Rape down in Alaska: Report


Rape decreased by nearly 6% in Alaska in 2022 — at least rapes reported to law enforcement.

The Alaska Department of Public Safety has released its 2022 Crime in Alaska Report and Alaska Felony Sex Offense Report.

Both reports show that property and violent crime statistics have dropped since 2018, after Gov. Mike Dunleavy took office and signed the repeal of SB 91, the Gov. Walker crime spree bill.

“In 2022, the overall number of crimes reported decreased by 1.6%. Additionally, the number of rapes reported to Alaska law enforcement decreased by 5.9%. The number of reported property crimes also decreased by 2.9%, continuing the decreasing trend that began in 2018,” the department said in a statement.

“Public safety has been my administration’s top priority since day one. We’ve made progress by giving Alaska law enforcement and prosecutors the tools they need to protect victims and bring those responsible to justice,” said Dunleavy.

“Alaska’s overall crime rate is down, property crime is down, and the rate of sexual assault is down significantly with Western Alaska seeing a decrease of close to 9 percent in felony sex crimes,” Dunleavy said. “The backlog of untested sexual assault examination kits is cleared and in the system. While there is still work to do, I will not take my foot off the pedal and will continue to increase the resources toward public safety, corrections, and prosecutors.”

The Uniform Crime Reporting Program is a nationwide effort by federal, state, city, county, and tribal law enforcement agencies that tracks data on crimes reported in their jurisdiction.

The report is a resource for measuring the trend and distribution of crime in Alaska. Under Alaska law, law enforcement agencies in Alaska are required to submit UCR data to DPS. In 2022, 30 agencies reported crime data to DPS. These agencies represent 99.3% of the state’s population. 2022 is also the second year that a significant number of agencies have participated in the federal National Incident Based Reporting System, or NIBRS, reporting model. This new reporting model captures additional details about the suspects and victims of crime to allow for additional data set tracking. 

“While the 2022 crime data continues to show decreasing crime rates in many categories, we also have significant work to do addressing violent crimes such as murder and aggravated assault,” stated Alaska Department of Public Safety Commissioner James Cockrell. “Your Alaska State Troopers will continue to work with our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners to address crime across the state, so that every Alaskan feels safe in their community. “

The 2022 Crime in Alaska report was authored by the Alaska Department of Public Safety’s Division of Statewide Services. The Division of Statewide Services provides technical and specialized services to the Department of Public Safety and law enforcement agencies across the state. Past Crime in Alaska Reports and Felony-Level Sex Offenses reports can be found online here.

The UCR and Crime in Alaska reports are based on the Federal Bureau of Investigation UCR Program definitions of crimes to ensure consistency and uniformity in reported offenses nationally. These definitions do not always mirror state definitions; therefore, federal publications cannot accurately be compared to reports that use the state definitions for crimes as these are unique to each state.

Additionally, the population counts for Crime in Alaska come from the US Census.


  1. Conveniently left out of your dig at former Governor Walker is that current Governor Mike Dunleavey voted in favor of SB91 when it passed the House and Senate in 2017

    • Convenient to only tell a portion of the story, Pablo, and don’t be surprised if you find yourself in the blocked pile here at MRAK for taking up my valuable time with your lies. – sd

      When the measure was returned to the Senate for its concurrence with House changes, the final vote was: 14 yeas, five nays and one absent.

      Voting yes were: Sens. Kelly, MacKinnon, McGuire, Micciche, Olson, Stevens, Wielechowski, Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Egan, Ellis, Gardner and Meyer.

      Voting no: Stedman, Stoltze, Dunleavy, Giessel and Huggins.

      Sen. Hoffman was absent

  2. This report is for the civilian side of life but does not include the deaths in prisons by murder and suicide or other means, and does not include crimes on military posts. Report deals with the year 2021 and no later. Is the report better than the previous years? No! Look at the years of violence and happenings around the crimes noted. (Go back to the beginning of the report to see that the crimes issues were higher in numbers and perhaps more violent in activity.) This is reported issues only. Some crimes are not reported or they are a part of other crimes that take precedence in prosecution. This has nothing to do with a new board and the present governor’s handling of that board. In the meantime, the legislature has been busy changing the laws regarding crime, so you won’t see the report today as it would have been reported before Dunleavy administration. Is this report better than the previous administration? NO!! Too many hidden elements that aren’t in it because of the reasons I mentioned and perhaps more than those by more expert analysis. Dunleavy pats himself on the back all the time but his administration is just a shell game. And, it ain’t good!!!

    • One, there hasn’t been a murder in an Alaskan prison for a very long time.

      Two, suicide is not a crime. It is not part of the UCR.

      Three, it is an article with defined limits as to contents…the writer only has so much time and needs to stay on topic. Hence, again, inmate deaths are not part of a UCR, however, if you want to do the work instead of just rant, you’ll see that Alaska’s inmate population is agin also.

      Four, yes, unreported crime is always a concern. However, two significant factors have reduced that likelihood.

      A. Law enforcement is more accessible in rural areas than any time during our state’s history.
      B. Thanks to some re-organization, more sex offenders are seeing real time, fewer repeat offenders and the peception of “reporting won’t do any good.”

      Also, as for military members. It does include crimes committed by military members off-post. It also includes state crimes committed by non-military on board installations. As for military members on board their own post, they are their own community and keep their own stats.

      So essentially. Go do some homework. You had a nice little rant, but it contained no information.

      • Well, well, well. It got you going and on a rant to justify this administration in Alaska! Trust one thing, what “Al Capone was to Chicago, Dunleavy is to Alaska” and that is a fact.

  3. Very interesting crime is down out in the public sector but out of control in Government itself. No wonder the AG & Governor wants to change regulations to provide free attorney fees for the Government élite. Wow no Statutory “Bonds” makes way for no accountability & free legal defense! How the corruption runs deep. God help us Alaskans .

    • Remember the report is for 2021 only. 2022 has a rise in crime but the 2022 report won’t be out in the time frame of the Dunleavy Administration. It will come out when he is gone. Then the damage is done. Taking your PFD, lying about and not accountable for many projects and use of state budget in ways you will be unable to recognize. Once Dunleavy gets total control of the PFD and the Permanent Fund Division with the help of his buddy, Adam Crumb, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet”!! He has paid off the legislative body with new raises. He fired and re-hired the board that told him not to do the illegal raises and paid himself as well. So, those legislative persons are toast in Dunleavy’s greed to mess this state up. If it weren’t for Ranked choice voting, we would have a different governor. So, Dunleavy admitted he was a democrat all his life and we all know he switched parties to make government place for himself.

  4. Interesting note, MRAK is the only media source that covered this, near as I see anyway.

    There are still many things left undone, to include restoration of instant arrest for Violating Conditions of Release, restoration of cash bail for most offenses, and a total re-working of how plea agreements are made.

    However, good progress here.

  5. Millennials, GenX, Boomers are aging. Getting too old.

    While GenZ is not like millennials and for every GenZ member who confirms and tells me about themselves graciously answering my questions. They also tell me a lot of them stay home, to get my answer “good! that’s the best place for you. Don’t let others pressure you about moving on before ready when Family is stronger when they are together and all working age adults are employed.”

    Could be too Dunleavy’s administration seeing our liberal l justice system don’t be too soft on criminals.

    Don’t Forget to visit New Life’s website for a copy of Every Man’s Battle or Every Woman’s Battle to make a book club event with your Alaskan friends who struggle with sexual addiction, or just read it for yourself or read it to understand your struggling spouse better what they are going through if they won’t read it, so the partner may know how help them better.

    • Help a struggling spouse by jumping their bones. Don’t look at me. Jesus said it. Probably.

  6. I wonder if the population decline in Alaska corresponds to the crime percentage drops stated in the article?

  7. 2022. Alaska had 148 forcible rapes (down from 161 in 2018) for every 100,000. Arkansas is the next highest at 77 per 100,000 forcible rapes. All the other states fall in descending order after.
    Whew! I feel safer already!

    • The statistics are still horrible and very telling, Western Alaska and villages have the highest percentage of reported rapes cases. According to the nightly news the average age of the victim for females is 16 and for males it’s 12. Statewide we are still three times the nationwide average. Native Alaskans make up less than 15% of the population but over 50% of those arrested for rape, those numbers are absolutely startling.

      • I’m a bit curious as to the age of the perpetrators. And I agree, Ak’s DV and sex assault numbers will always be shocking to me.

        • According to the report the median age of all male suspects was 30 years old, while the most
          common age was 17.

  8. Great News Glad I live in Alaska where we are receiving positive news after learning our lesson on SB91. As did politicians who supported SB91.
    You know it may a first for Alaska. What currently the lower 49 states are learning from being soft on crime, Alaska appears to be several years ahead. Nice for change.

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