Peltola votes against impeachment of Mayorkas, but this time Republicans had the votes


Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola chose to let Joe Biden and his border crisis off the hook, sticking with Democrats in voting against impeachment on Tuesday of Alejandro Mayorkas.

But the historic impeachment vote succeeded anyway, by one vote — 214-213 — making Secretary Mayorkas the first cabinet member to be impeached since Secretary of War William Belknap was impeached in 1876.

Since Biden took office and appointed Mayorkas, more than 8.3 million illegal crossings have occurred at the southern border.

“As Joe Biden’s enabler in Congress, Mary Peltola is choosing to let Biden’s Secretary of Open Borders off the hook for the disaster they have caused for every community. Peltola is not serious about securing our border,” said National Republican Congressional Committee Spokesperson Ben Petersen.

The two articles of impeachment are “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and “breach of public trust.”

“Alejandro Mayorkas deserves to be impeached, and Congress has a constitutional obligation to do so,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson.

It was the second impeachment vote. The first one failed last week because Rep. Steve Scalise was undergoing treatment for blood cancer. He was present for the vote today.

The impeachment is expected to die in the Democrat-majority Senate.


  1. It’s a necessary exercise to air what is actually going on, but it’s already dead.

    The senate has made it clear they are gonna run as far from this as fast as they can.

  2. We do not have open borders in this nation. The delegation by subject matter is express US Constitution. It is not legal migration. Fascist and other nations will shoot to kill those that trespass their closed borders. The states do not set immigration standards since it is Congress expressed authority to set standards for immigration. This is a case of foreign agencies are changing the demographics of border states recognizing illegal entrance as development agents as defined by foreign agencies setting up Agenda 2030. Perhaps middle class economic inhabitants with civil rights would not like to be disposed by change agents of Agenda 2030 international agendas set by monarchs of Europe, UN, and WEF. It appears the democrats are participating in this subversive change in populations. Some new arrivals represent CCP values and no intent exists to secure and defend any existing Constituional rights. This is not lawful entry. The military must defend 100 miles around national borders not recent “agencies” per the US Constitutuion WHICH PROHIBITS …”No other bodies of men than the military ; no armed swarms of policy officers- agents…” Migration is not invasion. THERE NO declarations of intent to settle or registrations of who these people are who these people are. This is not ok. Peltola wasn’t taught these things. The Alaskan senators were taught and know this is unlawful.

      • Why is this racial insult to a native woman allowed to stand when accurate comments I make regarding the US Constitution are removed Suzanne and Jonathon? I am a paying subscriber as you know. Just a tincture too brown tobe treated with moderate respect? who moderates on the week-end? John Quick?

  3. Peltola … “One of the smartest, sharpest people Alaskan’s can send, as a Representative of AK, to DC.”
    Well Sports Fans(!), there’s no doubt we can do better, and we should be inspired to do better!!! As Conservatives, get-off your ‘keisters’ and get out to vote ‘en masse’ in all future elections, don’t ever let your gaurd down again, and let’s provide some leadership and hope to future ‘conservative’ generations!

    • Murkowski will vote no, she’s bought and paid for just like Mary P. Sullivan? Not so sure but he has visited the border so in good conscience he should vote yes.

      • I doubt that, Jim.

        Disappointingly, Sullivan voted for multiple billions for Ukraine that had zero for our own border.

        I hope Danny gets primaried.

  4. What did you expect her to do, she is a Democrat afterall and they 99.9% of the time always vote along party lines.

  5. As Russia moves more fighter jets and bombers to their basses right across from Alaska
    And has a massive submarine base at Kamchatka submarine base
    And is always running test runs to Alaska
    Has 100s of ice breakers
    And wants Alaska back


    • I am not sure that they want Alaska back, but what a great state to attack and scare the crap out of the other states and show them that Russia (and Chyna) mean business. People better be stocked up on food and pray that nuclear weapons are not deployed. I see Anchorage or Kodiak being hot spots for an attack.

  6. I think she should explain why she thinks Mayorkas should not be fired, or is she being a sheep and doing what Nancy tells her.

  7. As far as I am aware, there may be only one vote in Peltola’s congressional career that could be considered “righteous.” She has consistently voted against us, as Lisa Murkowski now consistently does.

  8. As the Masked Avenger wrote, nothing is gonna happen. Even if the Senate voted to impeach him, someone just like him will take his place. Repubs and Conservatives have only ourselves to blame for why she’s in office in the first place. Some of us could “never vote for someone with the last name of Begich” while others fell for an attention starved Sarah Palin and pissed away their (our) votes. And, sadly, others didn’t vote at all. What will be our excuse the next time around?

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