Oversight? Assembly Election Office drags feet adding Mayor Bronson to official list of candidates

Mayor Dave Bronson gets his official paperwork stamped by the Municipal Clerk's Office on Tuesday. By Thursday, the office had not listed him as an official candidate.

Two days after Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson officially filed with the Municipal Clerk’s Office, his name still does not appear on the website for the official list of candidates, a website managed by the Clerk, who runs Anchorage Elections.

Others who filed for the March-April ballot for various seats, however, are listed on the website.

For instance, Jennifer Wingard filed for Girdwood Valley Service Area – Seat A on Jan. 24. She appears on the candidate list. Joseph Connolly filed for Glen Alps Service Area – Seat E on Jan. 23, and his name appears on the list.

Frank Angela filed for School Board – Seat F on Jan. 23. He’s listed. So is Patrice Higgins, who filed for a road service board on Jan. 24, and Kristy Hoffman, who also filed on Jan. 24 for a road service seat.

In fact, none of the other candidates who have filed seem to have been lost in the shuffle at the Municipal Clerk’s Office; Must Read Alaska checks the filings daily and has spotted no other irregularities.

In Anchorage, the City Clerk reports to the Assembly, and the Assembly is headed by Chairman Chris Constant, who is a foe of Bronson. That may be the reason that Municipal Clerk Jamie Heinz is taking the slow lane on Bronson — Constant and several other members of the Democrat-majority Assembly have backed former Assemblywoman Suzanne LaFrance. LaFrance filed for office on Jan. 19 and her name appeared within a few hours on the list the clerk posts for the public on the Election website.

Bronson filed in the middle of the day on Tuesday, Jan. 23. As of Thursday morning, he does not appear as a candidate. Friday is the last day to file for Anchorage offices that will appear on the ballot being mailed to voters on March 13.

As of Jan. 25, the Municipal Clerk has not acknowledged that Mayor Dave Bronson has filed for reelection.

This comes at a time when the Anchorage Assembly has recently passed two ordinances aimed at putting a chill on election observers.

One ordinance, passed in December, makes the creation of a fraudulent public record a Class A misdemeanor. It’s aimed at election workers and volunteers. But there is no mention of not making a public record at all, such as appears to be the case in the Clerk’s Office when it comes to not letting the public know the mayor is a candidate.

The other ordinance, passed by the Assembly this month, sends a chill down the spine of volunteer election observers, who will now be subjected to vast subpoena powers that the Assembly just granted itself with the intent of forcing election observers, who are often present on behalf of a candidate or campaign to ensure fairness, to come before them and undergo an inquisition. 

The two ordinances were designed to suppress oversight of the election process in Anchorage.

The oversight for elections will now primarily be the Assembly, with volunteers expressing fear that they might have to hire lawyers should they be subpoenaed.

And the Assembly chair, who is the direct supervisor for the Election Office, has endorsed Bronson’s leading opponent.

The mayor is on his way to Juneau on Thursday morning making the case to the Legislature for the need for funding for infrastructure like the port, and additional funding for homeless services. Must Read Alaska was unable to reach Bronson for comment.


    • Yes it was totally an oversight the Mayor did not fill out the form properly! How dare the clerks office not post a deficient application.

  1. Is there nothing that you won’t bitch and complain about ? It must suck being you, all of that negative energy manifesting itself. You are…Alaska’s favorite White Wine(r)

      • MA, I think he is talking about Suzanne pointing out the pettiness of our so-called leaders and their minions. So instead of addressing the issue, whiny white complains about the messenger.

    • Don’t get MA started, he has a beef with the devil himself and anyone standing in his way is likely to get mowed over. MA does seem to be very bitter indeed!

    • WW, aside from your implicit, arrogant and snarky racism, who the hell are you even addressing in your comment? Suzanne? Mayor Bronson? The man in the moon?

      As usual, we see here the triumph of radical leftist hatred, intolerance and arrogance over reason, logic and facts.

  2. Why must Constant stoop so low all the fing time ! He does not represent anyone but his pathetic self.
    Go MAYOR BRONSON !!!!!!!

  3. What I’m really laughing hard about is you have the illusion you might ever be smart enough to joust with me.

    That, frankly, is hysterically funny.

    Go home son, before you hurt yourself.

  4. The Assembly majority and their handpicked Muni Clerk need to be very careful diddling the upcoming election. If the rules don’t apply to them, they don’t apply to the rest of us either.

    Another way to say this is that the laws of physics apply to the political world. Problem is that the political world is a non linear, non Newtonian system, meaning that an action will not necessarily trigger an opposite or equal reaction. It might not trigger a reaction at all. Or that reaction might be much larger and more vigorous than the action. The only guarantee is that the reaction will be in unexpected directions and of an unexpected magnitude, taking us smartly into FAFO-land.

    Be careful, guys. Cheers –

  5. Of course they do! ANYTHING they can do to keep a person of reason off the ballot, they will do(legal or not). Anchorage citizenry, for pitty sake, WAKE UP!

  6. MA should of corrected this story. you can go to the Anchorage site and review Bronson’s declaration of candidacy forms. It appears he left his residence address off his Jan 23 filing. It was corrected on Jan.25 at 10:52 am. Maybe Bronson should of filed a little earlier. But conspiracy theories and hysterics are popular here.

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