The excitement is building for the Save America Trump rally, scheduled for Saturday at the Alaska Airlines Arena on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage. Former President Donald Trump will be the featured speaker on behalf of Kelly Tshibaka, running for U.S. Senate; Sarah Palin, running for U.S. House, and Gov. Mike Dunleavy.
Secret Service have been assigned to scout the city for dangerous types, and a few on social media might even be getting a visit from a law official or two, just to check on the nature of their social media threats.
Already, a few merchandise booths have popped up around Anchorage, with hats, shirts, stickers, and other Trump items for sale.
The man behind it is Antwon (Zakos) Williams of South Carolina. Once upon a time he was a supporter of Barack Obama, but when Hillary Clinton ran for president, Williams said he started catching on. He began listening to Donald Trump and found that he had to agree that black Americans were being manipulated by the Democrats.
Check out Williams’ swag store here.
Williams is in charge of all the official Save America merchandise booths at the rallies. He goes from state to state with the Trump organization, and has a close relationship with the former president.
But for this rally, the booths, tables, and merchandise were delayed arriving in Alaska due to the washout of the Alcan Highway last Friday. That put Williams behind in getting merchandise out several days before a rally. Usually the public likes to buy their Trump swag in advance, he said.

With the pressure of time, Williams’ pop-up shops were rescued by Trump supporter Donna Anthony, who runs a firearms safety business and has a fair booth tent that she loaned Williams until the official Trump ones arrive. Her booth tents say “Point Blank” on them, but they are the sanctioned Trump merchandise locations, awaiting the arrival of the delayed tents.
On the Must Read Alaska Show that was live on Tuesday, Williams advised people to get to the arena early — by 6 am — if they hope to get a seat. If they arrive at noon, they probably won’t get inside, he advised.
Watch the Must Read Alaska Show with Antwon Williams at this link. If you Like, Comment, or Share the podcast before 5 pm on Thursday, you could win one of three giveaways that Antwon is making available to Must Read Alaska Show audiences.
The rest of the advance team for the Trump rally arrive on Wednesday in Anchorage. Insiders said it will be a busy day for preparations.
Well that sucks I did not know there is a must read show????? Suzanne????? Time is flying by I hope we all get to see the president and our team. 5000 people only did the democrats build it??? It seems small ???? The man himself anchorage Saturday ALL support mr integrity. Thank you Suzanne team must read ma’am. Welcome to anchorage secret service.
Thank you Donna and all who can help what a heart look at our team here. Trampled ripped off and we are growing team trump integrity at its best. Team maga GOD and Jesus back us. Team of for and by the people one nation United under our GOD.
Part of me is secretly happy that some of our radical liberals here are getting visits from the Secret Service for their vitriolic online footprints.
Welcome to the conservative side. God Bless
conservatives love their swag
cool hope to see you all there…. it gonna be fun!
The world has changed before our eyes: the center has given way! Fanaticism has been legitimized and has laid siege to tranquility and common sense! The extremist are roaming around like madmen. It doesn’t take much to realize that they are charged up and angry. The show has only begun, so make way: the minions are on the loose!
Antwon, you are a bright man for working the swag. Deals like yours have been few and far between for those like you since Reconstruction. No one would blame you for cultivating the system!
Edit the last sentence to: “No one can blame you for cultivating the system: it beats the empty promise of being given forty acres and a mule!”
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