Peltola fingered by Fox News for taking blood money from radical colleagues AOC and Jayapal


Congresswoman Mary Peltola is on a list of more than 30 Democrats in Congress who accepted money from socialist-leaning colleagues Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Seattle and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who have defended Hamas and who voted against condemning Hamas’ brutal rape and murder of innocent Israelis during their Oct. 7 terrorist raid.

According to a Fox News Digital review of federal filings, Peltola accepted $11,000 from the anti-Israel Democrats, including $6,000 from Rep. Jayapal’s “Build Our Movement” political action committee and $5,000 from Ocasio-Cortez’s “Courage to Change” PAC. Both contributions are for the 2024 election year cycle.

The attack by Hamas on Israel resulted in 1,200 dead that day and hundreds taken hostage. But on CNN, Rep. Jayapal said that people should be “balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians” when she was asked why liberals remained silent over the Hamas terrorists using rape as a weapon of war.

The candidate who received the most money from the far-left progressives who refused to condemn Hamas is Rep. Susan Wild, D-Pa., who hauled over $47,000 from the campaigns of PACs controlled by anti-Israel Democrats.

Rep. Matt Cartwright, D-Pa., received the second-most from The Squad leftists — $25,000 from Jayapal and Ocasio-Cortez’s leadership PACs in the 2022 and 2024 election cycles, with most of that cash ($20,000) coming from Jayapal’s Medicare for All committee, according to Fox News.

“The third-highest money hauler from the anti-Israel Democrats is Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill. Between 2018 and 2022, Underwood took in $23,000 from committees tied to Garcia, Jayapal, Carson, Ocasio-Cortez and Omar, with each of her donations ranging between $1,000 and $7,000,” Fox News wrote.

Ben Petersen of the National Republican Congressional Committee said Rep. Peltola accepted “blood money” and should return it.

“Mary Peltola needs to answer for why she took so much money from anti-Israel Democrats who can’t even bring themselves to condemn a terrorist attack in which 1,200 people were murdered,” Petersen said. “She needs to immediately return the blood money.”


  1. Mary Peltola will explain to no one. She was coddled by Nancy P and squad members soon as she took office. She’s paid for everything she does and follows her instructions. That’s why she won an award.

  2. You’re still watching Fox News? It only took one interview with Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones to red pill the so-called richest man in the world who is now a conspiracy theorist!!!. We all know now that you establishment Republicans that tried to destroy the conspiracy theorists, look like third grade idiot criminals. Why didn’t you even look at what we we’re telling you? We told you that this deep state was watching your phone 20 years ago and you laughed. We told you Donald Trump was going to lose and you laughed, We told you the pandemic was fake and that the shot is deadly and you laughed, We told you that the Ukraine war was fake and you laughed, we told you that chemtrails are real and you are being sprayed with cancer and you laughed, We told you that the invasion at the southern border is an actual program through the UN that we pay for and you laughed, We told you that our government runs pedophile blackmail rings and you laughed, We told you that the economy is being destroyed on purpose and you laughed,.. and I could go on for days showing showing how you guys were all day suckers. We want an apology. You better pray I never get back on radio because I’m going to destroy all of you. Apologize to the population you dumbass drop shots..

    • I’m not appologizing to anyone until you prove it. Proof means evidence, and there are only three acceptable possibilities.
      1. Get photographs
      2. An on camera admission by Bill Gates
      3. A pair of really sweet boots that look suspiciously like queen Elizabeth.

      Until then, i remain skeptical that the world is being run by Lizard people.

    • We just need to unite the ppl, start the militia and take this country back by force, it’s the only way things will ever get done, until that time, nothing will happen and we are the frog in the boiling pot… enjoy sheeple

  3. Who woulda thought? From the little Bethel b*tch who redeemed a collosal beneficiary payout off a lot of moose meat.

  4. It makes sense she’d happily accept Hamas funding, since the Palestinians are now claiming they too are indigenous people.

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