Rookie mistake: Bernie Sanders misplaces Alaska, Hawaii


(1-minute read) EASY TO OVERLOOK 49 AND 50

Sen. Bernie Sanders has exploded back on the scene, raising $6 million on his first day after announcing his run for president.

His social media team was still trying to get out of the starting gate, however, with their map of “ALL 50 STATES” that excluded Alaska and Hawaii, had Nevada squeezing out California, and Oregon bulging into the offshore Cascade Subduction.

The Socialist Sanders says this time, he’ll win, and it will be a populist movement.

“In the last year, more American workers went on strike than in any year in nearly 3 decades. When we stand together and fight, we can accomplish anything. We can transform this country from the bottom on up,” he said on Twitter.

He’s also going after the older American vote: “At a time when half of older Americans over the age of 55 have no retirement savings, our job is to expand Social Security to make sure that everyone in this country can retire with the dignity they have earned and everyone with a disability can live with the security they need.” That way, Americans can continue to not save for retirement, generation after generation.


  1. The irony of Bernie calling out a rising number of strikes is amusing. The best time to strike is when the economy is strong and labor is tight. So Bernie is in effect acknowledging and endorsing Trump’s successful policies.

  2. Kind of ironic really. The left gives us Bernie an avowed socialist, at the same time they embark on an unrelenting campaign against Trump to find the “Russia connection “. Why do they even care if they want to go to socialism? I think we know the answer. For the same reason Libs have been crying that Dunleavy is gutting all their social welfare programs while at the same time opposing the oil development that funds them…hypocrisy knows no bounds!

    • They will lock up resource development that funds their social welfare. The “rich” that pay the taxes that fund their bullsh*t will go bye-bye, and then what will be left for them to take? What do they infiltrate then?

  3. I saw an unusual sight the other day, I saw a politician ( lawyer ) walking across the street and he had his hands in his own pockets.

  4. Maybe his media kids will fix the map and put Alaska down in the South Pacific where it is always placed. You know what Bernie is? The same thing he was the last time he ran, only older.

  5. The Dr told Bernie that he had two incurable illnesses , a rare cancer and Alzheimer’s. Bernie replied: “well at least I don’t have Cancer”.

  6. I am glad Bernie is running. He will split off all the ultra libs and socialists thereby splitting the party.

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