Poll: Murkowski, Sullivan both up with voters



Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who has been in the U.S. Senate since 2002 is still popular among Alaska voters, according to the quarterly poll from Morning Consult.

In the latest poll, 43 percent of Alaskans have a positive view of Murkowski, 36 percent have a negative view, and 21 percent have no opinion. Murkowski has a net positive of 7 percent with voters. She ranks 64th among all 100 U.S. senators in terms of popularity.

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan is not quite as popular as Murkowski, according to the poll, with a 38 percent positive, 32 percent negative and 30 percent having no opinion. Sullivan has a net positive of 6 percent with voters. He ranks 87th among all 100 senators.

Sullivan was elected to his first term in 2014 and comes up for election in 2020, while Murkowski has until 2022 before she stands for reelection — if she does. Many political observers believe she will not run again for Senate.

The company also posted results for governors, which shows Gov. Michael Dunleavy with a net 12 percent positive rating.

[Read: Polls says Dunleavy has net positive rating]


  1. This is exactly what we need … Murkowski to ‘feel’ invincible and unbeatable for 2022. Then, when she looses and gets “The Boot” it’ll be a little more sweet justice for the rest of us Conservatives.
    Maybe(???), one can only hope that: she can be a lot more vocal and make some more anti-Trump statements, vote against our President’s agenda and nominees, advocate for killing more Babies (i.e. – infanticide), vote for more taxes and government intrusion, continue give away free stuff to the 15% of Alaskans, and pretty much continue to vote Anti-American.
    Currently, she is more of a ‘risk’ than an ‘asset’ to Alaska.
    Lisa’s Gotta Go!

    • Please explain how Sullivan is a Conservative. It appears you are woefully uneducated about our Communists Senators.

  2. Our Democratic senator from Alaska @lisamurkowski is a RINO and is obstructing our @POTUS I will do anything in my power to include cash for anyone that runs against her. Murkowski gotta go. Lisa is a liar and a flip flopper.

  3. You’ll notice that Murkowski, who “runs” as a Republican – is mostly favored by democrats & independents – NOT the conservatives who helped put her into office. WE don’t like her, and won’t vote for her again, if she runs in 2022. However – Dan Sullivan, who runs as a Republican (and is a true conservative), is disliked mainly by democrats, but well liked by Republicans, whom he actually does represent.

    So who is the RINO in this scenario ? If Murkowski runs again, please let’s all vote her OUT. She does not represent Republican values. Let her run as the democrat she truly is, and see how far she gets. If she wants to be the darling of the democrats, let her at least be honest about what she stands for.

    • You really need to find out facts about all 3 of our Communist losers, all 3 have Fs on Conservative Review. Alaskans are just sooooo ignorant about the true facts, that’s why we have these POSs.

  4. Lisa is the person I have the most contempt for in AK. At least the Dems run as Dems, I vote against her in every election, I would rather have a Dem who says they are a Dem then Lisa who lies and says she is a Rep but votes with the Dems at every chance. She is the template for the dude from Kenai who screwed up our House. She has to go.

  5. Why would you run cover for Murkowski with a left of center polling company? Also, the questions for each poll should be shown as well as the numbers and percentages of D’s, R’s and I’s polled

  6. It is absolutely shameful that Alaskans are soooo Uneducated that they think any one of our Reps are even close to being Conservative. A simple “Conservative Review” check would very easily show them that our Reps are all POS, Taqiyya practicing Globalists, not Patriotic Americans. Get a damn clue Alaskans,,, you are utterly embarrassing to this once greatest state in the Union.

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