Joe Gerace confirmed for Health Department


Joe Gerace has been confirmed as Anchorage Health Department director, after an Anchorage Assembly 2-hour executive session that lasted from 10:30 am to 1 pm on Friday, which focused on an anonymous allegation from a person who used to work with Gerace. The allegation was made at the last minute on Tuesday, prior to when he was originally scheduled to be up for confirmation.

Today’s vote was 7-3. Assembly members Austin Quinn-Davidson, Suzanne LaFrance, and Felix Rivera voted against Gerace. Member Meg Zaletel recused herself because of her new job as the director of the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness.


    • WOW! Are assembly members getting nervous because what’s happening on the assembly and word and support for a better representation are running against them? Let’s keep the Pressure on! VOTE ON APRIL 5!!!!!!

      • No. Both recall attempts failed miserably. In fact Meg added about 1000 votes over the actually election in the similar amount of votes.

  1. It’s a great director who expects high standards from their employees. I worked for a director with such standards and he brought out the best in me.

  2. The Nasty Nine gotta have total control because of what is coming down the pipe. To them, the homeless and the migrants on their way here means CA$sh! first it will be some nice worthy Afghans showing up at 2 and 4 am at the tedstevens then eventually in a few months-people from all over the world squeezing into that unaccompanied minor catagory… yelling ” RAcist ” at every step. Time is running out because Biden’s on his way out. Meg and friends will keep having their secret meetings with others from juneau to make sure it is all funded with your pfd money. The term climate migrant was found in documents from 2015 signed by berkie.

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