The Coast Guard and a good Samaritan crew rescued four mariners after their boat capsized in Glacier Bay National Park on Friday.
At 12:04 p.m., watchstanders at the Sector Juneau command center received a distress alert in the vicinity of Muir Inlet from a digital selective calling device registered to Cats N Dawgs, a 66-foot privately owned pleasure craft, based in Seattle.
An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Sitka diverted from training nearby and arrived on scene less than an hour later, at approximately 12:59 p.m. to find the vessel taking on water with a severe list. A good Samaritan vessel Alaskan Hunter was also on scene attempting to assist those aboard the sinking vessel.
Shortly after the Jayhawk crew arrived on scene, Cats N Dawgs sank in 150 feet of water 300 feet from shore.
Alaskan Hunter recovered all four survivors, two adults and two teenagers, from the vessel and transported them to shore where the Jayhawk crew conducted a passenger exchange. The survivors were then transferred to awaiting EMS at 2:08 p.m. in Juneau. No injuries were reported and the survivors are reportedly in stable condition.

“Mariners all over the world, but especially in Alaska, will often drop everything to help out a fellow mariner in need. We saw this today from the Alaskan Hunter,” said Lt. Cmdr. Preston Strobel, command duty office, Sector Juneau command center. “This could have been a devastating start to the holiday weekend.”
The cause of the incident is under investigation. The Coast Guard and National Parks Service are working with the vessel owner to establish a salvage plan.
On scene weather was air temperature of 57 degrees, 1-foot seas, and 3-mph winds.
The yacht had left Seattle and made its way up the Inside Passage, with stops in British Columbia, Petersburg, Juneau, and Glacier Bay.
Should’ve sent out a solar powered rescue boat so as not to offend their liberal sensibilities. I hope the EPA fines these out of state polluters for fouling up our pristine environme..oh wait. Can’t do that anymore.
How cold is the water in Glacier Bay?
This time of year at most +40 – +45 F, colder near the glacier faces.
In 93 we were saved by the coast guard I will never forget the guts it took and all for others they risk there lives. They make it look simple easy also. Flat out heroes with brains and guts of a different caliber.
The Coast Guard may board any vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, whether on the high seas, or on waters over which the United States has jurisdiction, to make inquiries, examinations, inspections, searches, seizures, and arrests for the prevention, detection, and suppression of violations of U.S. laws. 14 U.S.C. § 89. ( The Coast Guard is a member of the intelligence community. U.S.C. Title 50 ( (spies as well).
The above tyrannical laws were passed in direct violation of our 4th Amendment under auspices of the Revenue Cutter Act of 1790 which alluded only “to go on board ships…” at will. Our corrupt government perverted the 1790 intent to include boarding private recreational vessels of US citizens as well. Sure the USCG has heroes… but it also has tyrants.
I always advised my guests that they had checked their Constitutional rights when they stepped over the gunwale. Unless I was hauling PAX for hire, I stowed my license and was just a dumbass recreational boater. Nothing like looking down the barrel of that 50 cal in the hands of a 19 yr. old as they demand to board you, the coxswains really have that move down where they come alongside to ask permission to board and they sweep back their Mustang jacket with their elbow to show you their sidearm. Just because I could I’d always deny permission in their duty boots and make them take the time to put on soft shoes to come aboard.
What a bunch of 1st world b.s.. Language is defined by the use and therefore the understanding of words at their time of use… not some b.s. the word has adopted over time or subsequent use. The Constitution provides for border security… the navigable waters of the coast is a border. As CBP may inspect your vehicle and personal belonging when you cross into Canada or Mexico so too navigable waters are the same. So USCG has the constitution right to search and inspect your row boat to mega yacht on a whim. Up held in court many, many times. Just gotta love the losers that run around yelling; “I know my rights” So far, haven’t heard a one of those that’s had a clue.
So many accidents in Alaska. Local mistakes over the last decades have earned us a strong coast guard force. When the true outdoorsman show up in the spring to enjoy Alaska it’s nice we have provided a federally funded rescue service that’s here because of our idiocy. And being Alaskans we should thank these out of staters for paying for that service as we always have a reason to beg for federal rescources.
Suzanne, I heard that the salvage/recovery vessel could not do anything. Will this boat sit on the bottom of glacier bay forever? Could someone look into this please?
It appears they could not find it. I’ll check into it. – sd
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