Shame on the New York Times


That the “official” who penned the whiny, anonymous New York Times hit piece about the Trump administration is a coward is undebatable. That the New York Times stooped as low as it has ever stooped in printing the piece also is undebatable.

In running the rambling, self-serving and fact-shy “resistance” piece, one of the nation’s largest, most prestigious news organizations allowed itself to be no better than the internet swamps where legions of anonymous commenters insult, backbite and hurl invective from the safety of their mothers’ basements.

The piece, “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” is bad enough, but what The Times did is worse, allowing itself to be cast – now unquestionably in many minds – as squarely in the ranks of political Left’s relentless march on the Trump presidency. Now, it seems, the newspaper will allow anybody to say anything about Trump or his administration as long it is bad, and then protect their anonymity; that it will do anything – even abandon journalistic principles – to hurt the presidency.

Read more at the Anchorage Daily Planet:


  1. Does anyone actually think that a senior administration official wrote this and that it didn’t come from the writer himself or from one of his friends directly from “the internet swamps where legions of anonymous commenters insult, backbite and hurl invective from the safety of their mothers’ basements”? The left doesn’t care about facts or using actual sources, as long as they can forward their cause. Even if it is discredited tomorrow, as long as it served its cause today that’s all that matters.

  2. So now it is ok to steal documents from the presidents desk. We will see if the Democrats like it when it happens to a Democrat president.

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