Pebble environmental impact statement released



The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Pebble Project has been released by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today.

The Pebble Partnership says that the plan shows the mine can be done in an environmentally responsible manner and that the draft EIS shows the plan has a “clear path forward for success in permitting the project.”

“Our preliminary review of the DEIS shows no major data gaps or substantive impacts that cannot be appropriately mitigated. We see no significant environmental challenges that would preclude the project from getting a permit and this shows Alaska stakeholders that there is a clear path forward for this project that could potentially generate significant economic activity, tax revenue and thousands of jobs,” said Pebble CEO Tom Collier. “I also commend the Corps for their comprehensive, efficient and transparent management of the process thus far.”

[The draft EIS and related documents are linked here]

The document is a draft that will be subject to public review and comment periods to develop the final EIS that forms the formal “record of decision.”

Pebble will develop its own comments about the draft after reviewing it, but Collier said that the first look at the document shows no major hurdles.

“Since this is our first chance to see what the Corps has evaluated, I fully expect a few bumps along the way before we conclude this process. This is what reviewing a draft is all about. While we have a lot of work remaining in front of us, this is clearly a very exciting time for the project as we have reached a significant milestone for Pebble,” said Collier.

In December 2017, Pebble submitted its application with the Corps to begin the process for permitting the 20-year mine development plan for the Pebble Deposit. The project has a smaller footprint, has no major mine facilities in the Upper Talarik drainage. It uses no cyanide for secondary gold recovery.

“We have stated that the project must co-exist with the important salmon fishery in the region and we believe we will not harm the fish and water resources in Bristol Bay. Now we have a science based, objective assessment of the project that affirms our work,” said Collier.

The mine has been a hot-button issue for Alaskans, and often comes into play during elections. The environmental industry has blocked it for years, and the Obama Administration put an illegal preemptive prohibition on Pebble advancing through the permitting process. That was undone after Pebble sued the Environmental Protection Agency.


  1. Great Day for Pebble. All the mistrusts have been proven just that. I admire leadership for not giving into the anti-pebble force. Maybe now Alaskan’s can open their minds from the lies of Pebble and
    prepare for high paying jobs, community enhancements, profit sharing, solid infrastructure. Management has declared NO CYANIDE on the property. Been proven Pebble and the fish can and
    IN FACT co-exist. Phil North shame

  2. Sound science says that a 2000 foot hole and 5 containment reservoirs filled with sulfuric acid will impact the groundwater…only a few miles from the rivers that flow with salmon.
    This is a bought a paid for review.
    And I’m sorry Robert Bird, but mining pays 3 percent royalty .
    While Bristol Bay employs over 14 thousand and produces 1.5 billion of world wide revenue for thousands of years to come… No, Pebble would not balance any budget …. it would only create a illusion that it may. It will be a superfund site down the road and we will have less salmon…
    Wrong Mine…. Weong Place

  3. Obviously, with the amount of other successful mine operations, cutting edge engineering, regulatory oversight, and a ‘CAN-DO’ attitude … This is a “Mega Project” for AK that would bring about countless dividends in a wide variety of opportunities for many generations. It’s a great opportunity to showcase ‘How-To’ work together towards a common goal so as to prevail successfully given the sensitivities.

  4. “potentially generate significant economic activity, tax revenue and thousands of jobs”—- I was wondering what environment they were impacting. “will not harm the fish and water resources in Bristol Bay” because earth dams never fail.

  5. Earth Dams while they are filling have the nasty habit of causing earthquakes or having catastrophic breaches. Other than that, Pebble should have approval by 2040.

  6. I would say that 95% of the pro Pebble people havnt read or will not read the 3000 page Enviromental Impact Statement just issued by the Corp of Engineers.Read the document before you make statements about this mine either way.There is too much at stake to just be a pro Pebble person.I know that the Corp will issue a ROD on this mine in a few years even though most experts will testify that this mine will cause damage to the water table,to the river and potentially to the biggest wild salmon system on earth.I read impact statements concerning large scale mines and this one is very scary due to the information that is not included by the owners.The Corp and the state will roll over on this project and the earth will suffer while a few will make some money.

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