Quote of the Day: ‘I have no intention of resigning’


“I have no intention of resigning because I have done nothing wrong. I welcome the national conversation about sexual harassment in the workplace and will use every power at my disposal to ensure that harassment is not tolerated in the Alaska Legislature. This is not an issue that should be politized, but that’s exactly what Rep. Wilson is doing. Rather than playing politics, House leadership is responding forcefully to the issue of harassment by updating our policy, and encouraging anyone who has been the victim of harassment to come forward.” – Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, in response to a call for her resignation made earlier today by Rep. Tammie Wilson of North Pole.

LeDoux is the Chair of the House Rules Committee, which has jurisdiction over legislative staff during legislative sessions. In that role, Rep. LeDoux has made the upcoming sexual and other workplace harassment training mandatory for all lawmakers and staff. This comes on the heels of her ignoring the complaint of a staff member of Rep. Scott Kawasaki last year, who in March submitted a letter to House leadership complaining about Rep. Dean Westlake. Westlake has since been forced to resign.

[Read: Lawmakers call for outside investigation]

[Read: Take the training or your staff is fired]

[Read: Rep. Tammie Wilson calls on LeDoux to resign]



  1. There is no greater breach of trust with the voters than to run as an R and then immediately organize with opposition D’s. The R party has every right to ex-communicate her.

  2. Dazed and Confused
    If she is re-elected it will be a sure indicator as to just how far the in to the Dark Side Anchorage has fallen..

  3. The problem you angry twit is what happens after they come forward. Get it together “I Don’t Know LeDoux.”

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