Slow progress: BLM signs four more Native veteran land allotments, hundreds to go


The director of the Bureau of Land Management, formerly associated with eco-terrorism tree spiking activists, was in Anchorage this week, where she signed four more Native land allotments for veterans who had been serving overseas during the Vietnam War, and thus had missed their ability to apply for the land they were entitled to.

Tracy Stone-Manning was in Alaska to survey the Ambler Access proposed road to the state mining district and talk to tribal leaders in the region. The The Ambler Access Project is being developed in close consultation with the tribes and communities throughout the NANA and Doyon regions.

While Stone-Manning signed the four land transfers, bringing the total signed to 12, there are hundreds to go.

The Alaska Native Vietnam-era Veterans Land Allotment Program of 2019 is open to all eligible Alaska Natives who served in the armed forces between Aug. 5, 1964, and Dec. 31, 1971. The law governing this land transfer removed the requirement for personal use or occupancy mandated under previous laws. Applications have been accepted since Dec. 28, 2020, and will be received until Dec. 29, 2025.

The land allotment program gives the opportunity for these eligible Vietnam-era veterans or their heirs to select up to 160 acres of federal land in Alaska under the 2019. Over 2,500 Alaska Native veterans or their heirs are eligible to apply.

Some 298 applicants have completed the application process so far. Another 286 applications are in process, and 51 applications are in draft survey status. It’s slow going at the BLM for getting the land to the veterans, most of whom are in their 70s or 80s.


  1. The Anchorage Assembly will never go for that federal action after they annex it and they will. The assembly members are opposed to private property rights for mere peasants and will dispossess the owners of tendrils of rights from day one. As furtive Anna Browley says: “She represents non-citizens who haven’t even got here yet”. She didn’t announce this while she was running not that it would have made a difference in our well rigged system. So glad she went to one world order planning and training certificated college. Her constituents are other planners worldwide and Agnew Beck. How terribly gentle. Be gentle now, hear? Act like a lady even if you are a fully functioning gent.

  2. The BIA can and will provide advice and engineering for free on Native allotments, and may pay for improvements like roads in some instances. Native allotments are completely off limits to state and local government regulation and taxation. BIA will take the land into a trust to protect it from creditors and other assaults. In timber country Native allotments can be logged right through anadromous streams for example. The land and mineral rights can be sold, and the land becomes regular private land if it is sold to a non-Native, but the definition of who is a Native is not related to ANCSA. So long as the allotment is in Native hands the land can be used for unregulated and untaxed sale of tobacco, fireworks, etc., at least that has been the practice and belief. Some people believe that the ICWA ruling expected out of the US Supreme Court yet this month could have some bearing on all this, but as no one has seen the ruling no one really knows anything about it – no one who is talking anyway.

      • I am not sure how that can be. For example, the Forest Practices & Resources Act does not apply. State laws pertaining to trees are equal in every way, including in the state constitution, to state laws pertaining to moose. It’s unclear to me whether land managed for IRA orgs by BIA have to follow state law – probably depends upon who is in the White House, at least until matters like this go before the US Supreme Court. As a matter of fact, even apart from allotments, ANCSA land that has been clearcut according to FRPA law and regs can be turned to BIA trust land and that allows the anadromous stream buffers to then be harvested. But there is much about the interaction of state and federal law that hasn’t been tested in federal court. Possibly we will see something this month come from the Supreme Court that gives some ideas as to where we are.

    • If your family is in the stage of giving you grandchildren or great grandchildren you need to make sure the birth certificates specify they are minorities. There is no DNA test. NYPD employs ten attorneys full time just trying to sort out who is and who isn’t a minority for promotion purposes; and now we have people being indeterminate about gender to make everything even more unclear.

  3. The state will bring equipment in and store it on the property and won’t tell you. Lots of 4-wheel zooming by people who are ambivalent about you. This is happy talk above. Reality may be discordant. The way the state is “developed” is Anchorage gets everything it wants and the assembly annexes whatever it wants. Serfs may have rights but Anch. doesn’t recognize ANY of them. Never.

  4. This is racist. I left Alaska in 1968 and served 3 tours in Vietnam. When I left to serve, Homesteading was still allowed, there were no land withdrawals, so all federal land was open for mining claims. All these opportunities were lost before I returned to Alaska in 1971. So being white, I have to just suck it up?

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