Republican ‘sense of the convention’ voting results for governor


Nearly 300 people in the Alaska Republican Party State Convention voted today whether to recommend candidates for governor and lieutenant governor to the 2018 Republican Primary.

The vote was not binding, but came after delegates heard stump speeches and presentations from the candidates. Delegates from across the state had a chance to meet the candidates personally over the course of three days. Then, they were offered the opportunity to vote one at a time whether to recommend candidates; they could recommend all or none, or recommend some and not others.

They needed to achieve 35 percent approval or higher to be considered a “recommended” candidate.

The results were:


Mike Dunleavy

76.9 percent YES

23.1 percent NO

Scott Hawkins

76.4 percent YES

23.5 percent NO

Mike Chenault

42 percent YES

57 percent NO

Michael Sheldon

27 percent YES 

72 percent NO




Kevin Meyer

78 percent YES

21 percent NO

Lynn Gattis

69 percent YES

30 percent NO

Edie Grunwald

59 percent YES

40 percent NO

Stephen Wright

22.5 percent YES

77. 5 percent NO


  1. I had lunch with Michael D. Sheldon and Stephen Wright Govenor and lieutenant Governor candidates they are 100% for saving innocent lives and passing HB 250.

  2. The methodology employed in this type of straw poll was to maintain the balance of the crony capitalists embedded in the Republican Party and the “Liberty” side as well. Long live the ability
    of the Republicans to feast on their own.

  3. I definitely don’t trust mail-in ballots. I think people can double up on the ballots and nobody’s going to pick them apart. That’s too many things to go through individually. I believe that people should have a list of all the people eligible to vote and have them go in and vote. It’s your civic duty to go in and vote. Get off your butt and go vote.

  4. Michael Sheldon did well at the convention. Up from a 0% vote in Junea. When he got a 27%,there were many there who were representative delegates who voted to support their own and now they move in to try and cap your PFD for their special interest. We did pretty well for not being in the program… We now press on with the real poll the hearts of the people and protecting the PFD and protecting the unborn.. Cut the Budget. Mike Shower had the best speech followed by Michael Sheldon I will post a video soon…

  5. Must Read Alaska, it would be nice if you could link each candidates website behind their names on your list, so folks can get to know all options

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