Document drop: Gasline agency turns down Walker request for meeting


In a letter from Alaska Gasline Development Corporation Board President Frank Richards, the state-owned agency has declined to meet with the former governor of Alaska, who has put together a consortium that proposes to take over the Alaska Gasline project from the agency:

November 11, 2020

The Honorable Bill Walker Mr. Keith Meyer
Mr. A.J. “Joey” Merrick II Mr. Bernie Karl

Alaska Gasline & LNG, LLC. 2501 Commercial Drive Anchorage, AK 99501


On behalf of AGDC’s Board, I am responding to your letter dated November 9, 2020. Thank you for your continued interest in the Alaska LNG Project.

In April 2020, the AGDC Board of Directors authorized our current strategic plan to transition leadership of the Alaska LNG Project to a third party or parties with the qualifications and capitalization to successfully unlock the benefits and value of Alaska’s North Slope natural gas.

AGDC is already collaborating with parties with whom we have an existing relationship to potentially achieve this goal. These parties have provided significant funds and in-kind contributions during the recent economic reevaluation, which successfully reduced the estimated cost of the Alaska LNG Project to a more competitive level. Collectively, we are working toward identification of a new lead party that can advance the project to Front End Engineering and Design, the next appropriate stage gate.

In early 2021, the Board will assess whether there is sufficient interest and progress towards our leadership transition goal. In the event that new Alaska LNG leadership is not identified, AGDC may formulate an open solicitation of interest to present to other qualified parties. Should AGDC offer such a solicitation in 2021, we will be sure to notify Alaska Gasline & LNG LLC.

Accordingly, we respectfully decline your request to meet until such time that we are ready to share a formal solicitation of interest. AGDC and the Board appreciate your keen interest in the success of the Alaska LNG Project.


Frank T. Richards, P.E. President, AGDC

Cc: AGDC Board of Directors


  1. Frank Richards gets paid $750,000.00 a year to front this dog and pony show that has burned through millions in state money and has produced nothing of value, since the LNG Pipeline is a unrealistic, financially net negative idea.

    • Bob. I checked on the salary paid to the new CEO a year and a half ago when the oil and gas staff were at the state fair. They reduced the salary by 1/3 with the new Dunleavy administration. I’m wondering where you got the $$&&&

  2. This letter translated:
    Dear Bill Walker,
    F— you and the horse you rode in on.

    F— you.

    A gas line has a less than zero percent likely hood of ever being built. Everyone who knows even a little about math and energy markets has known this for 45 years.
    Fossil fuels are well on their way to becoming a niche fuel and while natural gas demand will rally some in the next 4-7 years, the demand won’t be even remotly close to worth building a trans-Alaska pipe for. Besides, even if they started construction tomorrow, it would be 10 years at the soonest before gas could start being shipped in a gas line and a few years after that the Arctic ice pack will have abated enough to load tankers on or near the North Slope. Not much pipeline needed for that so might have a chance of being economic.
    We really need to stop paying for this impossible fantasy. End all state funding for anything to do with a gas line. As it is, the consultants, PR firms and lobbyists are making bank but the rest of us are losing our PFD’s and soon going to be paying a state tax.

    • Open QUESTION:
      What makes Bill Walker and Bernie Karl believe that they were qualified to put together a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope?
      Walker is a one-term, disgraced governor who oversaw a horribly corrupt administration.
      Karl is a foul-mouthed, double talker with about as much gray matter as a softball. These two clowns couldn’t find their way out of a Polish whorehouse.

  3. Tsai-chien, Bill Walker. Please come back soon and try again. We really like useful fools who secretly desire communism. Have fun with new law firm. Shay-shay nee!

    • Now there’s a good Communist Chinese packing it in for Bill Walker. I wonder if Walker took his share of bribe money on the front, or the back-end? Biden got his from Hunter. Walker is a treasonous bastard.

  4. I guess Walker didn’t offer to put the LNG State head’s son on the payroll.
    I heard that’s a pretty effective bargaining strategy.
    Maybe he did offer but the guy can’t be bought like some people we know

  5. Investing in the oil and gas industry is not where future energy production is heading. Alaska missed the boat on the gas line by 30-40 years. It’s better that we won’t be releasing all that carbon now.

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