Bartlett Regional Hospital CEO resigns


Juneau’s Bartlett Regional Hospital Chief Executive Officer Rose Lawhorne has abruptly resigned her position. The Bartlett Regional Hospital Board of Directors held a special meeting on Saturday and moved to terminate her employment, effective immediately.

City Manager Rorie Watt told KTOO that the reason she was forced out is that she had a relationship with someone who was a direct report. The relationship predated her appointment as CEO in March of 2021, and Watt said that if she had made it known at the time of her hiring, an alternate reporting structure could have been arranged. It’s unclear why Watt felt it necessary to report the reason for what is clearly a forced resignation.

“While her resignation letter does not allude to the relationship that led to her resignation she thanked the board for ‘respecting my need for privacy of my own personal issues,’” the radio station reported.

Watt told the radio station that Lawhorne is aware that the city is sharing the details of that relationship and that it is the catalyst for her resignation.

Lawhorne has been with the hospital in various roles since 1993.

Kathy Callahan was appointed as interim CEO. Callahan has a long history of service at Bartlett Regional Hospital, recently retiring as Director of Physician Services.

The Hospital Board has scheduled another special meeting scheduled for Friday, Sept. 24 to discuss recruitment strategies for a permanent CEO.


  1. Its the same thing over and over. These people cannot act like adults, its like a never ending high school with lots of drama. No worries for Watt though, the recruitment will enlist some liberal elitist from California. They’ll spend thousands on recruitment and the newly minted CEO will make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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