Round two: Second high-level employee abruptly resigns from Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau


Just days after the CEO of the largest hospital in Southeast Alaska resigned over an inappropriate relationship with someone who worked for her, the other shoe has dropped.

Bradley Grigg, who was the chief behavioral health officer of Bartlett Regional Hospital, quit Monday, as first reported by KTOO radio in Juneau.

Grigg, in a letter to the chairman of the board of the hospital, said that he had talked with his family and “have made the decision that I can no longer serve Bartlett in this capacity any longer.” He asked for privacy concerning his “personal issues” that led to the decision and apologized for not being able to give adequate notice.

“Bartlett has afforded me many amazing opportunities for growth, and I will forever be grateful for my time spent at BRH. I’ve come to the conclusion the CBHO position is no longer a position I should fill, as it’s no longer a good fit for me,” he said.

Juneau’s Bartlett Regional Hospital Chief Executive Officer Rose Lawhorne abruptly resigned her position last week. The Bartlett Regional Hospital Board of Directors held a special meeting on Saturday and moved to terminate her employment, effective immediately.

City Manager Rorie Watt told KTOO that the reason she was forced out is that she had a relationship with someone who was a direct report. The relationship predated her appointment as CEO in March of 2021, and Watt said that if she had made it known at the time of her hiring, an alternate reporting structure could have been arranged. It’s unclear why Watt felt it necessary to report the reason for what is clearly a forced resignation.

Read the original story here:


  1. Was he her boyfriend? He was married? Wow! I guess they can’t get back together. Hahaha. Marriages can survive even after an affair, It is a covenant that should not be broken. Evangelist Ted Haggard’s wife response should be an encouragement to every woman who has experienced a betrayal and kept the covenant.

    • Yeah I believe Jimmy swaggart’s wife stayed with him but I’m not sure. Did we’re blessed we’re blessed we’re blessed Tammy Faye stay with Jim Baker? To me, when you say the vows of marriage, your promising to be faithful. If you choose to break that promise then all bets are off.

      • Propinquity; it’s real… and the grossly corpulent, the freakishly homely, and those that have otherwise found themselves to be owners of a reprehensible appearance will always have the moral high ground. You go, Fork.

        • That’s the way I see it too. Might be old-fashioned or out of phase with today’s going on. But this kind of things been going on for centuries. Some of the orgies that Ben Franklin was associated with we’re probably not for the faint of heart but likely saved our country. Kind of messed up but oh well.

  2. This is what happens when you have Liberals in charge. Who knows what kind of mess really lies within BRH. I don’t know what it is, but they just can’t refrain from having high school-style affairs and flings.

  3. @SD — It would also be interesting to know why Regional Hospital recently “replaced” their head man and his number two almost simultaneously?

  4. I would not trust those people in social settings. They will habitually angulate to take others mates and act upon impulse. They don’t care about hurting others. It is their sport. It is bad manners to say so. It is even worse manners to indulge in such behavior. It is worse than car thieving. Some of us don’t live in tv land where everything is ok.

  5. Every medical community, from university hospitals to volunteer fire departments, is a seething hive of sexual consanguinity. And the vino. Sheesh. So many winos. Just remember when you go to the doctor that 75% of the medical staff you see were sucking down that two buck chuck just hours before.

    • Good one. Another is the Fourth of July. Many probably think that it is actually May Day, celebrated a bit later in SE Alaska because of the weather.

    • According to Jimbo above, it’s because the liberals are in charge. Heheh!
      Any chance to take a poke at “liberals” is OK and thus newsworthy. Suzanne has stooped pretty low with this one IMO.

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