Snyder slips ahead of Pruitt in race for District 27


Anchorage’s House District 27 has been a nail-biter of a race. On Sunday, Democrat Liz Snyder slipped ahead of Rep. Lance Pruitt by 17 votes.

Must Read Alaska has learned that there are between 114 and 120 absentee votes left to be counted. Pruitt would need more than 57 percent of them in order to overcome Snyder’s lead.

Pruitt was first elected to the district in 2010. But the East Anchorage district has grown more progressive over the years. This year in the presidential race, Joe Biden won the district over Donald Trump, 4,476 to 4,072. But four years ago, Trump won the district with 4,085 to Hillary Clinton’s 3,729 votes.

Check back for further updates on whether this house seat has flipped to the Democrats.


    • What is your hope for AK? To be another California? Did you come up here to escape the disaster only to want to recreate it?
      Do you want to have more lands that you can’t hunt on or be allowed the guns to hunt with? That is what you are saying?
      Do you have your electric snow machine? Better turn in that fur hat because those won’t be allowed either.
      You must already be wealthy because you don’t need a job that will be shipped back over to china. The oil industry will be destroyed by the “new green deal” severely cutting funding to our state.
      So due tell, what is your hope?

  1. Slimy dirt doctor gets her democrat help thru mail-in-ballots/absentee, cause she is too stupid to get elected without the help thru the questionable mail in ballots

  2. This is very discouraging. It simply affirms the notion that if you let the Left count ballots long enough, they will win every race. The “leads” that Republicans have at any time are only production goals for the Left. It just sets a target. Time to get serious about election reform, or, if that cannot be accomplished, more direct action. All that is missing is for someone at the Division of Elections to “discover” 117 ballots, 98 of which are marked only for Biden, Snyder and Proposition 2. The counting of ballots in Alaska this year has severely shaken my confidence in the election process.

    • Republicans are running the election process in case you missed that point. But then you would have to own it wouldn’t you.

  3. On the title of Doctor: The academic title is earned in the classroom and is at home there. In contrast, the everyday title of “doctor” was earned by physicians in operating rooms and delivery rooms. It is based on service, not scholarship, and that is unlikely to change soon, no matter how insecure it makes some non-medical doctors feel.

  4. Does anyone know if Alaska uses Dominion voting machines & Smartmatic voting software? If we do then we may get a Mulligan on this election.

    • Yes, Alaska uses dominion voting software. Below is an excerpt from email correspondence I had with Tiffany Montemayor, public relations manager, Division of Elections, on 11.10.20 (simpler times, ha).

      “The State of Alaska Division of Elections utilizes Dominion Voting Democracy Suite software and ImageCast precinct tabulators from vendor Dominion Voting, in 306 precincts that are not hand count precincts. The division performs all programming and testing of the system. We are aware of a communication issue between Dominion Voting equipment in Michigan and Michigan’s election management system where all ballots were counted correctly but numbers reported from tabulator to the management system were incorrect and immediately detected and corrected.
      This was an isolated issue in one county in Michigan and there are no credible reports or evidence of fraud or widespread issues in Michigan or other states that use Dominion Voting equipment, including Alaska.”

      I don’t believe her second paragraph will age well.

      • You are right about the second paragraph. We now know that Dominion has had “glitches” in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia & Arizona! Funny how all the “glitches” seemed to favor Biden.

  5. Another House coalition majority would make the needed budget reductions unlikely in the coming two years, which includes the big election year of 2022 of course. Thompson is a more honest man than Edgmon (who isn’t?) but he is not likely to be capable of the heavy lifting now required. The Senate Minority would keep any House majority coalition from cutting the budget; instead the focus would be on an income tax, and everyone save dogmatic liberals understands that an income tax would merely transfer even more money from the private sector to state government (which is how we got in this mess in the first place). So the Speaker should be Tilton or another of the Republican women, and the best that can be hoped is that the administration has the courage to come up with something for FY 2022 that largely resembles the first Dunleavy budget and makes serious reductions to the BSA and Medicaid. If Prewitt does squeak through over a woman who has never done anything in her life but read books and regurgitate information he has been too lackluster of a campaigner (no coat tails to say the least) that he certainly would not be a good choice for Speaker.

  6. This election, and the incredible stretching out of the counting, the mail in crap, it all ought to give anyone that thought they were living in a Constitutional Republic pause. I have zero faith that the election process has been lawful and is accurate.

  7. To Lance, we say don’t give up!
    If you have chutzpah to challenge Peoples PhD Doctor Snyder on her own turf, surely you’ll ask the Republican Party, at national level if necessary, to help verify the vote was accurate, free from miscount resulting from the corruption about which we’ve heard so much lately.
    Please tell us you did this, and what state and national GOP officials said in return.

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