Footage: Skagway rock slide hits cruise ship dock – again


A small-but-noisy rockslide occurred on Railroad Dock in Skagway on Wednesday at about 5 pm. There were no injuries reported. The slide is located at what is called the north slide area, the same area where a slide occurred June 23.

Passengers from the Norwegian Encore were being tendered back to their ship in small boats that provided by Holland America’s Noordam, which was also in port. Other ships in port today were the Majestic Princess and Radiance of the Sea.

The security booth at the dock was said to be struck by rocks. The area remains unstable, but ships have been moved away from the rockslide path. Contracted geotechnical engineers recently compiled a report showing that the risk of slides continues at the site.

Skagway is the busiest cruise ship port in Alaska.


    • Math or no math, the historical significance of the place towers above the rest of the state combined. The mere mention of the name, Skagway, evokes wonder and mystique in every corner of the world. There is nothing like it. The 1898 Gold Rush lives forever.

  1. How many slides have they had and they needed to hire a geotechnical contractor to tell them there would be more? In an area called the North Slide area. Hmmm, I’m thinking this problem isn’t going to go away.

    • Last time I was in Skagway I spent some time walking the area near the docks.
      Those hills are spitting rocks constantly. I’m amazed it doesn’t happen more often.
      I’m also amazed Skagway hasn’t enforced a tender system for that reason.

      But, they do what they do. The home of the north wind and Soapy Smith has a stubborn streak.

  2. Life in the Southeast. Landslides are a part of life we accept and deal with.

    In a perfect world Skagway would partner with the cruise lines to excavate those mountains back a good 200 yards from the dock.

    But it’s a rainforest, Biden is under the control of the ego fascists, and Alaska has a feckless governor. Plus Skagway is nearly as liberal as Juneau.

    Clearly, not a perfect world.

    • People come to see Alaska’s natural beauty–and pay good money for it–and your proposed solution is to excavate out 200 horizontal feet to leave a rock cut? I’m sure you don’t realize this, but not only would that be ridiculously ugly, but it would cost tens of millions of dollars. But hey, you got to make a snarky remark and own those libs like an idiot.

      • Funny thing. If you’ve ever been to Skagway you’d know it has beauty to spare.

        I’m more interested in the safety of people than one hill. Pity that somehow gets past you. Regarding making you look like an idiot. I don’t need to. You handle that just fine without me.

    • Just a quick excavation of 8 million cubic yards of stone and bedrock without damaging a multi-million dollar cruise ship dock and railroad. Sounds super easy, especially with the lake that would need to be drained to accomplish it.

      Armchair engineers have all the solutions it seems. You should propose this amazingly inexpensive project to the borough assembly.

      • Who said it would be quick? Or easy? Or inexpensive?

        You vote for Biden? You must have if this is the logic you bring to a discussion.

      • The Biden government will block any effort to cut down trees in the rainforest.

        Ask the people of King Cove.

  3. I am sure that tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer funded studies were conducted before this dock was built and put into use. Perhaps the City of Skagway should be looking to recoup that money from those responsible for placing this infrastructure in a landslide prone area. This is a disaster waiting to happen!

  4. Close the dock permanently. Cruise lines are still enforcing vaccine requirements. I hope the entire industry goes under.

  5. So the Railroad AFT berth is closed, looks like they may now close the FORWARD berth – which means 2 of 5 berths are now out of commission. This is going to be messy.

    • “Some” “As many as” Show the math compared to other towns”. I don’t believe “per capita”.

  6. I was supposed to visit on June 23rd and ride the train. I was very saddened that I did not get to see the beauty of Skagway. Maybe in the future.

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