a marvelous opportunity to launder truckloads of ongoing payoffs and dark money left after election campaigns and RCV repeal.
        Can’t help but wonder if the big hurry to get the thing up and running might have something to do with establishing wagering patterns so they’re less likely to appear on anti-money laundering Suspicious Activity Reports.
        Hard to believe it’s just a coincidence that the Mayor and Assembly so quickly abandoned the Birchwood tribe to jump in the sack with the Eklutna tribe, smells like payoffs in there somewhere.
        What are we looking at: Future Governor LaFrance, future Senator LaFrance… feeling nauseated yet?
        And Giessel The Righteous, Defender of Alaska Resources, has nothing to say about this?
        Nothing about this seems to get better… so, what do we do?

      • Thank you for reading a third, Cathy would be proud.
        You’d be right, less is more if the purpose was minimalist, but it wasn’t.
        Sure and reading sometimes needs more than minimalist IQ and attention span, must be why podcasts are so popular, no?

  22. That spike protein affects people differently. It self replicates in unique ways, and in unique locations iin the body, dependent upon the terrain it encounters. Goes straight to some folks head.

  23. I am grateful to Senator Giessel for remembering the fish traps. No matter who is in charge, they will come for every last dollar. I think it is a fact we should think about. If it helps to hear it from someone else who taught me this: “In reality, one has but a lease on ownership during one’s lifetime. The success or failure of how something is used depends on how it is left.” -Wally Hickel

  24. Giessel is like many of the idiots in DC that can’t stand it when someone solves a problem that should have never happened.

  25. I called you Thief in Convention. I must add Hypocrit to the list of titles. Above commentators have described you well.

  26. There’s nothing preventing us from calling that mountain whatever we want.
    Its all theater for the other side. All performative art for the news cycle. Just like the Executive Order preventing birthright citizenship and jewish person named elon “throwing a roman salute”

  27. Like Xathy and her ilk are pillaging the PFD. We need to get rid of this woman, Alaska!
    Thank you for sharing, Suzanne!

  28. What the heck I supported this woman 10 years ago. ?
    Probably never even held a chainsaw in her pathetic little life. Sad sad woman she has become. If she doesn’t know the natives actually want more resource development. She must live on her own colony. Away from everyone else that actually deals in reality.

  29. Our entire Congressional Delegation thanked President Trump for tempting to open up Alaska.. But, no sir! Not Cathy. She needs to be recalled!

  30. Was once at an Oil and Gas Luncheon in Anchorage where Giessel was bemoaning the fact that North Dakota was booming and we were languishing. I pointed out to her that ND’s resources were mostly on private land whereas AK’s were on federal lands. She looked like a deer in the headlights. Sad.
    These are the people we are electing. They are usually clueless but never in doubt. Haha. I believe that is because most competent people would rather run a business, fish, hunt, or be with their families. This is our challenge.

  31. This is why these fake republican mercenaries need to be rooted out. We need to help Alaskans wake up & find people with Alaskan values- to include INTEGRITY- to run for office.
    Anyone who runs on the R ticket only to trade in their constituents for power does not have integrity.

  32. More drivel from anonymous losers. Senator Giessel is basically repeating Governor Hammond’s rape, ruin, run comments about outside interests pillaging Alaska

  33. Giessel throws cold water on many things; the statutory PFD payment, good schools, and elected legislatiure majorities come to mind.

  34. Giessel is old, brittle, and haggard looking.

    Alaska was provided 105 million acres at statehood so we could have the resources needed to not be a burden on the other states. Trump is honoring the historic agreement we had with the federal government.

    A pity Giessel doesn’t know our history.

  35. Giessel is suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. She identifies with her psychological captors and comes to their defense out of a deep, inner fear.

  36. She’s a nurse, she’s a Christian, please do unto others as you should do unto yourself and abort thyself!

  37. I love Alaska and lived there for 17 years. Its energy resources have brought a multitude of benefits and blessings. I am fully in favor of Pres. Trump’s move to (RE)open Alaska to responsible oil and gas exploration and recovery.

  38. Did she say anything when Biden shut down Alaska? Maybe she is not who you voted for and should be recalled.

  39. She voted to help Japan poison Cook inlet with the Carbon Marxism. So she is really a globalist at this point! She is one of the climate chicken little nut jobs!

  40. Cathy “news flash” Alaska is not a colony to be ordered about by the other states. We have the right to develop our resources as we see fit. We do not need anyones permission. Try reading the Alaska statehood contract. And while we are about it, the U.S Constitution is crystal clear as to under what circumstances the federal government may own or control land in a sovereign state.

  41. What we need is an intrepid investigative reporter to suss out every Alaskan leader, legislator, councilman, assemblymen, etc and publicly post by year all who have attended the World Economic Forum with their promised global iniatives (and probable payouts) that are selling out our American-Alaskan values and resources!

  42. She will pillage the Permanent Fund until it is dry, then burden us, our kids, and grand kids with unthinkable taxes and her union buddies will all be eating high on the hog with our PFD transferred into union coffers.

  43. Nobody seems to know what has changed Cathy Giessel from a thoughtful and considerate legislator to an angry and combative one. This transition took place a few years ago. Perhaps her previous rejection from the senate by the voters caused this. This latest tone deaf screed against President Trump indicates that that she is trying desperately to heard and taken seriously. It ain’t working. It seems that she is learning from Lisa and stoking up her TDS. She does so at her political peril.

  44. Cathy has seen the generosity of the democratic donors after watching the Peltola and Harris campaign fund boil over with cash flowing larger than the Yukon river.

    She is simply looking for the most lucrative position for her bank account.

    Voters need to reward her with the same results as Peltola and Harris. Woolah problem solved!

  45. Imagine, as an Alaskan, thinking that the removal of federal overreach and onerous restrictions on growth and prosperity and Alaskan jobs and resource development was a gad thing.

  46. Earth to Giessel – It was Mt McKinley for over a hundred years. Then Dear Leader decided to rename it. I must have missed the part about Dear Leader asking Alaskans for permission.

  47. Throw the baby out with the bathwater? She’s in need of psychiatric assistance. Well, this baby survived. And moved away.

    • I think when she had the big “change of life”, her mind went with it. She has become a hateful person and extremely liberal (I repeat myself), not the conservative guest speaker I had in my government class about a decade ago.

  48. Isn’t Giessel the brainiac that wanted to put a 75.00 tax on studded tires back in her first time around.

  49. Cathy Giessel says: ‘We aren’t a colony to be pillaged’

    Response: Neither is the Permanent Fund.

    If we get back into the resource development business we won’t have to pillage the PF. But you and your majority already have it spent, I expect. Cheers –

  50. Come, come, now Cathy, of all people, you should know that in Alaska, politicians–them cool, blue ones, or them hot, red ones–can be had for a couple nickels or less!

  51. The duplicity – “we are not a colony to be pillaged?”

    The hell we aren’t!

    What makes Cathy so incredibly short-sited and suddenly outraged about colonization?

    The United States government came to Alaska, brokered deals with organized religion sects – divided up the state – staked ground and put native children to work to extract resources, build non-taxed religious cult infrastructure and riches to churches through exiled unbecoming degenerates who abused, used, and flourished perpetuating the will and sword of man.

    Organized religion as a weapon is not a new concept to society.

    Organized false profiteers – used the shame tactics of civilizing the savages – bringing false Gods to the natives – by any means necessary to kill the soul and spirit.

    Stop the warrior by killing the souls of children. Take what is sacred and use it against them.

    The flaw in that strategy is, colonization and monetary value, is a secondary concept – not an inherent need or core indigenous measure to flourish.

    A young indigenous lady once said, this country was built on imminent domain.

    Here is the thing.

    The State of Alaska does not own much of the land.

    The federal government and Alaska Natives do.

    Alaska Natives are the largest private landowners in the United States of America. I imagine we are the largest private indigenous landowners on the globe.

    As a state representative, Cathy and the state government has not effectively managed or executed their powers – certainly not in the interests of the people who are the largest private landowners in the state.

    It is refreshing and entertaining to witness a turn of events in our young history as a state to where colonization and pillaging is a concern for ineffective state representatives.

    I do also find it entertaining that Donald Trump is changing the name from Denali to McKinley – this is an exclamation point commemorating the fact that Alaska is not a national park.

    Colonialism is a mindset.

    And please, do not get me wrong, I believe in God, it’s the way man weaponizes the sanctity that I call out.

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