Rumors to rest: Don Young starts digital campaign for 2022 election


On President’s Day, 2022, Congressman Don Young started reviving his campaign’s Facebook page, with his first real messages of the 2022 cycle. He placed one message that was “Happy Presidents Day,” and a second that was a professionally produced video, in which Young said, “Alaska, it’s time to put the rumors to rest…I’m running for re-election to continue serving you in Congress. Join us and a strong coalition of Alaskans as we work to build a stronger, more resilient Alaska in the face of unprecedented challenges.”

Young assumed office on March 14, 1973, 49 years ago. His current term ends on January 3, 2023. His main opponent is Republican Nick Begich, who was Young’s co-chair of his 2020 campaign. Recently, Anchorage Assemblyman Chris Constant filed as the first Democrat to run for the seat this year.

Young is in Alaska this week, as the House and Senate are not meeting and members are in their districts. Now 88 years old, the congressman has made several appearances around Anchorage.


  1. 17 days How long did it take for don to break his oath to GOD himself and the citizens. 0 days how many days did don bring integrity to work. 7 times I asked him to list his accomplishments for Alaskans. 0 times I received those accomplishments. 1st time I’m asking Alaskans to give don 0 votes. Please support me, team Alaska. Oath takers we need oath integrity immediately.

  2. Where will Don have his retirement party? Any suggestions out there? For it to be successful, he should start planning now.

    • At Earth First and the Environmental Research Centers. He’s so popular with them, they will stuff him and hang his head on the wall. A good place for it too.

  3. If you want my vote, Don Young, tell you Anchorage staff to get to work on constituent concerns rather than ALWAYS taking time off away from the office and doing nothing. Your staff seems very lazy, unmotivated, and uninterested. This makes you look bad, too.

  4. I will not support him this time, we need to get rid of the Washington DC sewer politicians and get fresh conservative blood to keep our freedoms.

  5. Geez this guy’s had to go for years. I can tell many personal stories but I won’t. I’m not publicly inclined.
    Don Young must finally go.
    Despite his so-long-ago Oosikk fun and all the other fun real stuff.
    Hang with the new wife in DC and enjoy the luxuries the elected don’t deserve.

  6. Wow. The Don Young talking points, “I’m running and running hard” that he and his minions repeat over and over went pedal to the mettle today issuing a press release that the campaign actually did something- – they did a social media post! So amazing, for them anyway, that it was press release worthy. What a joke. I’m done with Don. We don’t need professional politicians with ethical problems and countless occasions of being a national embarrassment. We deserve better. 50 years is enough of Don Young, his bad behavior and lies.

  7. I used to work with a woman that referred to him as Yon Doung. I just shook my head, and I knew better.

    Well, over the past few years, I finally got it. Glad I was never rude to her about it…

  8. Hey Don, don’t go away mad, just go away! I’m leaning towards Nick Begich, just not to sure where his heart truly lies with America First policies. I would feel better if Trump endorsed him.

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