Pressure: Teachers who are not vaccinated will pay the penalty in Anchorage schools


A memo to elementary school teachers from the director of elementary education of the Anchorage School District makes it clear that if staff members are not vaccinated against Covid-19, and if they contract Covid, they will need to quarantine, and that time off will be taken directly from their sick leave bank.

Those who are vaccinated and who get breakthrough cases of Covid will not be penalized, setting up a two-tiered class system for how staff will be docked financially if they get a specific illness — Covid.

“We intend to incentivize the staff behavior we would like to see taking place, in this case 100% staff vaccination. With that in mind we are reopening the COVID leave process that was in place last year with some important qualifications and conditions. If a staff member verifies with proof of a positive COVID test and proof of their status as a vaccinated staff member, their mandatory absence for illness and quarantine will not require them to use their own leave. If the person is unvaccinated however, the leave welcome from their personal account,” wrote Dan Barker, of the Anchorage School District.

“With this said, if you are wanting to use the type of leave, the administration will be asking to see your COVID vaccine card and copy of your positive test. If you do not want to disclose this information to me then you will need to use your own sick leave days,” he added.

The district may not have considered that those who get a mild case of Covid, which most cases are, may subsequently choose not to report it to the district and may report back to work before a safe quarantine period is completed, which is considered to be about 10 days, in order to avoid the financial penalty.

The Anchorage School District also has a strict masking policy for all staff, teachers, students and visitors, which is effective in stopping or reducing transmission of the Covid virus, according to the district.


  1. Since each teacher is an equal beneficiary of the union contract with the school district, I assume that the union has to protect and defend each of its members. It will be fun to see the administration attempting to put this nonsense into practice. I further assume that the union is foursquare in tune with the ASD administration’s notion that the ragtag parents and taxpayers don’t know nuthin and all health and feel-good wisdom emanates from the old Boniface Mall.

    • 2 hours a day keep the tyranny away. Private schools cost my wife and I 1 hour of work each day minus taxes.
      About $40 each day.
      Never cared what goes on in public schools and still don’t.
      Cheap peace of mind.

  2. Replace “vaccination” with any other SJW goal or other liberal agenda item and you’ll get a glimpse of where the country is headed.

  3. Wake up ASD look at the data, people are dying from the vaccine. People who are vaccinated are getting COVID at a high rate. People who have been vaccinated and get COVID are dying. People without vaccinations who have gotten COVID obtain natural immunity. Most people don’t even know they’ve had COVID.

    ASD why don’t you mandate black arm bands for anyone who refuses the vaccine or speaks out against your illegal arbitrary communist rules.

    Teacher Union get of your left wing woke pompous asses and protect all teachers who pay you for representation. Remember no union fees without representation.

    Stand up people of Alaska against the people in power who think they can control you.

    Remember as free people it is your duty to disobey unjust laws.

  4. In still trying to understand the PUBLIC benefits from this “vaccine”.
    So if Vaccinated, that person can still get COVID-19 and that person can still spread COVID-19.
    If not Vaccinated, that person can still get COVID-19 and that person can still spread COVID-19.
    Notice I said from a PUBLIC standpoint. From a personal standpoint, which means no concern of yours, if Vaccinated the symptoms, IF ANY, are reduced.
    How does this makes sense to any of you demanding everyone get vaccinated? 60 % of Israelis hospitalized in Israel for Covid-19 right now are vaccinated.

    • This clearly shows that our “health care” system is only concerned with treating symptoms and not actually making people healthy.

      No system can do this for anyone, health is a personal responsibility and no amount of synthetic chemicals can substitute.

      The only benefit is to the ones making all the money from this “pandemic”.

      • Exactly this. Big Pharma western medicine is purposefully made to treat symptoms, not find cures. Should we think it’s a coincidence that cancer hasn’t been cured since western medicine was established?

  5. Every day I open the news to see what new manner of tyranny will be imposed on us next. NYC just did a blanket mandate for all public school employees – no exemptions allowed.

  6. Looks like a potentially thriving market for the new and improved bogus vaccine passports.
    Certainly wouldn’t fault anyone for acquiring a bogus vaccine passport to raise the middle finger toward this or any other tiny dictatorship…

    • Resistance is the only answer. Making fakes would only make it seem like these vaccine passports are OK in general. “Show your papers” was not acceptable the last time it happened, it shouldn’t be now

  7. Pretty interesting to see since the mass roll our of vaccinations, now suddenly there is a HUGE surge.

    Well, while folks continue to live in fear and adhere to every mandate their government gives them, I have been living my life fully.

    I don’t mask, I don’t vaccinate for ANYTHING, I go to all the super spreaders I can and behold, I am still healthy!
    Guess what? Humanity is going to make it.
    Well, maybe not the humans who subscribe to big daddy pharma. Those folks have been fooled.

  8. So do I understand this correctly? They are saying that the shot is totally useless and that the mask is totally useless as well? Hmm. Sounds to me like a bunch of pansies need to return to their basements and spend the rest of their time alive (they don’t have lives) focused on Stelter./Maddow. What useless pants wearing monkeys!

  9. What does this promote? If someone is not vaccinated and has symptoms with not much in their leave bank, they are going to go to work. If you’re vaccinated and get a false positive, you win a free vacation.

  10. This is totally in violation of Medical Ethics.As Dr. Rayan Cole Stated: In order to maintain your job you need to put your body at Risk and let us change your immune status for a life time and put your body at risk for immune diseases. In 1947 it was said Never would there be experiments on humanity again.
    The vaccine is experimental and our dictators mandate it.Watch the video on Dr, Ryan Cole # Stop the mandate, it is an eye opener.

  11. So we are now encouraging teachers to NOT report getting Covid if they can avoid it. Sounds like a smart policy to me.

  12. I’m still trying to understand the PUBLIC benefits from this “vaccine”.

    So if Vaccinated, that person can still get COVID-19 and that person can still spread COVID-19.

    If not Vaccinated, that person can still get COVID-19 and that person can still spread COVID-19.

    So basically the Vaccine ONLY decreases YOUR symptoms, if any, for an individual who may contract COVID-19. The mass hysteria of “take it to protect your fellow man” is just that, vacant hysteria.


  13. Did you see the headline in the Babylon Bee? Something to the effect of “Doctors announce they will no longer treat car accident victims who weren’t wearing their seatbelt.”

  14. Oh FFS, people. I can think of at least one other company (an oil company, at that) implementing this same program. No, your employer isn’t obligated to extend extra sick leave for being vaccinated should they contract COVID, but some are. This isn’t a bad thing and yes, totally legal.
    Secondly, the vaccine *isn’t* a guarantee you’ll not contract COVID. It never was. It will keep you from becoming seriously ill, though, and prevent your untimely death (which is the point). Viral loads are the same or less than in COVID + vaccinated people, too, so it’s better than being unvaccinated from a public health standpoint. And now, the Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval.
    So quite WHINING and go get jabbed, people.

    • Woman, you are obviously still wondering. When you can come up with something intelligent and factual to say instead of being a useful idiot for the Marxists, you can come on back and join the adults at the table.

      • Marxist? I’m a former 30-year Republican! I LIKE free enterprise – I would think we would all support that, and employers have the right to dictate terms of employment (no shoes, no shirt, no service), particularly when it protects the health of its workers. Totally legal, as is the state’s ability to enforce compulsory vaccination laws per Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905). Adults care about other people.

        • If this was only an issue of free enterprise. There’s nothing free about anything going on right now. Emergency powers have forever damaged the Republic Democracy and Capitalism we were founded on. When you isolate and demonize a group of people based on class, color, nationality, religion, or by vaccination status, you aren’t talking about free enterprise, that is persecution. You excuse yourself from the definition because of fear and conformity or weak character and an inability to look past yourself.
          The vaccinated feel superior to the unvaccinated and cling to the Marxist government as they use the division to rip the country apart. The vaccinated have become useful idiots in the Marxist government’s efforts.
          While at one time not so long ago our government would stand against any form of persecution, now it is full swing in this Country. Step by step the government is making it easier for employers to let go the unvaccinated, doctors to not see the unvaccinated, insurance companies to not cover the unvaccinated and before long every leverage available will have been used to accomplish their mandate. In the meanwhile, the vaccinated cheer on every drop of freedom lost because they feel they are on the winning side not realizing how far this is going to go and how much more powerful the government is getting, a government no longer if the people but against the people that don’t obey. Sound like freedom to you?
          Where’s your free enterprise? There’s no maneuvering around government emergent laws and policies? You are delusional and self absorbed if you think this is a free society.
          Your political status is of no consequence to me. Both parties are guilty in this tyrannical take over as well as the destruction of our Constitution. We should think interns of those who want to be free and those who choose tyranny.

          • Brian: Well spoken, Sir.
            Wonder Woman: Please review your theme song. Specifically the part about fighting for your rights and the old Red White and Bluuuueee.

    • Wonder Woman, the more you compliant sheep and boot lickers try to pressure and bully those of us who REALLY see and understand “the science” behind this largely fake pandemic, and the wildly authoritarian and Orwellian establishment control agenda rationalized by it, the more we will resist your frantic efforts to jab us with by far the largest medical experiment in world history. Your arrogance and cluelessness, just like the arrogance and cluelessness of those in the establishment power structure, are simply unprecedented in their scale, their scope and their unmitigated evil.

      • Tell the 640,000 families affected by Covid, their dead family members, it was “largely fake.” I dare you.

        • Wander Woman, if you believe these numbers you are part of the problem. Fake virus no, fake response yes. Amazing how cold and flu deaths are almost 0. This entire “pandemic” is so blown out of portion to drum up fear and make an entire population scramble without educating themselves for a man made cure to a man made problem. It doesn’t even concern you at all that the same people involved in the manipulation of the virus are the same people involved in the “vaccine”.

  15. In a medical documentary Hold Up: Return of the Chaos, released in France on November 11, 2020, Montagnier rejected the then-upcoming vaccine against COVID, saying he will not be vaccinated. “My conscience tells me not to.”
    (Veronika Kyrylenko – New American) Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has recently exposed the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines. Montagnier discussed the issue in an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month, which was exclusively translated from French into English for RAIR Foundation USA….
    The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.
    Notice the date on this statement is prior to the Delta Variant.

  16. The Delta variant was first identified in August 2020, prior to the advent of the vaccines, one of which is now fully FDA approved and NONE of which are experimental after over 4 billion doses!! Since you want to speak facts, the vaccines were never said to totally prevent covid. They do, however, prevent serious illness and death in all but something like .0008% of cases compared to 2-3% of unvaccinated cases. You are repeating FAKE news/conspiracy bs!! There is nothing wrong or illegal in the school district rewarding positive behavior by not using sick days against vaccinated teachers when they contract covid nor anything untoward in using sick days for anyone who doesn’t want to or can’t prove vaccination status if sick with covid. They aren’t penalizing the unvaccinated teachers. They’re rewarding the vaccinated ones! Perfectly legal. Vaccination is NOT a political issue. It’s a public health issue! Treat it like it’s what it is and do what you can to protect the children. Get vaccinated like a rational, responsible, adult person!

    • Gale, your post is full of non truths. The first cases of the Delta variant were in India December 2020 then in England 2020. The first cases in the United States first became noticeable around late June early July 2021.
      Doctors and scientists have found evidence that the vaccine may have caused stronger variants to the COVID-19 virus. It is explained that since the vaccination isn’t truly a vaccine where your body builds a defense that kills the invading virus, it just builds your body’s defenses to reduce or eliminate the symptoms allowing the virus to mutate and some mutations are stronger than the original. And since the vaccine does not prevent spreading, it is therefore capable of moving on to other host. And many of those host have already been vaccinated and now are occupying hospital beds. Reference Israel.
      As for the FDA’s vaccine approval, the quickest FDA approval in its history was in 1967 for the mumps of 4 years. Typically it takes an average of 10-15 years for the approval. Additionally vaccine companies have never been granted immunity to adverse effect ever until the COVID-19 virus outbreak. You decide whether or not this EXPRESS approval was political or not.
      Amazing how quickly fear and progressive ideology make someone so quick to comply with Marxism. And from a Marxist standpoint I can see why you would measure compliance as a reward. However, from a freedom standpoint I look at being cornered for government compliance as persecution when they are trying to steal my way of life and my freedom of choice.
      And finally, I suppose we will have to disagree on what is rational and responsible.

  17. Gale..
    1) Increasing the sample size to 4 billion does not magically make an experiment NOT an experiment.
    2) Decreasing the time constraints historically required to measure the long term effects of an experimental treatment prior to approval from 15 YEARS down to less than 2 does not demonstrate a success.
    3) There are currently 2 separate Bill proposals being put forward which contain the penalty/reward dichotomy you have outlined above. The first requires anyone who has not been vxd be placed on the no-fly list. The second requires that anyone placed on the no-fly list is also not allowed to purchase/own a firearm. Combine the two, and presto changeo, anyone not vxd can also not own a firearm.
    See where this is going?

  18. Your post is full of non truths. The first cases of the Delta variant were in India December 2020 then in England 2020. The first cases in the United States first became noticeable around late June early July 2021.
    Doctors and scientists have found evidence that the vaccine may have caused stronger variants to the COVID-19 virus. It is explained that since the vaccination isn’t truly a vaccine where your body builds a defense that kills the invading virus, it just builds your body’s defenses to reduce or illuminate the symptoms allowing the virus to mutate and some mutations are stronger than the original. And since the vaccine does not prevent spreading, it is therefore capable of moving on to other host. And many of those host have already been vaccinated and now are occupying hospital beds. Reference Israel.
    As for the FDA’s vaccine approval, the quickest FDA approval in its history was in 1967 for the mumps of 4 years. Typically it takes an average of 10-15 years for the approval. Additionally vaccine companies have never been granted immunity to adverse effect ever until the COVID-19 virus outbreak. You decide whether or not this EXPRESS approval was political or not.
    Amazing how quickly fear and progressive ideology make someone so quick to comply with Marxism. And from a Marxist standpoint I can see why you would measure compliance as a reward. However, from a freedom standpoint I look at being cornered for government compliance as persecution when they are trying to steal my way of life and my freedom of choice.
    And finally, I suppose we will have to disagree on what is rational and responsible.

  19. New influenza vaccine is approved each year. The Covid-19 vaccines have killed no one in the US which is amazing. Many are approved within a year and the mRNA vaccines have been in development for decades. The vaccines do impart immunity. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to measure it. Regardless, they prevent most hospitalizations at an average cost of $20k and weeks out of work. If most don’t have symptoms then they can use their time off to catch up on home stuff. They’d have to use their sick time for any illness so they aren’t being penalized. The vaccinated people are being rewarded. Try checking the CDC for valid information, not Facebook!

    • Gale, some people are a lost cause. No matter the facts, some people believe man is all good and all intentions are good. That government would never do harm to them. So they put their mind in neutral and refuse to question anything, they hear the words they want to hear and refuse to see no matter how nefarious it appears. Possibly because nothing looks nefarious to you because you have placed your faith in the wrong thing, man.
      Your reward for compliance statements are as about sickening as it can get, truly unAmerican. A true reward is the feeling you get from doing what you feel is right, not some favorable action or object given to you by man.
      I don’t do FAKEBOOK or any other platform designed to say the words you want hear. My opinion is shaped completely by my gut feelings. And as I watch men in this pro Marxist government try destroy everything that has made this Country great, especially since January of this year, I can’t help but feel this is a multi faceted attack on our liberty. One of those facets is this COVID-19 debacle. It is my gut feeling that got me through combat, through a successful career and through 5+decades of life to this point without being a drain on society or a welfare case. So I will continue to observe with my eyes, make judgement with my gut and use the Freedom that God gave me to execute the decisions I see fit for my survival. And I suggest you do the same without joining the government bandwagon of fear mongering and support for stealing other people’s freedoms while you take your narcissistic, self righteousness stance on your key board. If you aren’t preaching Freedom, you are part of the problem.

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