Peltola is not the only vulnerable Democrat taking toxic cash from House ‘Squad’ Hamas-supporters


Rep. Mary Peltola is not the only vulnerable House Democrat who has taken campaign cash from anti-Israel Democrats such as Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who donated the maximum amount allowed to Peltola’s reelection campaign.

According to campaign finance data, vulnerable Democratic lawmakers in Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada and New York have taken donations from Political Action Committees (PAC) tied to anti-Israel “squad” Democrats such as Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

Peltola took $5,000 from Jayapal’s Build Our Movement PAC in February 2023 and $1,000 in September 2023.

According to research by the Daily Caller, the Build Our Movement PAC donated $5,000 to Democratic Arizona Rep. Greg Stanton in the 2022 midterm cycle. Stanton won Arizona’s fourth district 56.1% to 43.9% in the midterms.

The PAC also gave $3,000 to Democratic Colorado Rep. Brittany Pettersen, who defeated her Republican challenger 56.4% to 41.4% in 2022.

Democratic New Hampshire Rep. Chris Pappas received $8,000 over five donationsfrom Build Our Movement and Democratic Illinois Rep. Nikki Budzinski was given$3,000 by Jayapal’s PAC. Pappas won 54.1% to 45.9% in 2022 and Budzinski won by a similar margin in the most recent election cycle.

Read about the other House Democrats and the cash they have taken from anti-Israel PAC and politicos at The Daily Caller.


  1. There are times when people show you exactly who they are.

    This is one of those times.

    It’s up to the voters to recognize them accordingly.

    • Everybody here needs to stop bashing on citizens.

      If 2020 & 2022 proved anything, it’s that voter fraud is on a scale, never seen before.
      You can’t blame the voters when the majority of democrats know exactly how many ballots they need to stay ahead.

      2020, Michigan boards up windows so civilians can’t watch them count the votes they also “Stopped counting for the night and will resume in the morning.”(This is them figuring out how many votes they need to stay ahead. That’s why before they shutdown voting, Trump was winning House, Senate and presidency) Then, within the hour of opening the voting process again the next day,somehow Biden took the lead. This has never happened in US History. Ever.

      2022, look at Arizona, need I say more?

      Look it all up.

      Stolen by imposing a last minute confusing voting system(Rank Choice Bullsh!t.)
      It’s not the voters! So stop bashing your own team, it’s these liberal globalist that are destroying the world, 2 wars so far in 1 term, with WWIII Looming.

      Mark my words, they are building up the army for when they sentence Trump to prison and all his supporters have had it.

      They want to be prepared for this which is why they are training illegal immigrants and giving them full citizenship.

      They won’t care to arrest or shoot at Americans because THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS nor will they feel bad for doing it.

      They have no connection or history with the US.

      Peltola is one of them. That is why 90% of her supporters are anti-isrsel and Radical.

      She is a figure to speak to natives.

      She will turn them against us, the whole plot of the left is s culture war.

      Get blacks to hate white people.
      Get natives to hate white people.

      This culture,/race war is going as intended. We need unity among one another, not hatred.

      As civilians in this age, we didn’t do anything to one another. But the goverment will pit us against each other so they can impose on our freedom, 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment are the foundation of what makes our country great.

      But this goverment wants to strip that away.

      Their tactic is death by a thousand cuts.

      Love thy neighbor.
      Defend one another.
      Unify. Us against them. Not each other.

    • Everybody here needs to stop bashing on citizens.

      If 2020 & 2022 proved anything, it’s that voter fraud is on a scale, never seen before.
      You can’t blame the voters when the majority of democrats know exactly how many ballots they need to stay ahead.

      2020, Michigan boards up windows so civilians can’t watch them count the votes they also “Stopped counting for the night and will resume in the morning.”(This is them figuring out how many votes they need to stay ahead. That’s why before they shutdown voting, Trump was winning House, Senate and presidency) Then, within the hour of opening the voting process again the next day,somehow Biden took the lead. This has never happened in US History. Ever.

      2022, look at Arizona, need I say more?

      Look it all up.

      Stolen by imposing a last minute confusing voting system(Rank Choice Bullsh!t.)
      It’s not the voters! So stop bashing your own team, it’s these liberal globalist that are destroying the world, 2 wars so far in 1 term, with WWIII Looming.

      Mark my words, they are building up the army for when they sentence Trump to prison and all his supporters have had it.

      They want to be prepared for this which is why they are training illegal immigrants and giving them full citizenship.

      They won’t care to arrest or shoot at Americans because THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS nor will they feel bad for doing it.

      They have no connection or history with the US.

      Peltola is one of them. That is why 90% of her supporters are anti-isrsel and Radical.

      She is a figure to speak to natives.

      She will turn them against us, the whole plot of the left is s culture war.

      Get blacks to hate white people.
      Get natives to hate white people.

      This culture,/race war is going as intended. We need unity among one another, not hatred.

      As civilians in this age, we didn’t do anything to one another. But the goverment will pit us against each other so they can impose on our freedom, 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment are the foundation of what makes our country great.

      But this goverment wants to strip that away.

      Their tactic is death by a thousand cuts.

      Love thy neighbor.
      Defend one another.
      Unify. Us against them

      • Making excuses for incompetence is no defense.

        If you truly believe every election is already predetermined and the will of the people not reflected, I suggest you go build a cabin somewhere around Cantwell and hide from the world.

      • You have firmly established your self at the end of the end of the bell curve. Too much crazy for the crazies to weigh in, on a site where that is quite an accomplishment.

  2. Looks like we have our own “Home Grown Anti-Semite” right here in AK and, she’s our Congressional Representative. Now that we know, what should be done?
    – An apology from Mary, asking for forgiveness and repentance?
    – Return the $$$ with credit card like interest rates?
    – Does she return the $$$, then donate 10X or 100X from her own personal funds to Jewish causes?
    – Does she come clean with an honest explanation of her true intent, her true beliefs, what truely resides within her heart?
    – What exact consequence(s) does she experience due to this obvious carelessness?

    Maybe(?), there’s nothing to be done! … “IT IS WHAT IT IS” … And, she’s a newly minted member and, represents the 5th Member of the Anti-American // Anti-Freedom // Anti-Semite // Anti-Capitalism Radical Squad?

  3. Peltola is about as dumb a cluck as we could end up with for Alaska. We could have had better representation by pulling sone drunk out of a 4th Avenue bar.

  4. It’s hard not to be against the Israeli Government at a time like this. They are openly committing genocide openly trying to pay it influencers to spread their propaganda, Zionists have taken Israel hostage.

    • You need to loosen the tin foil hat. No blood is getting to whatever passes for your brain.

      But just for giggles since I’m bored. Got any real proof?

    • Bert Campbell is a good choice for you. A mentally deranged man with an equally dysfunctional family. He thought he could turn invisible.

      But Jay and Bob were often quite funny. So was Benson.

    • Bill, please, you really should go and get yourself a history book. You spout your propaganda as if its truth. Yet history of the middle east and especially Isreal does not agree with you. Hmmmm.

  5. It’s hard to be against the American government at a time like this. The socialist have put their agenda in place it’s going to be a struggle to set things back on track. Even when every thing the left touches implodes.

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