Passing: Former Rep. Bill Hudson


Former Rep. Bill Hudson has passed. He died on Monday.

Hudson was a member of the Republican Party who served as a House representative for Juneau from 1987 to 2002. He also lived in Dot Lake, Ketchikan, Cordova, and Soldotna during his long life.

Born in Yuma, Arizona in 1932, he attended high school in Wallace, Idaho, and attended Columbia University and the Julliard School of Music. He attended officer candidate school and served in the U.S. Navy, and for 21 years in the U.S. Coast Guard, rising to the rank of Commander with 8 decorations.

He and his wife Lucy were the parents of nine children. His wife, who was a special assistant to Senator Frank Murkowski and Rep. Don Young, passed away in 2018 in Idaho.

Hudson was a real estate professional and business consultant in Juneau. In addition to his six terms in the State House, he was the director of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, served as the commissioner of the Department of Administration, and as director of the Alaska Marine Highway System.

Hudson served on the board of directors for REACH and the Salvation Army.


  1. Bill was a conscientious legislator, who listened to his constituents and always worked to find solutions. How business acumen and career expertise served him and the Legislature well. We have lost a good man. Lucy was also a gem.

  2. Bill was an accomplished man in many ways, he also was a very dedicated fund raiser for Don Young back in the early eighties. I remember him driving out to see me at my homestead seeking a donation for Don. He was persuasive and always a gentleman and would leave with a check. I am sad to hear of his passing.

  3. He was a true public servant who loved the state of Alaska and worked all of his life to make the state a better place.

  4. A great man, a great leader and great representative for his community. He officiated our wedding. Sad to hear of his passing. Godspeed Bill Hudson.

  5. Bill was not only a great legislator, he was a great father, great grandfather and a great husband. He was a great mentor to many of us that cut our teeth as legislators and he will be missed!!!!!!

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