Quote of the day: Neo-Nazi was like ‘a jovial Santa … at an Iron Maiden concert’?


“It was his most famous on-camera appearance, which kind of made him look like a jovial Santa Claus who fell out of a porta potty at an Iron Maiden concert.” – Anchorage writer John Aronno describing an Anchorage man who the Southern Poverty Law Center subscribes to neo-Nazism.

In a liberal-on-liberal attack, Aronno criticizes Alaska Public Media for not vetting the heavy metal rocker before completing an “Indie Alaska” documentary that featured him and other heavy metal enthusiasts.

[Read Aronno’s essay in the Anchorage Press]

Brett Manass is not the only metalhead to have an association with white supremacy. The music genre has nourished the sense of alienation of disaffected white youth since the 1970s emergence of punk aa a rejection of mainstream rock music in the United Kingdom and the U.S.

White power bands have been on the “naughty list” of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which began scrutinizing them in 2014.

[Read CityLabs: So you accidentally booked a white supremacist band]


  1. Don’t go dragging a GREAT band into this whackos downfall. Iron Maiden is about the most well read and erudite band out there, not too mention being an amazing success. They have survived 40 years, 15-16 albums, and so many world tours, that their lead singer (a fencing champion and professional pilot) pilots their custom 747 around the world. Their drummer is a born again Christian, and their bass player and founder writes songs about anything from Greek tragedies to World War 1 Air Ship flights. Their musicianship is legendary and they are the antithesis of this knucklehead featured in the APM documentary.

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