The latest vote count in the special primary election for Congress is just over 103,158 ballots received at the Division of Elections, as of 3:30 pm Friday. The last day to get your ballot postmarked is Saturday, June 11.
Keeping up with the door-knocking crew: About a dozen volunteers for Americans for Prosperity Alaska Action knocked on doors on Saturday afternoon to spread the word for Nick Begich for Congress. Their biggest discovery?
Tune into the Must Read Alaska Show on Monday at about 10 am to hear from Bernadette Wilson (pictured above) of Americans for Prosperity Alaska Action to talk about the state of the race. It will be live on the MRAK Facebook page, and posted midday on all the podcast channels.
Palin spotted: On Friday, Sarah Palin, who is one of the 48 who are running for Congress for Alaka, showed up at Evangelo’s restaurant in Wasilla to support the Charlie Pierce for Governor banquet and auction. Although she didn’t steal the show, there were lots of selfies afterwards. Over 60 people were at the event, including Sharon Jackson, running for Alaska House in Eagle River District 24.

Over the weekend, Palin was at the Swentna 11th annual fly-in, pictured above. She was there with dozens of other aviation and STOL plane enthusiasts.

Lisa Murkowski, Bill Walker spotted: In Cordova on Saturday, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and gubernatorial hopeful Bill Walker showed up with their plus ones at the grand opening and ribbon cutting of the Prince William Sound Science Center. Walker and Heidi Drygas were at the Reluctant Fisherman cafe for a meet-and-greet on Sunday morning.
Nick Begich spotted in Stuckagain: In Stuckagain Heights on a hot Saturday night, U.S. congressional candidate Nick Begich spoke about the problem with the Feds printing so much money, with about 25 people at a fundraiser in a private home, where there were plates and plates of homemade cobbler. Over 40% of every dollar in circulation was printed in the past two to three years, Nick said. This is a huge problem for the next generation.
Kelly Tshibaka spotted in Mat-Su: At the Mat-Su Seahawkers luncheon, and later a tour of Mat-Su Services, Kelly Tshibaka, candidate for U.S. Senate, spent the day in the Valley, ending it at the Church on the Rock for the Rise Above it rally, where she was guest speaker on suicide prevention and awareness.
Mike Dunleavy open house: Gov. Dunleavy and Lt. Gov. candidate Nancy Dahlstrom are having an open house at their new campaign office, which is the old Alaskans for Don Young office on Fairbanks Street, just off of Fireweed Lane. That event is on June 8, at 5 pm, hosted by John Sturgeon, chairman of the Dunleavy for Governor campaign. Must Read Alaska will attend and livestream, if allowed by the campaign.
Les Gara meet-and-greet: If you’re in Juneau on June 8, and want to meet Les Gara, running for governor as a Democrat, head over to Kim Metcalfe’s house in the afternoon, 5-7 pm.
Chris Constant barbecue: At a downtown home in Anchorage on June 6, a 5:3-7:30 pm fundraiser and barbecue for Constant for Congress will be hosted by Harry Need, Mark and Tom Begich, Austin Quinn-Davidson and Meg Zaletel.
(Apparently the Democrat Begich uncles didn’t get the memo that their nephew, Republican Nick, is running for Congress. Without Mark and Tom, Chris Constant would only have three hosts — two of them on the Assembly with him — for his barbecue?)
Tara Sweeney live: A Facebook live event with congressional candidate Tara Sweeney is on the schedule for June 8 at 4 pm, at this link.

Nick fundraiser on June 9: Over 100 people are hosts of the Nick Begich for Congress fundraiser on June 9 at the Manternach hangar in Anchorage. If even half of the hosts show up, the place will be packed with interesting people.

Al Gross spotted: Campaigning at the Palmer Ale House on a sunny evening on Saturday, sporting a sunburn and shaking hands … and going for the microbrew vote.

Democrat fix is in for Daniel Volland for Assembly: The Democrats convinced Anchorage voters to add another downtown Assembly seat. Little did they know it would most certainly go to a Democrat. Now, the Democrats’ candidate, Daniel Volland, has the endorsement of the politburo that engineered the 12th seat.
Why did they say this was going to be mail in voting for weeks. Now the pills are open for in person. Mix messaging.
Eliminate the mail in votes. Go in person!!
Well, You know those people who wouldn’t share that information. But, by online searching I found out the 2 local(Anch)places; only late opened on May 27 thru June 10. Search Absentee Early and in person voting locations. I did this upon receiving my ballot and found the very few local locations. 2 in Anchorage ;1 in Eagle River/Chugiak.
I’ll vote for anyone who introduces another bill to audit the Federal Reserve. That’s all the matters to me right now.
Begich was asked whether he would support an audit of the Fed. He said yes almost before the person asking could finish the question and gave a solid explanation. I saw him this weekend at a home in Stukagain. He knows economics very well.
I’m pretty sure NB3 would have liked to of spent quality time with His Uncles!
I recently voted “absentee in person” at one of the polling places I’ve voted in person at before. The log book for those voting “absentee in person” was smaller than I figured it would be, especially considering that numerous districts were all voting in the same place. Recently the USPS said that even though the deadline for voting by mail is the 11th people should get their ballots in by the 4th because the USPS is not a reliable means of sending mail.
Thanks to chump’s plant to destroy the USPS in favor of Corporate Welfare
Charlie Pierce endorsed Nick Begich I believe. How awkward for Palin to be there.
Many premature endorsements were made before new candidates entered the races.
Pierce Endorsed Begich BEFORE Palin entered.
Premature? No one knew Don Young was going to die. Begich got into the race when no one else was willing to do it. He has my household’s votes.
Palin is doing what she always does – political grifting.
Ask Lisa M. What her take is on Fuher Klause Schwab and other foreign plotters meeting in DC this week at the Mandarine Oriental Hotel and the threat to the nation’s sovereignty? Is she down with that globalist agenda?
I respect future elections, regardless of the outcome.
Al Gross campaigning that he is not a Democrat is laughable, he just ran as one against Dan Sullivan not that long ago. And Chrissy Constant won’t even make the final 4 but let him waste that campaign money. The clownshow is in full effect this election cycle.
How long did nicks team take in the boardroom to debate whether to use the word business man, or business person.. he’s woke and scared so he used the word person..
Roz, please take your head out of your butt. The man isn’t even close to woke. He talks straight. Had the best answer about men in women’s sports at the republican convention. Get off your couch and go talk to him.
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