Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom retains chief of staff, scheduler, and hires special assistant

Nancy Dahlstrom

Alaska Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom announced she retained Josh Applebee as her chief of staff. Applebee served as the chief of staff to former Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer.

Dahlstrom retained Kim Griffith as her scheduler, and hired Kelly Howell as her special assistant.

Howell is the only new addition to the office, but she is not new to state service. A lifelong Alaskan, Howell was born in Fairbanks and is the daughter of a retired Alaska State Trooper. She was raised in Fairbanks, Nome, and Anchorage, and started working for the State of Alaska in 1996 with the Department of Health and Social Services. She spent the past 18 years working for the Department of Public Safety, where she held several different positions, including administrative services director and, most recently, legislative liaison and special assistant to the commissioner.

“As we enter a new term, I am grateful to have Kelly join our office,” said Lt. Gov. Dahlstrom. “I have had the privilege of getting to know and work with Kelly over the years. I am confident our office will greatly benefit from her robust experience in the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Health.”

Applebee worked in the Parnell Administration as deputy director of health care policy, and was chief of staff to Sen. Kevin Meyer before Meyer was elected to the office of lieutenant governor.


  1. Lt. Gov. Nancy: please advise us all when you expect to review and revamp the electoral process in Alaska. You know there is a serious problem.

  2. WE need a sheriff to review for constitutionality everything written from inception to date for compliance with the US Constitution. Also much of what was written from 1959 to present may be out of date and candidates for sunset recommendation. That is what the actual and only expressed authority for this emolument is. It is not an adjunct to the corrections department regardless of inappropriate keen desires for personal vendettas but who cares about the US Constitution at this point. It’s only native lives that don’t matter right ma’am?

  3. I Object to this apparant misuse of power, misuse of funds, and aabandnment of the actual job description for this pcn and emolument and support for fair elections and enforcement of the US Constitution in sacrifice to the poorly rewritten out of compliance with actual criminal code. Alaskans are oblivious in general but not all are.

  4. THE Criminal Code for the US Constitution I believe has been botched. It’s alleged state code is all over the map and the bright ? light of day needs to be shone in this aberrent misuse of power every day in Alaska.

  5. The truth is that no Lt. Gov. needs a Chief of Staff, a press person, nor any special assistants. The Lt. Gov. is responsible for the Div. of Elections, and has a Director for that. The Lt. Gov. is to protect the state seal, and no one really knows why or what to do about that. Until Lt. Gov. Jack Coghill over-stepped and was smacked down by the Supreme Court the Lt. Gov. had some responsibility for approving regulations written by the executive, but the court said the Lt. Gov. has no choice but to approve regulations so long as they have gone through the notice periods required by law. That’s it. Now that everyone carries their phone(s) in their pocket, and now that no one dictates letters there is really no need for a Lt. Gov. to have staff, let alone a Chief of Staff. No one cuts their budget because each person in government believes that his/her budget is too small to review or revise. In some administrations the Lt. Gov. and even his/her COS attended cabinet meetings, creating awkward moments, but this current administration has only two or three cabinet meetings a year.

  6. Paper ballots only.
    Ballots available only on election day/from legitimate absentee request.
    Tabulation done ONLY in front of a crowd of observers.
    Initial tabulation done at each polling place, then verified at district then state.
    Cameras and eyes on ballots/boxes 100% of the time.

    • And the same rules for local elections. Maybe most importantly. We in the municipality of Anchorage should not be treated as though we live in a different state. Observing local charters should not give merit to poor election process.

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