Rep. Ken McCarty and Sharon Jackson file for new Eagle River Senate seat


Three’s a crowd? Rep. Ken McCarty and Sharon Jackson have filed letters of intent to run for Senate Seat L, a seat that has opened up after the recent redistricting exercise.

Two days ago, Eagle River Rep. Kelly Merrick filed to run for the seat. All three are Republicans, but District 22 Republicans censured Merrick for joining with the Democrats earlier this year to form a caucus in which she was able to be appointed co-chair of the Finance Committee.

Must Read Alaska has learned that Corrections Commissioner and former Republican Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom is weighing whether she will run.

McCarty beat Jackson for Eagle River House seat 23 (formerly 13) in 2020. Both are Republicans,

In a ranked choice voting scenario, an unlimited number of candidates can get on the primary ballot, but no more than four will be on the General Election ballot.

If no one has 50 percent of the vote on the General election, the number four candidate is removed and their second choice votes go somewhere. If there is still no more than 50 percent plus one win, the third place candidate goes away, and their votes go to one of the top two.


  1. OMG — NOT Sharon Jackson.

    On the other hand either Nancy Dahlstrom or Ken McCarty would make an excellent state senator for District L. Let’s get out and vote ER!

      • She is completely clueless, see below. And, also, too … there are numerous additional examples of how she is unsuitable for the position she seeks a second, and we hope final, time.

  2. I personally spoke with Sharon Jackson back in early 2020 when the legislature was writing its initial rent moratorium bill. She was completely clueless as to the ramifications on small landlords and property owners. She honestly didn’t see the big deal, as she continuously asserted that any defaulting renters still owed the money (as if they’d ever see it). I warned her that the legislature is creating a situation where landlords will eventually react by increasing entry requirements for leases, rents will go up to offset possible future government intervention and entry-level tenants will be actively denied because they’re simply too large of a risk for the small landlord to bear. She disagreed with all of this, simply because she has no real experience and she’s obviously a moron. There’s simply no other explanation for the gross stupidity she displayed. She has no business being a state senator, or representative for that matter.

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