The Biden nominee to the Federal Communications Commission thinks all Republicans are racists and white supremacists.
At least that’s what her message history on Twitter shows. Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan made sure that was on the record on Feb. 9, during a confirmation hearing.
Gigi Sohn is also on the record saying that Fox News has the “most negative impact on our democracy.” She called it “state-sponsored propaganda with few if any opposing viewpoints,” meaning that Fox News was sponsored by a foreign government.

But at contentious hearings over recent months on her nomination, Sohn insisted she is completely unbiased: “”I am fair and unbiased and they know my door will be open and I will always listen. Absolutely I believe that I can be impartial … My opinions as a public interest advocate will have no bearing on how I behave as a policymaker, if I’m confirmed … I said some things maybe too sharp, but they will have absolutely no determination on how I would rule in a proceeding with any of those companies.”
Sohn’s well- documented politics is coming back to bite her. She formerly headed up the special interest group Public Knowledge, which advocates for government control over digital platforms, such as Facebook.
Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan questioned Sohn about her clear history of bias.
“I don’t know where to begin,” Sullivan said, practically in disbelief of her record. He said he is “very disturbed” by Sohn’s social media commentary. “We’re not nominating you for any normal assistant secretary. You’re going to be an FCC commissioner. Enormous power, particularly as it relates to free speech, particularly as it actually relates to liberty in our country. And I think Sen. Scott raises some really important points, which is I don’t see how you can be unbiased.”
Then he continued, “‘Fox News is state-sponsored propaganda” he read aloud from Sohn’s Twitter account, putting a question mark in his voice. “Republicans know the only way they can win an election is to suppress the vote?” he continued. “Your raggedy white president would…” he said. “Wow, that’s way out there right? You think most Republicans are racists and white supremacists?”
Sohn said of course she doesn’t think that at all, and she has sent over 10,000 Twitter messages, and simply cannot remember every single one of them.
In a letter to President Biden, Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist and a long list of other freedom-focused groups called for the president to withdraw her nomination.
“As the decisive vote on controversial matters at the agency, Sohn would have the power and incentive to push the FCC towards government control of communications. Further, the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to mislead Senators when it comes to agency leadership, as demonstrated by the bait-and-switch the White House pulled with the Federal Trade Commission, when Chair Khan was elevated after being confirmed under false pretenses. The potential for Sohn to become chair of the FCC makes her nomination all the more concerning,” the letter said.
“Throughout her career, Sohn has favored policies that undermine intellectual property rights protections. She spearheaded an FCC proceeding that would have enabled tech platforms to effectively steal and monetize television content without paying for usage rights. Sohn also served on the board of Locast, a “non-profit” that was determined to be illegally retransmitting broadcasters’ content without their consent in violation of the Copyright Act. The case resulted in a permanent injunction that required Locast to pay $32 million in statutory damages. Sohn cannot be an impartial regulator of the broadcast industry after joining the Board of an organization that openly violated that industry’s copyrights,” the groups said.
Prayerfully, she won’t be confirmed!!!
There’s a very simple solution: all Republican senators vote against vonfirming her. However, are we all know Lisa and Mitt and Susan will all vote in favor for her in an effort to try and win favor with Biden. How’s that working out for you Alaska?
I fear that even prayer will not open the eyes of Ms. Murkowski but if prayer were to work – expect to see those eyes capable only of looking toward the left.
It would depend on which direction you intend to pray, RevBill — looking upward, or looking downward. If the latter, then such prayers would probably stand a good chance of influencing Sockeye Lisa.
Senator Sullivan should consider a run for President. I believe in him.
I certainly have had my issues with a local, obscure newspaper manipulating search engine optimization black hat tactics to wreck carnage on my life.
I could not imagine lying to Congress by saying, “I don’t remember”.
To have a FCC Comissioner Nominee that lies about remembering her core value system reflected in her Twitter posts is like Biden expects Congress to approve a person who may or may not potentionally commit treason as a matter of public policy. (…And claim to not remember it).
That is a sign of her lack of character, integrity, and disrespect for the American Governance system.
We don’t need another George Bush Republican as President
Ohio has produced more Presidents than any other State
I am also pleased with how he stands up for us.
Too bad he couldn’t show an ounce of this backbone when it came to confirming deb haaland to sec of interior. She has been devastating to our economy. Good job Danny.
Dan is beginning to worry about the next election. He has rubber-stamped other Biden nominees and suffered the wrath of Alaskans for it. Now he realizes that he needs to appear concerned about freedom. Sorry dan, but when you endorsed the evil Lisa Murkowski, you lost a lot of potential voters, and I am one of them.
Steve Peterson, you are so right. Although we all agree this woman should not be confirmed because she is a radical and will be VERY bad for our nation and our free speech, Dan Sullivan is talking tough now because he is worried. He has rubber-stamped other nominees that should have never been hired. And now his efforts to “talk tough” are way too little and way too late. Not voting for Dan Sullivan ever again.
Just what the country needs – a Fascist running the FCC!
It is obvious that the quoted social media statements represent how this nominee thinks and also represent her view of the world. I am ok with that, it is who she is. She being another mindless, unaccomplished, obedient troll, repeating the party line. What I am not good with is her pretense of impartiality. Enough of the lies!
“I said that then, but of course I didn’t mean it…”
So, were you lying then, or are you lying now? In either case, your lies make you unfit to serve in a role with this kind of power.
It’s another day of no school in Mat-Su, so I have another day, after most of last week, to see how Canada has become a dictatorship and how that happened. I’ve already contacted Dan Sullivan about it. Confirming people like this is one way to lose our freedom.
All these people look the same. Weird hairdo, glasses, a funny suit (where’s the bow tie?) and appearing angry. All the boxes are checked for this one. Keep her out, she’s poison.
Oh Danny, you are so funny. You do nothing for Alaskans. Your ‘team’ is ruining Alaska. What’s going to be your excuse when the permits are canceled for Ambler Road?
Oh boy. Talk it up Dan. You’re good at it.
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