NY judge says he’ll set aside any jury decision that goes against the NY Times in defamation lawsuit by Sarah Palin


A Manhattan judge has said he’ll toss any verdict against the New York Times by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin today. The Palin case was brought after the Times editorial department tied mass shootings in Virginia and Arizona to a Sarah PAC ad that showed targets on certain congressional districts, and indicated that she was responsible for mass shootings.

Manhattan Federal Judge Jed Rakoff, who had already smeared Palin by announcing before the trial that Alaska’s former governor was “of course, unvaccinated,” said the newspaper’s 2017 editorial, “America’s Lethal Politics,” was a case of “unfortunate editorializing,” but that Palin’s lawyers did not prove that the editorial page editor acted with malice.

The jury, however is still deliberating the case, even while the judge has made a decision to toss it.

“I’m not altogether happy to have to make this decision on behalf of the defendant. I’m troubled by the fact that the erroneous edits made by Mr. Bennet reasonably could be read by many readers as an accusation that Ms. Palin’s PAC’s distribution of the cross hairs map was clearly and directly linked to the Loughner shooting … ” Rakeoff said, according to the Times.

If the jury decides to award Palin a win, the judge says he will simply set aside the verdict, but he expects the case to be appealed. The jury is due back in the courtroom on Tuesday.


  1. Hmmm? Can you sue a judge if you can prove they were compromised? Just sayin. I’m not a Sarah fan but this smacks of dirty dealing. I didn’t realize that a judge can just dismiss a jury decision without proving they were tainted. Welcome to Amerika.

  2. What a crock of bull!!! This is the problem with the rag news agencies, they get to run roughshod over anyone and get away with it, this spineless judge is nothing more then a Marxist sympathizer.

  3. Vote NO on retaining any judge…..EVER! The only way to stop this is by building a never ending treadmill of justices that have no time to be corrupted. Turn over the ballot to the back and vote on the judges the same you vote on the politicians. Or don’t I don’t care the system is broken.

  4. What a S#@@! Show.

    This judge puts himself above due process of law?

    He is making a wide open roadway to a Supreme Court Case.

    But, any Judge, no matter who he thinks he is, cannot override a jury decision BEFORE the jury decision is decided and handed out (and blatantly saying that is his intention if the jury doesn’t go his way).

    He should be in front of a jury of his own darn peers to defend his law license and fight for his freedom.

    Which, I imagine at worst is admitting himself into a cushy time-out session in an undisclosed federal facility set aside for the privileged.

    No wonder the chant of, “Drain The Swamp” continues to resonate with the everyday people.

    And Thank God.

  5. Well, at least he’s being an honest leftist political hack. Something already clear but now know for sure.

    It’s really sad when the law isn’t fair and balanced and about the rule of law & the Constitution. Far too many activists sit on the bench today.

  6. New York is the most unethical of all. I need a group of citizens to show the other citizens how to absolutely not to act like be like and run from. So GOD made a politician. Has anyone in New York noticed the Statue of Liberty has turned her back to you. No oath integrity mock GOD politicians do.

  7. Justice?


    We used to have a judicial system.
    Now we have a sub-committee of The American Socialist Movement.
    Why bother with the expense of trials when cases are determined by high-and-mighty party puppets before the courtroom doors are even opened?

  8. Oh, I get it, judge. …… Juries don’t matter. Federal judges can be stripped of their robe. Extra-judicial statements about a pending case before a jury renders a verdict is unethical. Lodge a bar complaint against this judge. Censure him. Put a poster size picture of him in the restrooms of all federal buildings.

  9. A political ad showing crosshairs placed on targets may or may not be inherently threatening, but when it’s sponsored by the fanatical Second Amendment Right, there can be no question that it is intended to intimidate. But of course those who sponsor such ads escape accountability, having learned well The Art of Plausible Deniability from the master himself, Donald J. Trump.

    • And so, of course, you sympathize with this rogue and sociopathic judge, simply because he is on “your side” of the partisan divide.
      “The ends justify the means”, and “winning at any cost”, are the hallmark of radical leftist power lust and sociopathy. You are sick, sick, sick.

    • You may have had a point to consider in your 1st paragraph if what you said was indeed the facts. From the 1st article Suzanne put out re Palin being accused of putting out an ” ad had depicted lawmakers with a gun target on them.”

      “The Times later made a correction and even acknowledged that it had mischaracterized an ad run by a political action committee, which had shown various congressional districts around the country underneath target crosshairs.”

      So no people were under target crosshairs. And it was reported (can’t remember where I read that.) that this tactic of using target crosshairs on congressional districts was/is commonly used by many democrats in that area of the country.

    • Nom, in your world does “cause” come before “effect”? Yes? So please explain how Trump had anything at all to do with this.
      “Crosshairs”? Please.
      Those are clearly the mapping icon for a “Principle Point” monument, as defined by the U.S. Geological Survey in this document. Using your words, “there can be no question that you are leaping to conclusions over iconography. But of course those who willingly do so escape accountability.”

  10. The definition of a Kangaroo Court. The similarities between the United States in 2022 and the Soviet Union in 1922 are impeccable. The sheer arrogance of the judiciary, who actually believe their own hype, with terms such as the “Supreme” Court, paired with utter incompetence and ignorance of the rule of law. The detached attitudes of the French nobility up until the eve of their revolution is repeating itself. We are unarguably in a lawless country that is self destructing, some type of insane national suicide.

  11. And people wonder why Americans have lost faith in our institutions.

    To decide he’ll set aside the verdict, but not tell the jury they are wasting their time is asinine.

  12. I’ve heard of this happening on many occasions. Makes one wonder why they would even convene a jury. Perhaps to present the illusion of true justice?

  13. Grounds for removal. No impeachment necessary. A simple majority in Congress can terminate the office and reinstate the office and fill the vacancy. Not that the reply will do that once they gain majority in house and senate after this fall’s election. That would be letting the cat out of the bag and eliminate their excuses for not pushing forward your agenda.

  14. Where is the Bar Association on this? Oh wait… NYC. Of course.
    What would the media and the left (pardon my redundancy) be doing if a Trump appointed judge pulled this?
    Hear that silence? That’s the sound of hypocritical crickets.

  15. This corrupt judge showed his disdain for miss palin right off the bat when she tested positive for corona. His comments should have disqualified him instantly. new York crooks protect New York crooks surprise surprise. Palin should have won the suit. The day of reckoning is near, large percentage of our media are scum.

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