NTSB sets hearing for August regarding January’s door-plug blow-out on Boeing 737-9 MAX


The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a hearing Aug. 6 and 7 on its investigation into how and why a door plug departed from a Boeing 737-9 MAX passenger jet during flight.

The NTSB conducts investigative hearings​ to assist in obtaining information necessary to determine the facts, circumstances, and probable cause of a transportation accident or incident under investigation and to make recommendations to improve transportation safety.

While the investigative hearing is open to the public, only NTSB board members, investigators, scheduled witnesses and parties to the hearing are allowed to participate. The hearing will also be livestreamed. The location and other details about the hearing will be announced in the coming weeks. 

The accident occurred Jan. 5, when a left exit door plug at Row 26 separated from the aircraft, operated as Alaska Airlines Flight 1282, at an altitude of about 16,000 feet shortly after departing Portland, Ore. en route to Ontario, Calif.

Following the loss of the door plug, which resulted in a rapid decompression of the cabin, the flight crew returned to Portland where the airplane landed safely. Of the 171 passengers and six crewmembers onboard, eight reported minor injuries.


  1. Alaska Airlines really screwed when the suits decided to continue flying the plane over land – as if a door blowout over land would not potentially kill passengers (oh wait, I mean “friends and neighbors”) or pieces of the airplane would not fall onto someone’s head. This illustrates the disconnect between the Alaska Airlines head-shed and people who actually know something about aviation.

    • What in the hell are you trying to say? It’s 92 statute miles from PDX to nearest saltwater. The crew did a very professional and proper job as evidenced by lack of major injuries or fatalities. People have absolutely no appreciation of what aviation is. You are taking off the ground and being hurled threw the air at 480 kts then these great pilots are slowing down and landing on 8000 feet of runway. You are sitting in an aluminum tube on top of 10.000 gallons of jet fuel at 34.000 feet. Very seldom do we have serious accidents due to great flying machines and excellent trained flight crew. Boeing is a great company with amazing and fantastic skilled employees. This American does not want boeing to go out of business. I do want all their airframe manufacturing and assembly back in house. Outsourcing sucks. Aviation is far safer than driving there is no question about that. All you ratchet jaws can shut up. There are risks to leaving your house in the morning. Air travel is amazing.

    • Interesting as Boeing and their production issues are all we hear about . Real simple math that ten billion passengers have boarded a Boeing jetliner in the United States in the last ten years with one fatality . Ever hear that on the news ? Nope and never will . You have to wonder why this isn’t clearly mentioned in the media . I think that the media is in lock step with WallStreet to drive Boeing stock down with misinformation. I also think the carbon crazies are trying to wind down the use of commercial jets as they are one of the largest producers of carbon on the planet . In America four million barrels of crude are used to refine jet fuel . And the carbon crazies are mostly flying their private jets around the planet wanting us to limit out carbon use . Keep screaming and you jerks may find yourself afoot . I rather doubt it , wishful thinking .

      It’s also sad and not well reported that Alaska Airlines flight operations kept this 737 in service when the maintainers wanted ground to inspect it . This is a huge story that should require the CEO to step down from the company . Yep , you’re fired ! Passengers had complained of whistling sounds sitting next to the loose panel and had asked to be moved to other seats in flight . Wow ! Pretty bad if paying passenger figured out there is a problem . End user found maintenance issues are really bad in an organization that promotes a safety culture . Really really bad .

  2. I can only imagine the sheer terror that those passengers sitting adjacent to that suddenly blown-out door must have felt; undoubtedly, many of them would have been convinced that the plane was in grave danger of crashing.

  3. O ya John Hancock nothing from that jet hit anyone. The suits ??? Wtf is that.??? You mean the fantastic flight crew?? The 2 pilots that kept a bunch of passengers alive?? They did absolutely perfect.

  4. Someone who has information on how the bolts were left loose or missing is out there. Maybe a large reward should be offered, enough to compensate them for the loss of their job. Obviously the required documentation was omitted, which does often occur, otherwise it would not be such a witch hunt. All maintenance is required to be documented on an aircraft, unless it wasn’t. If things were always done correctly, the case would have been solved. And did the United Airlines mechanic who changed the tire that fell off ever get the blame? No, it’s been assumed to be a Boeing problem. Must have been one of those lifetime tires, put on 20 years ago at the factory. How stupid do they think we are?

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