Sen. Dan Sullivan, on eve of president’s long-awaited visit to border, says crisis is dereliction of duty by Biden



Ahead of President Joe Biden’s visit to El Paso on Sunday, the city on the border with Mexico began clearing the sidewalks of homeless migrants, online video from the city shows.

A local border security group organized by a Border Patrol agent’s wife plans a protest during Biden’s visit.

Biden’s trip is his first to the southern border since he’s been president. His visit is to a sector where Border Patrol agents say they are overwhelmed with an influx of people. A border agent was shot there Thursday.

A humanitarian crisis developed in the city over the past few months, El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser says. The city began busing thousands out last year but as numbers reached historic levels last month, Leeser declared a state of emergency. 

On Dec. 6, Biden said he wasn’t visiting the border because he had “more important things to do.”

Nearly one month later to the day, he reversed course and on Thursday, said he was going to El Paso because the city “needed help.” He also announced he was expanding the parole process to release more people into the U.S., a policy over which he’s already been sued for allegedly violating federal law.

Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska said, “While I’m glad to see President Biden finally visit the border, it is unfathomable that he has not done so yet as president  – or apparently ever – especially when considering the crises that have unfolded under his watch. The humanitarian crisis, the national security crisis, and the health care crisis transpiring right now on our southern border is a tragedy of immense proportions and furthermore, a dereliction of duty that this president and his administration continue to turn a blind eye to and, at times, appears to deliberately worsen.”

Sullivan said the Biden Administration has underfunded the Border Patrol and “stopped construction of the border wall, halted deportations, and suspended the successful ‘remain in Mexico’ policy. The result? Since President Biden took office, there have been more than 4.3 million illegal crossings at the southern border.”

Alaska is not a border state, Sullivan noted, but the crisis has reached Alaska “like every other, including our most rural communities, every day. Alaska experienced the largest percent increase in drug overdose deaths in 2021 of any state. Nationally, drug overdose deaths over the last two years – largely driven by fentanyl – have become the leading cause of death for adults ages 18-45 years old. In 2022, over 14,000 pounds of fentanyl was seized at the border – a new record high. This is enough to kill the entire U.S. population 9 times.”

Sullivan said it’s past time President Biden accept responsibility for this self-made disaster and start enforcing the nation’s immigration laws. “The successful ‘remain in Mexico’ program needs to be kept and our southern border wall needs to be completed,” he said.

Irene Armendariz-Jackson, president of a Border Security Coalition and wife of a Border Patrol agent, has been posting videos online of the streets of El Paso before and after Biden’s announcement. One video posted Jan. 1 shows people lying on the ground next to each other wrapped in blankets.

It may be a new year but it’s the same border crisis,” she said. “Here are some videos of El Paso just yesterday. A humanitarian nightmare is unfolding.”

On Jan. 3, local writer Ivan Pierre Aguirre posted video of people lying on the sidewalk in near freezing temperatures.

“With near freezing temperatures in El Paso early (6:45 am) this morning a group of migrants who stayed the night outside use the heat coming from the engine of a parked bus to try to keep warm,” he said. “When asked if they care about standing near the fumes they said they risk to try to stay warm.”


  1. When Bethany opens her article with this sentence “Ahead of President Joe Biden’s visit to El Paso on Sunday, the city on the border with Mexico began clearing the sidewalks of homeless migrants, online video from the city shows.” Is she talking about illegal immigrants?

  2. Sullivan is, once again, being too meek and too nonconfrontational.
    Usurper Biden is not guilty of dereliction of duty. He is guilty of treason.

      • Lucinda, the Usurper Biden cabal has done EVERYTHING possible to not only not enforce the immigration laws, but to ENCOURAGE illegal aliens to flood and our borders and invade our country. The unambiguous and incontrovertible evidence is right there in front of your face, if you would only dare to examine it (and reality).

  3. Running away it doesn’t improve life, it never did. These Runaways aren’t Christians. they need pastor father-in-laws and fathers as anne graham-lotz’s who’d teach them who is the Savior, cause the savior certainly is not America while it falls apart at the seams with
    them in it. Just as alaska’s addicts this crowd need jesus and someone who’d sit for hours reading
    and teaching them how to read the bible and how to pray in their language.

    • More and more I’m convinced you’re either a bit or some tween troll in a basement.

      I’m curious: do you see Jesus in a pile of pasta, or if you don’t is it because the people who prepared it don’t match up to your version of Bible thumping.

    • I’m curious how much of the day you spend ministering to the homeless in Anchorage.

      You do lead by example, don’t you?

      • I can breathe when I stop laughing.
        She’s an armchair believer. In what IDK.
        Her preaching is just screeching nonsense.
        Maybe it’s Sarah incognito. As per usual. ?

      • FAS is a thing in Alaska. It is improved by the structures of studies, sober living and carefully pruning of social circles with constant prayers and attention to proper diet. But in the end direct healing is needed and accomplished by the great physician. Redemption is also a valuable thing.

          • No. I’m just reminding Alaskans they have been diligently souring their pregnancies with alcohol and illegal drugs. The cost to Alaskan society is high and Alaska has taken care to saddle several generations with physical limits. I hope we add some compassion as they innocently search for salvation and Jesus.

  4. Biden is a traitor. He is trying to destroy our country. The Biden Crime Family took millions from the Chinese. the Chinese own Biden, and he is doing all that he can to destroy the USA to help China grow more powerful.

    One, recent example. Arizona spent almost 100 million dollars building a border barrier to try and stop the thousands of criminals breaking into Arizona per day. The POS Biden administration doesn’t want the flow of criminals to stop, so they ordered the barrier to be removed. It is costing Arizona almost $70 million dollars.

    The House needs to move quickly on impeachment.

  5. So Dan the challah is what are going to do just tell us what we have know for years. Step up or get out of the way. Your pretty much worthless so far.

  6. Swampy would know about dereliction of duty. He’s been MIA for Alaska more times than not in the Senate.

    There have got to be times Mark Begich says to himself “I can’t believe I lost to this guy”.

  7. Dan, Dan, Dan… again stating the obvious that we all knew about. YOU voted to approve Myorkas even though his record was well known. YOU facilitated the dereliction.

  8. I would encourage Sully to expand his claim from “Dereliction of Duty” (as applied to only the border issue) but, to a much wider venue of public service “mass transgressions,” including but not limited to:
    – Willful Intent
    – Obstruction of Justice
    – Treason
    – Theft // Thievery
    – Money Laundering
    – Conspiracy
    – Fraud
    – Campaign Finance Violations

  9. Nice to see Democrat El Paso cleaning the streets of the derelicts Biden brought here in advance of Biden’s visit.

    It rude to make the elderly face reality.

    Like the Brits say. Give him a bowl of soup and a lie down. He’s not fit for purpose.

  10. Who is Dan Sullivan? This article says he’s an Alaskan Senator. That’s right, he is. Thanks for jarring our memories. Dereliction of duty? A little more serious than that but thanks for coming out and making a statement (which I’m sure sleepy Joe will take heed). When will we hear from Sen Sullivan again?

  11. The border is not “broken”, the regime for which Sullivan serves as an auxiliary, is successfully implementing the mass importation of millions of foreigners. To determine the status of what action or behavior constitutes legal or illegal has been removed from following statutes and delegated to presidential fiat. American citizens are rotting in pre trial cells on charges of insurrection (for thinking and voting in an unapproved manner), while actual multi national criminal organizations are given control of our borders. Our government funds NGOs which organize and facilitate the massive logistics to house, feed and transport millions of people from all over the world to the border. The criminals are paid $7 to $10K per head for trespass rights to access the US. Once across, the funded NGOs house, feed and transport these people to where needed to overwhelm locals and change the biomass of the population. They will be issued voting registrations attached to welfare benefit packages, and these will be used to print ballots to create vote tallies and consolidate the one party state. Sullivan still pretends that Biden is cognitively able to perform the necessary duties of the presidential office, and that the unfolding disasters are incompetence instead of planned out.

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