Republicans in Alaska are holding district conventions in the next few weeks leading up to the state convention in Fairbanks on April 21-23.
District meetings are where people can get involved, run for positions in the party, and become a delegate to the State Convention in Fairbanks. The conventions are open to registered Republicans. Those elected to voting positions for the State Convention will be able to vote on various party positions and endorsements.
Here are the upcoming district meetings, with more information on how to attend at www.alaskagop.net.
District 31 Convention – January 27
6-7:30 pm, Denny’s, 1929 Airport Way
Fairbanks. Debbie Rathbun, District 31 Secretary
Region 3 District Conventions – February 1
6-8 pm, Anchorage Baptist Temple – Cafeteria, 6401 E. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage. The six districts that make up Region 3 are: Districts 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. Convention fees are $25.
District 25 and 26 Conventions – February 5
8:30 am – 3:30 pm, Fairview Loop Baptist Church, 3118 W Fairview Loop, Wasilla.
District 27/28 Convention, February 12
11 am-1 pm – Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center, 1001 S Clapp St., Wasilla. Convention fee is $20.
District 1 Convention, February 19
9-11 am – The Landing Hotel, Sunny Point Conference Room, 3434 Tongass Ave, Ketchikan. Convention fee is $15. Guest speaker is Mead Treadwell.
Districts 3/4 Republican Convention, February 21
5:30-7:30 pm, Aspen Suites Hotel, 8400 Airport Blvd, Juneau. This is a combined District 3 and 4 convention.
Districts 9 and 10 Conventions, February 26
9 am – 3 pm – Rabbit Creek Church, 3401 Rabbit Creek Road, Anchorage. The convention fee is $30. This convention will include election of officers and precinct chairs, and various agenda items. Please contact your district chair for more details or if you are interested in being elected to the district committee. District 9 Chair Gretchen Stoddard at [email protected] and District 10 Chair Kris Warren at [email protected].
District 29 Convention, February 26
10-11 am. Please contact District Chair Carol Carmen via email for details at [email protected].
District 30 Convention, February 26
1-5 pm – Big Lake Baptist Church, 10864 W Parks Hwy., Big Lake. The convention fee is $20.
District 33 Convention, March 5
9:30-11:00 am – Journey Church, 1201 Hoselton Road, Fairbanks. Registration is from 8-9 am. Barbara Tyndall is Interim Chair for District 33.
Alaska Republican Party State Convention April 21-23
Westmark Hotel Fairbanks, 813 Noble Street, Fairbanks. Events to be announced.
They are carefully selecting the next round of incognito Democrats that will run as their Republican candidates
If your last name is Murkowski, don’t bother showing up.
We promise to fight for the PFD and reduced government spending. Right up until the lobbyists meet our price.
Then we promise to screw you all big to reward the people we really work for- the lobbyists
Isn’t there at least one district that will let me stop by for a courtesy call, and a cup of tea and crumpets?
The answer is NO! And please mail your crown to the Democrat Party and advise them that Republicans prefer crowned royals to stay away from the party of free-thinkers and ordinary citizens who value loyalty and liberty.
Do I have to turn my crown in too?
Frankie, if you turn in your crown, you’d only have half a brain remaining.
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