Oil tax hike cabal shutting down operations


Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission and said it is shutting down operations.

The group had formed two years ago to put an oil tax hike on the ballot, but voters in 2020 once again rejected their efforts by a margin of 58-42 against the The Fair Share Act initiative.

The filing with APOC on Aug. 13 indicated the group has no further plans for the ballot initiative and is closing its campaign account.

(This story corrects the item in the Monday newsletter, which simply indicated the group had refiled with APOC.)


  1. One small victory. We’ll take it. 58-42 still amazes me that so many just want to shoot themselves in the foot, if that was an honest vote count.

  2. They all are heading over to the Bill Walker campaign. Walker attracts these kind of people……..and people like Byron Mallott.

  3. It’s about time! That organization could have done a lot of harm to our state. Hopefully those who started it will be viewed as trouble-makers, which they should be and ignored if they start something else!

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