Palin to headline NY Young Republicans fundraiser


The New York Young Republican Club announced the keynote speaker of its 108th annual gala as former Gov. Sarah Palin. The club’s Dec. 3 program hails Palin as a “history-making woman leader, GOP kingmaker and beloved ‘Mama Grizzly,’ Governor Palin’s maverick personality, spot-on political instincts and deep connection with “the silent majority” of American voters have made her one of the most influential women in conservative politics.”

The event is a black-tie affair at the Caldwell Factory event center in the West Chelsea Historic District of New York City. Tickets are going for $325 per person for non-members, $285 for members, and it includes a three-course meal.

Formally established in 1911, although with its roots dating to 1856, the New York Young Republican Club is the oldest Young Republican club in the United States. 

“As one of the earliest endorsers of President Trump, Governor Palin injected vital support and game-changing momentum at a critical juncture in the battle for the Republican nomination. Today, Governor Palin continues to fight for the millions of Americans that are often overlooked by Washington and the mainstream media. Drawing full houses and standing-room-only crowds, Sarah Palin calls upon all Americans—of all political persuasions and beliefs—to get motivated, get involved and join together to build a brighter future. Known for her meteoric rise from first female (and youngest) Governor of Alaska to first woman on the GOP presidential ticket, Governor Palin has captured hearts and minds around the world with her outspoken honesty, fearless principles and passionate personality. Recognized as one of TIME’s “100 Most Influential People” and Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful Women,” Governor Palin is also one of only 21 women on Smithsonian’s “100 Most Significant Americans of All Time” list. In election after election, her endorsement and the support of her political action committee, SarahPAC, are considered the gold standard for conservative candidates,” the Young Republicans wrote on their announcement.


    • Senator Murkowski needed to go back in 2003, just as soon as her corrupt and contemptible father passed his senate throne to her. You know, to keep it in the family.

  1. No matter how many times Palin faltered, she still has a heart after God. I was impressed when reading in her Going Rogue memoir her little childhood memory that since childhood she made the young very adult faithful tithe decision to put her a money into her home church plate as a little girl when only her family and closest relatives, friends, and neighbors knew her name. And God elevated her for her faithful spirit unknowing to her how high He would elevate her.

    • Or may be encouraged was a better word, another example how being faithful to God blesses one with more than the small blessings an atheist/agnostics works hard attaining for themselves. For the one with God, they are glad and happy when they have a little and when they have a lot; When they are going through sorrows and when life is going better the one with God is content and secure.

      • You must be joking right? What does she accomplish besides bringing down McCain’s campaign? Yes she was entertaining when she came out at the convention but dumping Alaska and stabbing Sean in the back isn’t doing the Lord’s work. God doesn’t work that way lady, he could but he doesn’t.

        • Sarah did defeat and deseat that execrable, astronomically arrogant and clueless, pathetic excuse for a governor named Frank Murkowski. I had nothing but loathing and contempt for that man! (And only slightly less loathing and contempt for his enthroned senator of a daughter).

  2. Lol. Is this a joke?

    A Heaping helping of desiccated leftover Turkey for the Big Apple.

    Seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Change my mind.

  3. Fake Conservative and attention seeker Sarah Palin?
    Does nobody remember how she stabbed Sean Parnell in the back and endorsed Bill Walker?
    Does nobody remember how she publicly called for Uncle Teddy to resign his Senate seat one week before his re-election attempt against Mark Begich, claiming it was “for the good of the state”…..when everyone knew that Ted was innocent of the charges being brought against him?
    Does nobody remember that during her brief term as governor she submitted 3 budgets that were all larger than the previous ones, while trumpeting that she was a fiscal conservative?
    Just go away Sarah….

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