Rumors: Ronna McDaniel to resign as Republican National Committee chair


According to a breathless report in the New York Times, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel will resign from the party after the South Carolina Republican primary, which is scheduled for Feb. 24.

The newspaper cited as sources “two people familiar with the plans.”

A new election would need to take place, with those same sources saying that former President Donald Trump is backing North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley to ascend to lead the RNC.

McDaniel is blamed by some party members for uninspired leadership and underwhelming fundraising. She was held to account for not being able to restore the Senate to Republican control in 2020, and for various mid-term election disappointments. Losing the White House to Joe Biden in 2020 also came under her watch. Fundraising has been lackluster.

The Washington Post reports that the discussion she was said to have with Trump is just that — a discussion, and no decision has been made about her stepping down.

“Mr. Trump likes Mr. Whatley for one overwhelming reason, according to people who have discussed him with the former president: He is ‘a stop the steal guy, as one of the people described him. He endorses Mr. Trump’s false claims about mass voter fraud and Mr. Trump believes he did a good job delivering North Carolina, a 2020 swing state, to him,” the New York Times reported.

Whatley is from conservative Gaston County, and is running for reelection as North Carolina State Party Chairman.

“With the help of Republican activists all across our great State, we can deliver the votes in North Carolina to elect a Republican President, expand our majorities on the NC Supreme Court, protect our supermajorities in the legislature and elect a Republican Governor in 2024,” he writes on his website.

In 2023, McDaniel won her fourth term as party chairwoman. She was first elected in 2017 with Trump’s support.


  1. She should have never been re elected.
    Much thought should be put into replacement. Someone that will move our archaic party forward! Probably not being considered!

  2. Well, now that she has done all this damage and got the demcrats into a stronghold position, she has no reason to stick around. However, you cannot hide from justice. Justice is coming for all that have been affected by your “poor” decisions Ms. McDaniel.

  3. Aside from being a traitorous deepstate RINO Romney, whenever I look at this obviously plastic … creature, I simply do not see a human being. Most blow-up dolls look more lifelike.

  4. Good riddance to her and her Uncle, Mitt Romney, who are both Uniparty weasels. Looking forward to neocon nut job Niki Haley dropping out next.

  5. Not a good look on multiple issues:
    … Another woman who can’t successfully execute the mission.
    … When it gets hard and tuff going, she elects to quit and give up.
    … A dismal record, whom should’ve never been in this position.
    … If women are going to hold leadership positions, this is ‘not’ the example.
    … Maybe(?), this was orchestrated by: Deep State, Uni-Party, Uncle Mitt and Aunt Liz?

  6. For six years, she’s done a great job helping the Democrat party. Now that she will soon be unemployed, she can go to work for Team Blue and continue to help them win the White House, Senate and House. Here’s hoping Whatley will do the job right. Good riddance, Ronna.

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