Sen. Shower to Alaska Attorney General: Investigate election fraud


Sen. Mike Shower of Wasilla sent a letter to Alaska’s Acting Attorney General Ed Sniffen this week, requesting an investigation into election fraud in the November General Election in Alaska.

Shower says he has material to hand over to the Department of Law that should be of interest to the state, if not the federal law enforcement authorities.

Shower reached out to Alaskans on Facebook and asked them to provide him with concrete examples of fraud that they had witnessed. He said people sent him numerous anecdotes about receiving two or more ballots, and about people who voted in other states discovering that they had also voted in Alaska, and more.

Shower said he has gotten no response from the Division of Elections, and decided to elevate it, including notifying the Federal Bureau of Investigations with his findings.

Shower wrote that he was requesting a criminal investigation, and that he wants the Attorney General to seek assistance from the FBI to determine if federal crimes were committed with data breaches and mail fraud.

Shower was the author of 2019 legislation, Senate Bill 116, an “Election Integrity/Ballot Chain of Custody” proposal, addressing several concerns, including ending the practice of ballot destruction at the precinct level, establishing a secure chain of custody for all ballots, requiring the Division of Elections to notify voters when their votes were voided, and enacting new rules for cleaning up voter rolls. SB 116 would have also set up an elections fraud hotline to report suspicious activity.  The bill failed to get even one hearing under Senate President Cathy Giessel. The bill was referred to the State Affairs Committee, which Shower chaired at the time.

“Following the recent primary and general elections, my office fielded hundreds of complaints from across Alaska regarding ballot harvesting, voters receiving multiple absentee ballots they never requested, and people who were prevented from voting for their own legislator due to erroneous information at their polling locations,” Shower said. “Our work on SB116 also revealed that the Division of Elections policy, not state statute, permits the Director [of the division] to unilaterally determine which votes should count and which do not if double voting occurs.  I believe we must clarify DOE policy in statute rather than leaving it up to the discretion of a Director, which can change from administration to administration, to determine whose vote counts and whose will not.”  

Sen. Shower said he has been working with the Lieutenant Governor’s Office and the Division of Elections to address several outstanding concerns. 

“The situation is further exacerbated by the data breach which saw the personal information of over 113,000 Alaskans compromised,” he wrote. Shower is among those who received a letter from the Division of Elections saying their private information had been hacked by foreign operators.

“The data breach was not reported to the legislature, candidates, or the public until nearly a month after the election took place and after the election was certified. Since that time, some Alaskans have reported identity theft taking place which involves their personal information,” he said. Indeed, the announcement was not made by the Division of Elections until Dec. 3.

In a Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting on Dec. 30, Committee Chairman Sen. William Ligon, heard testimony from experts and witnesses regarding the State of Georgia’s Election Integrity.  Throughout the hearing, the issues raised included reference to four states that experienced similar anomalies; Alaska was mentioned as one of them during the hearing, with a claim that Alaska experienced an 8 percent “overvote,” representing 43,000 more ballots cast than there are eligible voters in Alaska.

“In light of all the information being shared with our office and now on the record in other states which are experiencing similar election issues, it is imperative that we investigate these issues very closely.  What we have found on our own, with limited resources, has raised more questions than answers.  Our election system is too important to take any one of these issues lightly, much less all of them in one election cycle.  I look forward to continued work with the Lt. Governor and the Division of Elections on strengthening our Statewide elections system.  We must do everything in our power as elected officials to protect every Alaskan’s privacy and ensure the integrity of, and confidence in, our voting system,” Shower wrote.


  1. Long time coming and I sure hope the Senator gets something done as the LT Gov seemed to be asleep at the office throughout the entire process…

      • That is the hard evidence! You don’t like numbers? You are the Fake news. I personally have a friend who is a poll worker and said they had to let out of state voters who were working on the slope vote in our election. All residents of lower 48 states were given ballots to vote in Alaska. How is that for evidence?

  2. Election fraud, Senator Shower, I hear you on Michael Dukes, you stand up for the freedoms. Thank you.. There are few out there that do that and question authority. Many Republicats are not willing to do that. To many RINO’s

  3. Our government is not working for the people. Good luck Sen. Shower, and good on you for bringing it further to the surface but be careful what you uncover…you might find the shocking awareness that everyone around you is corrupt, cheating, and will lie about it.

    • It’s working if you are hoping for a hostile populace supporting an anti-democratic autocrat. Trump, and his minion Dunleavy, represent the antithesis of democracy. They want to rule, not govern. This has been the emphasis of the GOP since Reagan, when he promised that he would let you have your cake and eat it. Trumps is the culmination, and, we can only hope the end game, which ends in asserting that democracy can never be hijacked by oligarchs, will prevail.

      • It’s working if you are hoping for a hostile populace supporting an anti-democratic autocrat. Trump, and his minion Dunleavy, represent the antithesis of democracy. They want to rule, not govern. This has been the emphasis of the GOP since Reagan, when he promised that he would let you have your cake and eat it. Trumps is the culmination, and, we can only hope the end game, which ends in asserting that democracy can never be hijacked by oligarchs, will prevail.

        More “Blah… Blah.. Blah…” Where’s YOUR hard evidence?

        • All you really need is the attempted coup by the President, which has been turned back by the courts who require proof before they will rule on absurd allegations, and the fact that he is now trying to extort election fraud by Georgia officials, to know that this man and his supporters, including Mr. Shower, should never be allowed to hold any political office in any democratic country or state or county or city ever again. In case you’re wondering, that includes dog catcher.

  4. Can’t blame anyone who decides not to bother to vote anymore. Our election outcomes me seems to have been pre determined before the first vote was cast.

    Worse, regardless of party, neither side has any real interest in looking into what appears to be a very broken process.

    Face facts: we stopped being a Republic almost 100 years ago. We had our democracy phase, our socialist phase, and have slid comfortably into fascism.

    • Masked Avenger, sadly you do not represent the truth here. While it is true that this election cycle looks more snd more to have been stolen, the same isn’t true or the past 12 presidential cycles. We can and will root out this evil. Stop giving up! Cowboy up and tear yourself away from your video game. There is real excitement to be found in reality!

      • I’ll take his truth over your pie in the sky anyday. If you think this is the first election stolen by rampant fraud, I have a bridge to sell you. America is literally teetering on the brink of the abyss. Some, most actually, are way too absorbed, self important, or just plain blind to fact, to see what is yawning before us.

  5. I support Senator Shower and the effort to investigate reports of election fraud.

    However, it has been my personal experience that the Department of Law is absolutely incapable of properly investigating matters of corruption in this State. I have zero confidence in Acting Attorney General Ed Sniffen or the Department of Law at this time.

    Governor Dunleavy should get involved and have an independent investigation conducted by counsel outside of the political grasp and personal agendas of those inside the Department of Law.

  6. Seize the Dominion ballot machines and run samples for statistical rates of error. Antrim County in MI tested 22 machines and found 68% error rate in the 2020 election. And the Democrats and their reporting services, aka the mainstream media, had nothing to say. Give em hell, Senator Shower. We support you!

  7. I sincerely hope this gentleman makes a run for a higher office one day.

    He’d be a superb replacement for Princess Lisa or in filling Don Young’s well-worn shoes. I’d also back him in a heartbeat if he opted to take on grossly ineffectual Governor Dunleavy in 2022.

  8. Based on what the Trump investigative team has uncovered, Alaska needs to conduct a total overhaul of how we manage our election. First, get rid of all the vote tabulation machines which “are not secure” and we must go back to the paper ballots and hand counting. Next, all voters must provide an ID and vote in person. This is the only way to insure a secure election. These things must be done.

    1. Get rid of the machines
    2. Paper ballots only with Bar code
    3. In person voting with ID and you get a copy of the Bar code
    4. No automatic registrations.
    5. Hand count.

  9. Shower reached out to Alaskans on Facebook and asked them to provide him with concrete examples of fraud that they had witnessed.
    Now he wants the state and maybe feds to launch an investigation into responses he got on Facebook.
    I used to respect him but this is ridiculous.
    Facebook is for sharing family photos and buying and selling things. not for gathering evidence into election fraud.
    This is what is wrong with our country.

    • Where have you been Leo? Facebook is social media. It is a place for sharing of information. I personally hate it but there are no rules about limiting FB to family photos. ☺️

    • Maybe he should go door to door seeking all this fraud, give him something to do. Otherwise, he should peddle his proof on Sesame Street.

  10. Thank you Senator, for doing your job. What happened to the rest of the clowns? Still fighting over who gets to drive the clown car? All the people want is a real investigation, we are not just bad sports.

  11. Readers take notice of the favorable responses to Senator Shower! You all know why? He is the real deal, integrity driven. Unafraid of the corruption he’s addressing. We in the valley are very privileged to have him representing us in times like these! My great wonder is whether the governor will learn anything from the rare examples like that of our senator extraordinaire Mike Shower is setting?
    God knows Dunleavy is a slow learner.
    Thank you senator Shower for leading the way !

  12. Senator Shower, you have my support! Thank you for your courage in investigating elections. Know that we are behind you.

  13. Dominion machines were outlawed in America several years ago but came back under a new name. Just how little election oversight is there that the criminals continue to remain in charge? Rhetorical.

  14. Every Alaskan that cares about the rule of law and stands against government corruption need to be engaged right now! This election in America was a complete fraud across State lines coast to coast. There are corrupt politicians in bed with Chinese, Big Tech and enemies of America money. They are willing to subjugate us as nothing more than slaves to their corrupt system. The Republic is in great danger and we need to act now! We owe President Trump our complete backing in bringing this system down as he is sticking his neck on the line for us. Senator Shower is taking a stand and deserves all we can give him to root out this same corruption here in Alaska. The Dominion Machines have been verified as compromised. Jovan Pulitzer (An Electronics Forensics expert has just completed his review of the machines in Georgia and confirmed they are hackable. Data can be entered, manipulated and extracted through the intranet via wireless or hard connection. This is illegal of course and the Dominion Executives at every hearing kept saying you couldn’t do it. They are blatantly lying to the American people. Our time to protect freedom is now or forever lose it to a corrupt movement to shred your rights under the Constitution and enslave a free people!

  15. Also, you need to lean heavy on Murkowski, Sullivan and Young. They are eerily silent on the rampant voter fraud. They must contest the election results in Congress on January 6th! The Electoral College certifications for the contested States must not be counted! If they don’t do this they are complicit in knowingly allowing this election to be stolen! Melt their phones off the hook!

    • There is no voter fraud. Let me repeat that, there is no voter fraud. This has been litigated numerous times, about 90, and proven false. The biggest fraud going on now is the attempt to scam voters into thinking there is fraud. That is the real threat to democracy.

  16. “Over votes” is when a single ballot has votes for two or more candidates in the same race. This of course invalidates this ballot. But this cannot prove or even lead to more ballots than voters.

    David Cross, an owner of an investment management firm in Duluth GA testified on Dec 30 in front of the Georgia senate.
    @RSBNetwork posted on Twitter live streamed the Dec 30, 5 hour senate testimony where Mr cross testifies.
    At about the 2 hour 19-22 minute mark he points out
    Alaska citizens: 734K
    AK registered voters: 597K
    people under age 18: 26.4%; 43K over registered 108%

    He wasn’t looking at ballots or votes at all.

    We very well may have people registered to vote in Alaska who have died or who have moved away and we should “True the Vote” and clean up voter registrations of the dead and non citizens but that is very different than saying we have more votes than voters

    Kind of disappointed in MRAK, should do more homework. Should have at least asked the Senator to identify this information and verify with the source. Edward R Murrow would not be giving you any awards for this post.

    • You’re using an election worker’s definition of “over vote,” and it is unlikely that anyone who hadn’t been an election worker would understand it that way.

      The problem here is twofold: our lists are always very dirty because we have a very transient population that got registered everytime they had any contact with government. Now we’ve compounded the problem with the abysmally stupid PFD application registration scheme. We allow large numbers of people to maintain eligibility for a PFD even though they are not and evidence no intention to remain in the State and maintain a domicile here. It was bad enough when spending a year or two in base housing would entitle you to vote here and get a PFD, but now since we register you to vote when you apply for that PFD despite the fact that you haven’t set foot in Alaska in years, you get to vote here too. And the interaction between states is so half-assed that you can probably vote as a resident both where you are and in Alaska.

      A third factor is also that during all of Comrade Obama’s regime, states with large minority populations, Alaska among them, under USDOJ supervision were not allowed to purge their rolls at all.

  17. Election fraud has been going on for decades in Alaska. In the last Primary, I believe, I would have won against Stedman! Many communities were not allowing undecided, undeclared to vote Republican. I had many individual voters write to me and say there was an election fraud! My brother and sister in law voted for me in Kake Alaska but if you look at the Division of Elections voter records, not one vote was counted in that community. Alaskans said to me Michael, I did not see your name on the voter ballot! The reason the voters didn’t see me on the ballot, because they were handed a Democrat ballot, not a Republican voter ballot. In the August Primary, I received 36% of the votes only 14% away from a tie, etc. No one said anything, I contacted the Division of Elections and they just let it slide, like nothing to see here! I pray all dominion voter machines are investigated in Alaska and Lt Governor challenged the way he conducted the months he was overseeing and the truth brought out. Not only the Dunleavy administration but decades back and put this corruption to a stop once and for all. We need new elections to be taken over especially in contested areas like mine in District R.

    • Your willful refusal to acknowledge systematic corruption and fraud in the voting system is merely indicative of a hypocritical and blindly partisan view of life: “If it furthers MY side, then it is automatically good”. Is that how it is with you, Whidbey? Are you really that short-sighted and ignorant?

      • Sore loser. Get over it.

        We lived with Trump for four years. You can live with Biden for four.

        Tell me again why the “systemic fraud” was all in one direction?


        • I was not fan of Trump, but one does not need to be in order to be appalled and outraged by the systemic corruption and fraud that was rife in this presidential election. EVERY American, of any and every political persuasion, should be equally outraged by it. But simpletons like you, who cannot look past their all-consuming narrow partisan biases, are fine with any crime, any corruption, any lie, any cheat, any underhanded tactic, as long as they perceive it to favor “their side”. You have no standards and no scruples, and that is why people like you are evil and are the enemy of everything that is right and decent.

          • Sir, might I point out that you have no direct, first-hand evidence of any election fraud? You are only parroting the story planted by Trump many months ago in order to explain a potential loss, and to set the stage for people like you to protest the results. You have been played, and you’re swallowing it hook, line, and sinker because it suits your political preferences.

            Joe Biden will be inaugurated on 20 January. The world will continue to turn.

            Now, stop raging at your computer and have a nice Sunday.

    • Yeah, I vividly remember how warmly the communists, excuse me, Democrats received the Trump Administration. I want to see if we can resist better than they did.

  18. Ah, memories of 1982 when the lights got shot out throughout Anchorage on a snowy election night. The first capital move initiative was on the ballot and lost by a handful of votes, and Tom Fink lost to Bill Sheffield by a small margin. I personally wrote to the Division of Elections (in Juneau, of course) who completely ignored me. Then I wrote to CBS 60 Minutes, who at the time was really concerned with election in El Salvador, and was again ignored.

    Nothing has changed. Nothing……….

  19. My district had several Absentee/Early voters who were mailed to PO Boxes additionally a large amount were sent out of state. These lists are easily accessible and any candidate can access them. The problem is are they legal voters…???

    • We will never have another honest election so long as we have the PFD application registration system. The Permanent Fund Division of the Department of Revenue has almost no investigatory or fraud detection capability. Combine that stupid system with mail ballots and our elections are a prescription for fraud.

      • So all the Republicans who have been elected to state and local offices this year come by their seats dishonestly? And the governor? And Kevin Meyer? What about Mr. Shower? Dishonestly elected?
        What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and you can’t have them both swimming in the same sauce while you claim one’s getting sauced and the other isn’t.
        I need a drink.

    • I also used MinuteMan Printing in Anchorage and gave them the direct lists from the division of elections, 2500 names and when they scrubbed the names with their postal system they found about 300 names that were not deliverable…

  20. I also bumped into a NJ congressional staff member Democrat who was staying at the Inlet Tower in Anchorage and he worked as a staff member training folks to be election observer for the Gross campaign here for two weeks, his first time in Alaska…Hmm..

  21. Anecdotes are not admissible in Court. I rarely agree with Lt Governor Meyer, but Kevin is an honest guy and ran the election according to the law. Shower is just the latest clown in the Juneau circus. Changing voting laws to disenfranchise voters is the latest national Republican trend.

    • Frank Rast, I see that your arrogance, cluelessness and disingenuousness are not limited to the highly censored gulag of an echo chamber that is the comments sections of the ADN.
      It is both specious and dishonest, as well as intellectually and morally insulting, to try to make the claim that upholding the integrity of the electoral system, and verifying the identity and valid voting status of every voter, somehow “disenfranchises” anyone from voting. By your ‘logic’, there should apparently be NO attempts to verify or identify ANY attempted voter, nor any attempt made to prevent anyone from voting under any circumstances. In other words, you advocate for a corrupt and compromised free-for-all in elections, with no voting integrity whatsoever. You are either malevolent or insane.

      • Verification? What consists of verification? Do you need to provide a passport, a drivers license, a birth certificate and DNA sample to vote?
        The GOP has decided that they cannot win elections legitimately (Trump saying that if mail in voting, a method he used himself the past election, will result in Republicans never winning an election again) so are they justified in juking the system to achieve that end? Is that your idea of the American system?
        I had a civics teacher, lo these many years ago, who claimed that any rules for voting were legit if they applied to everyone. We were discussing poll taxes. The question came up, “What if the poll tax is $1?” The response was, “Legit if it applies to everyone who wants to vote.” Next question was, “What if it’s $100?”
        Same answer. Next question, “What if it’s $1 million?” No answer.
        The GOP is doing whatever it can to hijack future elections by limiting voting rights. It’s a play right out of the freeing of the slaves after the War Between the States. They don’t want democracy, they want to rule.

    • That is the problem. Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer did not run the election according to the law. The law requires every ballot to have a verified signatures. No court has the authority to alter that law, therefore the Lt. Gov. violated State election laws by abiding by the illegal court order. He should be the first one that needs to be charged with election fraud by the AG.

      • Where’s the evidence. The hard evidence, not the stuff that gets made up and presented as proof ala Giuliani.

      • If the law was broken why is there a need for an investigation? Shower should simply file a lawsuit instead of asking for the AG to waste time.

    • Oh, and, genius, anecdote is certainly admissible in Court if the anecdote is a personal observation. I think if you actually knew anything other than stupid lefty talking points you’d know that the changed voting laws that led to the massive fraud in the states at issue were changed by communist, excuse me, Democrat governors, AGs, SoSs, many Soros funded, and by Democrat judges. The exception is Georgia where a Republican Governor and SoS entered into a consent agreement with Democrat Stacy Abrams, which agreement violated most of Georgia’s legislatively enacted voting laws.

  22. I believe that nationwide we need to audit all states thoroughly. Starts with the important registration process which starts the chain of custody record so that fake ballots cannot be introduced and audits all the way through to the ballot record preserved as evidence. We know where and how joe did the cheat in five key swing states. Question is how much was done here in Alaska? Why would anyone have any issue with that? Only to cheat.

  23. Lt. Gov. Was responsible for the purchase of the dominion machines in Alaska fraud has been going g on for decades prior to this election. I do not believe for one minute Alaskans voted in an open primary and gave up their right to vote. When we confronted the pole watchers and workers about the ballots going I to a box to be taken else where we were instructed to move along.

  24. Mail in voting should never have been allowed and it is the left that pushes for it nationwide. Why? Electronic voting machines hav opened the door also for fraud and are certainly not fool proof. There was definitely ‘hanky panky’ going on with the recent election and I bet also in previous elections. It should be investigated. Kevin Meyer being a nice guy has nothing to do with it. If he refuses to pursue a real forensic investigation than someone else needs too. Voting fraud is a serious crime and we need to take care of this now.

    • Apologies for thumb pecking errors. Get the gist. ?. Can hardly see my phone screen for editing.

      • You lefties keep pushing that meme. Of course a person legally entitled to vote absentee and who requests an absentee ballot should be allowed to vote by mail, though we should investigate the Hell out of them because the Democrats run quite a fraud operation with two state/two residence voters.

  25. Thank you Senator Shower for assisting and correcting voter misinformation.. Please keep us informed on the upcoming Binding Caucus “games” that will be played. And I agree we need to toss out the fraud voting machines and go back to paper, ID and “in person voting.” We need to work and solve this problem with the upcoming Anchorage Municipal and do away with this drive by mailbox voting. and vote in person like we did the early voting in person. For an example: I went to the Midtown Mall for voting and everything worked great there.. I don’t trust these drive up mail drop boxes.

    • If the country went to civil war, the highly esteemed would be the first to get it. That’s how it works.

  26. It’s never too late to investigate considering that we have Dominion voting machines attached to a communication fax line…. So, let’s get on with it and make the correct report to the public that votes, just to see if your vote counted once, twice or three times or maybe the “dead came back to life’ just for the election. And, of course, how much integrity comes to light from the elections officials. That is how others have been put in elected positions time after time..

  27. At least there is one freedom loving and not sold out Senator in Alaska. Thank You Senator Shower for doing what every representative and Senator should be doing…..that is protecting Democracy and the republic.

  28. Thank you Senator Shower!

    Letters have been sent to our local representatives to fully support you.

    The Lt. Governor should revisit his statement that the Dominion voting machines used in this state were not compromised. There is proof that they were along with mail in ballots being compromised.

    Let us know what we need to do to help you.

  29. Greg R and whidby need good advice for the new year
    Here it is, get a pencil, McDonald’s is hiring and the minimum wage just increased! You both can enjoy a new found purpose in life. Now let’s get ready and repeat after me Would you like fries with that????!!!

  30. Do this. Been hoping that this gets done. My point: the day after the election, Nov 4, we had 28 Republican House victories. Two weeks later, 21. And Ballot Measure 2 was defeated. Two weeks later, it wins. The signature requirement on absentee ballots was changed midstream. We used Dominion machines, which were hacked in other states. It’s a mess. Alaska never had such a messy election counting process. Sen. Shower, you are doing what the people want done. Thank you.

  31. How about some transparency? IF the #bidenites were so confident of the full and legitimate tally, wouldn’t they be rushing to use the evidence to prove that? Quite the contrary, there appears to be seditious trend by the government lead by Democrats and RINOs to ensure a Lack of Transparency. Why would that be? I’ll tell you why… I have exhaustively looked at the record of votes cast in Alaska, and there is something very fishy there. And it ain’t salmon. I have forwarded my work on to key Senators and Representatives who I believe have the backbone to call a spade a spade, point out the King (DoE) has no clothes, and state the kettle is truly black. Rise up and take the individual initiative to participate, testify on your direct knowledge, ask questions, investigate for yourself, and make a difference. Otherwise, sleepy joe and the #bidenites are asking you to just take it and move on. NOT HAPPENING!
    Also, time to #cancelLisaM

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