Peltola finally reveals that her town hall is by telephone only


It’s the Biden 2020 hide-in-the-basement campaign strategy: Rep. Mary Peltola earlier this month announced that at the end of August, she would host a town hall to hear from Alaskans.

Peltola’s August 9 announcement that she would have a town hall on Aug. 29.

This week, Peltola revealed the details — it will be a phone call town hall only:

“I’ve been traveling all over Alaska for the last few weeks, and one concern that I keep hearing from people is the high cost of energy. That’s why I’m holding a telephone town hall meeting this coming Tuesday, August 29, for all Alaskans to discuss this issue.”

In reality, Peltola was gone from Alaska for the first half of the month but showed up Aug. 16 at the Silver Salmon Creek in the Lake Clark area, at a invitation-only fishing event. Then she met with Biden officials who have been touring the state and attended a reception at the Kenai Classic, squeezing in fundraisers for her reelection campaign between stops, including one at a home on the shore of Cook Inlet in Anchorage on Thursday night.

“Register below and you can call in the comfort of your own home to ask questions and listen to updates on what I’m doing to make energy more affordable, accessible, and reliable in Alaska,” Peltola wrote in an email. “I can’t wait to speak with you!”

The telephone format allows her and her staff to control the meeting and eliminate any dissent or signage that might show up at a physical town hall.

To register for her telephone town hall, follow this link.


  1. So now she needs a special time and date in order to speak to a member of her staff. It must be tough being so important.

  2. There is something really going on here in AK. All the swamp creatures from the Biden Admin trickling in and out. Meetings held in secret, promises of money, campaign fund raising with the wealthy elite. Of course, Murkowski is in the thick of it. I have a feeling we’re being sold out.

      • Actually, Begich did tell his voters to rank red. Repeatedly.

        It was her holiness St Sarah of Wasilla who told her voters not to.
        Repeatedly until she got blasted for it.

        So another way to look at it, probably more accurately, if only St Sarah of Wasilla’s voters had ranked red…

      • No one knows whether Begich voters ranked the red.
        No audit trail for ranked-choice votes exists after the first round.
        Approximately 5% of ranked-choice ballots are matched with paper ballots in the first round to see if the machinery counts votes correctly.

        • Many of the voters for Nick, had an insidious hatred of Sarah, so instead of ranking only the red, they voted for a “blue” which blew our “chance” and gave us Petola. I think many NOW realize their mistake and I hope they NOW understand how NOT to vote in this “game of chances”.

    • I agree with your statements here. Considering that the Alaska DOT is accepting comments about how we can reduce our carbon emissions, Dunleavy supports ESG when the rest of the world knows it is a failing system, we get phakes from the big house showing up, we have two senators and a congressional rep that are selling us out, AND if anyone is involved with summer/winter recreational activities, you can see the focus is zeroing in on our “elite” athletes and less attention being paid to all athletes. Alaska is going down the drain and so many people are still asleep!

      • I don’t think it’s a matter of being asleep.

        It seems more a matter of so many people can’t be bothered to care.

        • Avenger: Living in Juneau hasn’t taught you that your vote is worthless? Personally, I was slow to accept it and never missed a vote for more than 40 years but in the end I had to accept that it had been a waste of time and that the local socialists were going to do what they wanted no matter how the vote came out.

  3. OMG she is so full of garbage it’s spewing out of her! She’s not a representative of Alaska…she’s an embarrassment!

  4. She’s fully endorsed Joe Biden. Slither slither slithering for all the Dark Money she can slither for.

  5. What a spin doctor!!! Flying here!!! Flying there!!! Flying everywhere!!! And now she’s holding a telephone townhall to conserve energy!!! What a damn lame excuse!! Is this a play from the Biden play book? Is she going to be in her basement for this townhall phone in? Is her townhall going to be on the radio or television for all to hear? Highly unlikely.

  6. It seems the Village Grifter is phoning it in once more. When issues have been addressed to her since Don’s death the only replies have been Robo-emails in reply. Sad sack excuse for an Alaska Representative.

  7. I hope one of the callers reminds her the high fuel prices were created by democrat’s.
    All the Native corporations supported Joe Biden and owe their shareholders and fellow villagers an apology for what they have done.
    The commercial Fisherman on the Yukon River have been completely shut down for three years and getting no help from the government. She will vote for billions more for Ukraine though.

  8. Two birds with one stone here for Mary.
    She (or more likely her staff) gets to pick who can ask a question and the topic of said question. I wonder if you have to submit the question during the registration, so they can prepare an answer for Mary.
    Also they get your phone number for their data base to hit you up for donations and propaganda later. Please notice the mentioning of “get to listen to updates on what she is doing”.
    Wonder how they handle the press presence for this “town hall”?

    • Third bird is Mary can record your call. (Alaska Statute 42.20.310).
      Since recordings can be engineered in wonderful ways these days, you’d be well advised to record your call too.

  9. She’s still smarting from having been exposed for not knowing how to use a spinning rod. She is a sham in every way.

  10. What kind of BS telephone call-in townhall is she trying to pull off? I want the number to call into when this phony townhall is supposed to go down. I didn’t see a phone number anywhere in the whole article or the place to sign in to register to participate in the call-in. I don’t want to give all of my info and wait to see ‘IF’ they call. Is she going to have a teleprompter in her basement for all of her calls?

  11. I understand she is 12th from the bottom of representatives not attending House sessions. What a waste. One gets what one votes for……

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