Peltola refuses to endorse Kamala Harris publicly but will vote for her at Democratic National Convention in August


Rep. Mary Peltola told a CNN reporter that she will make no endorsement for Kamala Harris for president.

“Rep. Mary Peltola, the congresswoman running in a tough reelection in Alaska, among the small number of Dems yet to endorse Kamala Harris,” wrote Manu Raju, a senior political reporter for CNN. To date, there are five Democrats in Congress who have demurred, as Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democrat nominee, may be unpopular with their constituents.

“As a human being I do support her. I do not make any endorsements, though, politically,” Peltola falsely told Raju. Last year, she endorsed President Joe Biden, while Republicans like Vivek Ramaswamy said keeping Biden propped up as a candidate was “elder abuse.”

Polling in Alaska shows that President Donald Trump is all but assured to win the state in what could be a landslide. Peltola is calculating that endorsing Harris would damage her brand and risk her own reelection campaign.

And yet, Peltola is a senior member of the Alaska Democratic Party nominating delegation and the delegation will vote in August for Harris as the party’s nominee. The state delegation, which includes Peltola, quickly already endorsed Harris on Monday, shortly after a national phone call among all state delegations, which have unanimously endorsed Harris immediately after President Joe Biden was said to have signed a letter saying he will not run again.

As of publication time, Biden has not been seen in public for six days. First Lady Jill Biden has also not been seen. President Biden is reportedly returning to the White House on Tuesday and is scheduled to speak to the American public from the Oval Office on Wednesday about why he dropped out of the race.


  1. By not endorsing Cackling Harris, this leaves the way open for the dems to replace Harris at their “right time” by bringing in Clinton or one of the Obamas because no one wants Harris. Going to be an interesting few months up to November!

  2. Of course, Peltola won’t do anything until she gets compensated for it. Her endorsement has to be bought and paid for just like all the other parasites who held back their endorsements.

  3. Bbubububububut what about “Democracy”. Don’t the blue voters get to decide who they want? Where’s the big blue primary?

  4. Peltola, the “human being” who supports Harris, must therefore support Harris on:
    covering up Biden’s cognitive decline
    sympathizing with pro-Hamas demonstrators
    institutionalized infanticide
    open U.S. borders
    protecting Ukraine’s borders
    the Border Patrol whipping lie
    encouraging donations to the Minneapolis rioters’ bail fund
    the $100B home-ownership subsidy for black families
    killing born-alive babies
    stripping Americans of their health insurance
    the Jussie Smollett race hoax
    character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh
    prosecuting journalists for exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking aborted-baby body parts.
    Thanks to Jordan Boyd. “Federalist” staff writer.


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