Recall Dunleavy data breach: Names, signatures, drivers license info revealed from petitions being mishandled


The Recall Dunleavy Committee has released names, drivers’ license numbers and signatures of some of their petition sponsors.

The committee, in an email to their supporters, posted a photo that showed the information that exposes at least two recall supporters to identity theft, possibly more for someone who has the technology to zoom in and decipher the data.

The committee has been collecting signatures on petitions for two years. Its efforts started in 2019, when the disgruntled Democrats started collecting signatures on an application for a recall petition from the Division of Elections. The group had registered the website Recall Dunleavy in February of 2019, shortly after the new governor had proposed a budget with many cuts in it.

Once that petition was granted, the actual petition booklets started circulating. But that means the Recall Dunleavy group has the names, addresses, signatures and, in some cases, the drivers license numbers for hundreds of Alaskans.

Security for that information does not seem to be a priority for the committee.

Several weeks ago, a website was established by the opposite group, called “Keep Dunleavy.” It allows people to easily remove their names from the petition. The people behind the website “remove” say they have been getting “a lot” of people taking their names off the Recall Dunleavy petition through the website.

Read: New website allows Alaskans to remove their names from Recall Dunleavy petition

Meanwhile, while others are honoring the war dead on Monday, the Recall Dunleavy Committee will be using Memorial Day to try to collect signatures at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks.


  1. Proof that Liberals will eat their own to advance their agenda! Or, they can’t get out of their own way.

    Either way, cheers!

    Anchorage has new Leadership!

  2. Idiots. No self respecting/competent photographer would make that picture, no self respecting/competent picture editor would publish it. Just leave it to the them/their squad, with their MS’s in BS. #maskupgirls #wegotthis #howhardcanitbe #amateurs

  3. It is classic irony that the ignorant interests behind the “recall” effort exposed their supporters to identity theft.
    The “recall” is in response and opposition to fiscal discipline, therefore it’s logical that it’s state employees behind it.
    Illustrative that many of these people are teaching the youth in public schools. Neurotically wearing filthy masks and screeching about safety, while exposing their donors to humiliation and theft.
    The concept of the state operating within its’ means is so abhorent to these people, that they will stop at nothing to destroy the economy and livelihoods of the productive.

  4. Recall Dunleavy is driven by disgraced, former governor Bill Walker. Walker’s lap-dog, Scott Kendall, is tasked with keeping the recall petition going. Alaskans have moved on. Walker, Kendall, Brenna and a few other wacko Lefties can’t accept this fact and as a result, look like the abject retards that they are.
    Even Walker’s pedophile ex-Lt governor has moved on.

  5. Stopped by Pioneer Park in Fairbanks today to pay my respects to great Alaska pioneers and service members.
    I noticed the little table with Recall Dunleavy. All a bunch of old, Lefty hens running the signature drive. NO ONE signing. LOL.
    Asked them if there was a table to “unsign.” The idiot hens had no clue what I was talking about. I told them to start reading MRAK, the greatest news source in Alaska. They may learn something.

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